Chapter 10

Harry Potter POV

After Harry collected his winnings from the betting office, he headed back towards his room. Not many people had bet on him, probably most of them familiar with the traditional initiation on the 200th floor.

Well, he couldn't complain. It was a good quote for a very successful bet; he effectively quadrupled his previous earnings, bringing his total funds over 1 billion Jenny.

Basically around 10 million USD or about 8 million British pounds. Quite the decent amount of wealth, he could retire here and with a few good investments relax for the rest of his life.

It's not his aspiration at all. Sure, a nice fallback plan, but this world wasn't that simple. No idea if it was a common occurrence, but there are multiple instances of existential threat to all of mankind mentioned or appearing in the story.

The money would still come in handy; who doesn't like being rich?

Still, retiring with a lot of money was of zero interest to him. He knew how big existence truly is. And he wanted to be more than a background character or non-existent in the bigger picture.

Arriving at his door, he entered his lavishly decorated room. For the Fighters of the 200th Floor, the Heavens Arena really spent quite a bit of money.

This time his room wasn't empty; someone was already in there.

And Harry would go to Azkaban if in this world was a Ministry of Magic. After all, he had now used the Unforgivables quite a bit.

Tough he only had practiced one of them on sentient humans. The Imperius Curse.

But he still practiced the rest of them on targets and even animals.

Harry completely shitted on the notion of something being dark magic. There was no Dark or Light Magic, just the intent behind it. Sure, some Magics were dangerous, even harmful to the User, but you could also torture someone with the Levitation Charm or tickling Charm.

"Good, you three are here." Harry said as he closed the door behind him, "I hope you were discreet?"

"Yes, my lord. We made sure to get here one by one." Gido replied humbly, completely under Harry's control.

Harry could feel how firm the curse had taken hold of these three. It would easily last one or two years without any further application.

With Sadaso's help, it had been easy to put the other two also under the Imperius Curse.

These three are weak-minded, perfect sheep to control with such a curse. He had no confidence that it would work on someone like Hisoka; at most, it would buy him a few seconds.

After all, the Imperius Curse could be thrown off by a strong-willed individual. But these three were already broken. No willpower or confidence at all with how they just target weak opponents in the Heavens Arena.

Sure, at some point the efficiency of the Imperius Curse would lessen as they begin to build up a natural resistance like Barty Crouch Jr. did; by that time, Harry had long left the Heavens Arena.

"Sadaso and Riehlvelt stay in the other room; Gido will get one of you once I am done with him." Harry ordered, as the two wimps began to move into the other room, it was really convenient that the rooms on the 200th floor were fully furnished apartments.

Harry cast a Muffliato Charm, ensuring they wouldn't be able to hear what was going on. He unfortunately had not much practice with the spell he wanted to use; he only practiced it on a few thieves that tried to rob him, and he didn't want to weaken his Imperius over the others if Gido was in pain.

"What do you need of me, my Lord?" Gido asked, completely obedient.

"I want to know everything you know about Nen." Harry ordered.

Gido instantly started to explain, "Nen, also often referred to as Aura, is a supernatural application of one's own lifeforce, manifesting in the form of different abilities—"

"Stop, no need to speak; I will see for myself." Harry interrupted him as he pointed his wand at Gido, "Legilimens."

Legilimency is quite the complex art. Harry had noticed in his previous attempts that it was far easier to get to the knowledge he needed by bringing it to the outer layers of the mind by simply mentioning it.

He was not even an adept in the art, based on Gido's reaction as he groaned in pain while Harry ripped through one memory after another as the man in front of him explored his newfound ability after surviving the loss of his legs.

Harry knew that true masters of Legilimency could do it wandlessly and nonverbally without being noticed by someone not practiced in Occlumency.

On the other hand, he was still far from such a level. But he would be getting better at it. These three would help quite a lot with it.

After a few more views of Gido's Memories about Nen and his understanding of it, he said, "Gido, you may join the others and send Riehlvelt in."

"Yes, my lord." Said the shaking man as he moved on his metal prosthesis out of the door.

Did Harry feel bad about what he was doing to them? Not at all.

All three of them attempted to have a fight with him, trying to cripple him by giving him his initiation. Even after his first match, if he had survived, the other two would have tried to force him into a fight.

Why should Harry feel sorry for them?

With his metaknowledge, he was aware of how the world truly was. Without the necessary strength or backing, you would be trampled over.

The old Harry Potter was too weak, too soft. He would have let himself be manipulated into being killed.

And he wasn't convinced that how the books and movies played out, it was actually Dumbledore's plan.

If the ring in the Gaunt Shack with the withering curse wasn't the Resurrection Stone from the Deathly Hallows, the man wouldn't have died.

What could have stopped him from stepping after Voldemort killed Harry and finishing the job to become the great hero again?

No, Harry wouldn't stay the same. These memories, that knowledge, changed him. For the better he believed.

"Ah, Riehlvelt! Thank you for coming; please close the door. Harry said, as he had his wand already ready, "Legilimens."


Harry sighed.

These three were an utter disappointment.

No wonder they were so weak that two kids not even having mastered the four basic principles of Nen could defeat them.

Sure, these kids had extraordinary backgrounds and plot armor, but all they could do at that point was protect themselves with Ten and hit harder with Ren, two of the basic principles.

