Harry watched the giant cylindrical-shaped tower in the distance get smaller and smaller.
It had taken the airship a bit longer to reach the site of the third exam phase, probably because Netero had told them to slow down.
After all, Gon had kept challenging him until he managed to force the old man to use his second arm too.
Meanwhile Harry had spent his time recollecting the experience of the fight. And came to the conclusion that Netero is overpowered.
The man is rusted and still could easily beat him in a fight. The whole time he hadn't even used anything beyond his Ten to keep up with Harry, who employed his Aura from the start.
At his current level, Harry would be smashed to meat paste if he faced only the first arm of Netero's Nen Ability, 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva.
Well face on, he could block it with his Sacred Gear, but still Harry wasn't certain whether he could block all of them. Or they would break through his Sacred Gear's barrier; after all, it depended on his stamina.
There is no way he could face them head-on like Meruem.
The only reason he got the ball was because of his ability and by tricking Netero to think of his ability as the same as Morel's. A big part was that Netero had underestimated him and didn't expect it to have a space part too.
He had wished Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio luck for the next round in the Trick Tower, as they had to continue with the exam while he remained in the airship, now watching the tower disappear in the distance.
"Congratulations, I guess." A voice said from behind him, "Finishing the exam early is rare. Usually it happens only if a single participant remains."
Harry turned around to come face to face with Menchi. "Oh, thank you, Miss Single Star Hunter." He said with a grin.
"Oh, stop that! Call me Menchi."
"Sure, only if you call me Harry. And I am no Hunter yet. I haven't got my license. Harry replied as he looked at her.
"You will get it soon enough. With having Nen already learned, you even passed the secret exam phase. I am here to get you for Beans." Menchi explained as she indicated for him to follow her.
"Okay~" Harry laughed as he followed her, "So how did you become a Single Star Hunter?"
"What? You had enough information to recognize me as a One Star Hunter, but have no idea how I got it. She wondered as she looked at him strangely.
"Oy, I just got some basic info through an ability of mine. I can't exactly control how much info it is." Harry explained, which was technically the truth.
How much he had in his memories about an individual character was limited by the info in the story and accompanying materials.
"Then let's make a deal. I will tell you how I got my Star, and you tell me what you did to enhance the flavor of your sushi! She offered with a greedy glint in her eyes.
"Hmm, that doesn't seem fair. After all, gaining a star is something that you get for having done something noteworthy in a field, which is usually a public achievement. It shouldn't be too hard to find out. But well, if you promise to keep it a secret, I will tell you." Harry said amiably, It wasn't like she could replicate it. And if someone were to try to capture him for his magic, he could always teleport away with his Sacred Gear, even restrained.
"There is more in the world than just Nen. While Nen uses Lifeforce, I possess an additional source of energy that I can utilize. Let's call it Magic; it allows me to cast spells." Harry had his wand out and levitated a chair standing at the window to the outside; he noticed that Menchi was using Gyo to observe his spell.
"It really isn't Nen. How fascinating." She said as she watched Harry float the chair around, "And this allowed you to enhance the flavor of your food?"
"Yep, it's called the Inn Charm; it gets used in different magical culinary establishments. I learned it to make the most out of the ingredients I have around." Harry explained, casually dropping another bomb to her.
"There are more magic users with restaurants and other establishments? Is it in plural? Why haven't I heard anything about it? This sounds like a full society; something like that wouldn't be unnoticed by the Association." She pointed out not quite believing him.
"Not in this world."
"Wait. You know about outside? You are from Outside?" Menchi asked, even more shocked, "Is that why you are so strong? Are there a lot of unknown foods?"
'What a foodie…'
"Huh, you really are a capable Hunter. You know about that. But not like you are thinking. I am from further outside. I came to learn Nen, to give me an edge beyond my magic. Haven't set a foot on the outside you are thinking of. And yes, there are a ton of different foods you haven't seen. But it's time for you to hold your part of the deal! Harry pointed out grinning.