Well, the three Fodder Characters barely had 'mastered' the four major principles.

They could use Ten to enshroud themselves in their aura, Zetsu to suppress it, and Ren to refine it. But that was pretty much the majority of their experience and knowledge.

All of that they had learned by hearsay from other Fighters on the 200th Floor after their initiation.

On Hatsu they were barely aware of the basics. Pretty much they knew what each Aura Type was supposed to do, and based on that they had developed their Nen abilities.

If Harry modeled it after Biscuit Krueger's Nen training—a Double-Star Hunter and future mentor to Gon and Killua, with her systematic approach to training Nen, particularly by structuring it into ten levels for each Nen type—they would barely manage to reach the second level in their own Nen type.

Besides Sadaso the other two don't even know any advanced applications of Nen. Sadaso was the only one who had figured out how to make his Aura Arm invisible with In.

Harry was already familiar with most of the theory behind Nen, including the advanced applications like Gyo, In, Shu, Ko, En, Ryo, and Ken, even the more esoteric applications, and he even had his own ideas and theories to supplement the gaps. He was confident enough to learn and apply them by himself once his Nen was awakened.

Unfortunately neither of the three knew how to awake Nen manually, it wasn't unexpected but still disappointing. Harry at least wanted to know what the regular method of awakening Nen was since it never appeared in the story.

The only thing he had about it was that it involved some form of meditation.

Since he wasn't sure whether there were benefits to that method, he had hoped to at least learn it before he awakened his Nen.

But this wasn't an option for him, so he could only go with the option of forcefully awakening his Nen without crippling himself.

"Sadaso, you are the most experienced Nen user among you three. I want you to awaken my aura without hurting me. Channel a light burst of your aura into me without hurting me." Harry ordered, carefully feeling for the hold on Sadaso's mind through the Imperius Curse.

"Yes, my lord." Sadaso nodded as Harry stood in the room, taking a relaxed position.

As the Palm of Sadaso's Hand came close to his back, Harry could feel a strange water-like force touching him.

"Here it comes." Sadaso's voice said, as a short painful burst went through his body. And everything around him changed.

Suddenly he was able to see the aura around him seeping out of his body like hot steam, thanks to the aura nodes in his body being opened, even the ones in his eyes.

And resolving one fear he had for a while now. His body was compatible with the powers in other universes. Tough, he wasn't sure whether it was for all of them.

Already knowing what he had to do next, he imagined his aura contained around him, making the powerful stream of aura leaving his body slow down.

"Magnificent, my Lord. You managed to form your ten shroud directly without any additional instructions." In his astonishment, Sadaso's own thoughts slipped through the Imperius spell for a moment.

Considering it takes most people at least days to get that far, Harry understood how he is feeling.

But this had been quite easy for him; after all, controlling one's aura depended a lot on a person's imagination, just like his magic. Most spells require a clear image to be cast successfully.

Harry had already guessed that he would have no problem with this step. Or maybe he was also a talent no less than Gon and Killua, who also were able to get this far instantly.

"Let's see if I can use Zetsu." Harry muttered as he began to get a feeling for the changes inside his body.

When he used magic, his mind guided the magical energy inside his 'magical core,' for the lack of a better term, through his wand. The wand acts as a focusing point for his spells, making the whole process easier.

Harry had already experimented with casting magic without a wand, but he had a hard time focusing enough magical energy in a short time to perform a spell.

He barely managed it with a weak Lumos.

His aura felt quite different; it didn't come from a singular spot, like his 'magical core.' Every fiber, every cell in his body was letting out a bit of energy. It was as if he was completely open.

As long as that energy wasn't too far away, he could control it. That's how he keeps it around himself to form his Ten Shroud.

These openings that let his Aura out were the Aura Nodes in his body. Now that his nen was awakened, he could clearly feel them.

According to the theory, all he had to do for Zetsu was to close these aura nodes.

First Harry imagined the closing of the gates around his hand, and he could see his aura vanish around them. A grin formed on his face. "This is easy."

Next he quickly imagined the opening again, and instantly the Aura began seeping out of his hands again while he kept the image of the Aura flowing around himself.

Now he tried it with his whole body, and his presence vanished. Now he felt the world around him more clearly. 'So that's why Gon used Zetsu to dodge Gido's battle tops.'

While his Nen shrouded himself, it was as if he felt the world normally. From what he knew, every human leaks a small amount of Aura naturally.

But Zetsu was different; it kept his aura inside his body. If an Nen user watched him directly, he would instantly notice that something was wrong since there was no aura at all.

The Aura is acting like a small screen of water around everyone, lessening the effectiveness of a human's senses. Without Aura covering the body, a person could access the full power of their five senses.

Right now Harry could clearly feel the fear forming in Sadaso. His perception of the connection he created with the Imperius Curse had also become stronger. As if that connection was a sixth sense.

"You and the two others may leave, Sadaso. I will contact you once I need something from you." Harry ordered as his aura reformed around him.

There was no need to test whether he could scare someone out of an Imperius Curse, yet.

"Yes, my lord." Sadaso said, his voice once again monotone as he hurried out of the room.

As soon as they were gone, Harry returned to work on his Ten and Zetsu.

( End of Chapter )


HP - DXD - HP - DXD - HP - DXD


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