"Come on…" She pouted, "Now that I know more about you, it doesn't sound as impressive anymore. Well, I travel around the world to spots like Split Mountain and try to discover new ingredients like the spider eagle eggs. I created a compendium of ingredients on where to find them, how to gather them, and how to prepare them. It became big enough that I got my star one day. Although I still release a newer edition regularly."
"That sounds like a ton of fun." Harry praised honestly, "Well, I don't have any different ingredients with me. But I got some Magical Sweets from my home."
He pulled two packages out. While he had potion ingredients in his inventory and knew that parts of it were used in magical culinary, he had no idea how and didn't want to kill Menchi accidentally.
"What are they?"
"These are Every-Flavour Beans. They are like jelly beans but really could have every flavor, so be careful. It could be something normal like Melon or something gross like vomit. It's a bit more of a gag and a challenge than just a snack. He explained happily, "And that one is a Chocolate Frog. Be careful to not let it escape; it's enchanted to move."
"Thank you, Harry! I will enjoy them!"
"This card is your Hunter License. It doesn't look like much, but it contains cutting-edge anti-forgery security." Beans handed him his Hunter License.
Right now they are in the Hunter Associations Headquarters in Swardani City, where he gets his introduction to his license. The exam is still underway.
"Keep it safe! It has quite a few benefits. This license enables you to enter 90% of the countries in the world and 75% of the areas restricted for the public. 95% of the public services are free for you. Banks will treat you as if you were a high-profile company." Beans explained the benefits of the license, while Harry's thoughts began wandering.
Maybe he should take a loan and sell his license once he is ready to leave this world behind and go on a shopping spree.
He already knew that he should keep the Hunter's License safe. It's that valuable that there are people out there specifically targeting hunters to steal their license.
Adding another layer of having to be careful while using it, especially at your own home on the net.
Well, Harry had no real home in this world, so he wasn't in that danger in the first place.
Instead of actually listening to Beans, Harry was more distracted about what he should do now.
It's still January; he has more than a month before he has to return for the wand-weighing ceremony.
Of course he could wait around and visit the Zoldyck estate with the others to get Killua back if Canon was still on track. It should be since he already completed the exam and wouldn't affect how the final phases went off.
Still, there was nothing he could gain, beyond seeing how many of the testing gates he could open by doing that. He had no idea how they would react to an unknown Nen user entering their lands.
He could always return to the Heavens Arena or simply train by himself for the rest of the time. But it wouldn't give him a lot of benefits.
Beyond a certain level, simple training or limited fights in an arena wouldn't add a lot of experience or results to him.
Then there is the possibility of learning a craft, like blacksmithing or something. It would come in handy for his idea of replicating the Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon; he already confirmed that he could shoot the swords inside his inventory out of portals. Still, there were a few mechanical issues he had to solve first to make it really effective, like controlling them, getting the weapons back, or having any weapons that are worth the effort in the first place.
For that, learning to make them himself sounded like a good idea. But he just had a bit more than a month; it wasn't enough for any real progress in such a field.
Maybe his best move would be traveling the world to see more places for his teleportation, also going a bit book shopping for more trades with Jibril, while doing simple jobs to gain combat experience, like bounty hunts.
"…and keep working on your dreams! You are now a recognized Hunter!" Beans finished enthusiastically, not having realized that Harry had been distracted.
"Yeah, thanks! I will do that!" Harry nodded as he stored his license in his inventory.
On his way out he got stopped by Menchi, "So what will you do now?"
"Hmm, a bit of traveling while doing a few jobs." He replied honestly.
"Sounds like a plan to kill time." She chuckled before asking quietly, "Will you ever return to your homeworld?"
"Yep, that's the reason why I am only killing time. I will have to return for a few months."
"Damn, I wish I could go with you… but I don't have months to spare right now." Menchi sighed before drooling and requesting, "Bring me some of your world's unique food!"
"I didn't even say I could take someone with me. Still, I believe I can, although I never tried it. But sure, I will look into it!" Harry replied he could always ask the house-elves; they are experts in magical ingredients that can be used for cooking.
"Do you have a phone in this world?" She asked hopefully.
"Yep, let's exchange numbers!"
( End of Chapter )
HP - DXD - HP - DXD - HP - DXD
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