'Note to myself: A with Nen overcharged full-body bind against a defenseless person without any form of active power knocks them also out…' Harry mused as he watched the unconscious brown-haired boy drop onto the floor from behind his Death Eater mask, "Seriously… What's with the stick…"
Here he goes replicating the full Death Eater regalia to hide his identity in case someone sees him, and the perverted idiot is more distracted by his wand than the scary mask he transfigured based on the memories from his own movies.
At least he should have showed more reaction to it.
"Well, sorry, kid. This world doesn't need two protagonists. One is enough." Harry said towards the motionless boy on the floor.
Right now Harry felt rightful in his deeds; he had no interest in sharing his MC spot with a guy that gets power-ups from touching boobs.
And more importantly, the broken power to attract females of all races, just because of the powerful draconic presence in his Sacred Gear, allowing him to form a harem as originally an untalented pervert.
Since Harry would interact with the Supernatural World, he had no interest in being cucked by another protagonist, who has a cheat power that helps him get a harem.
Preferably he wants Harem Power for himself, so taking it himself while it's easy is just the logical choice.
And no major power had Issei with his Boosted Gear on the radar yet.
Rias and Sona only arrived 2 years before the story. Right now Issei is slightly younger than himself. Sirzechs or any other faction shouldn't have noticed him at this point.
Issei is nothing more than an easy power-up for Harry.
Harry conjured a few chains to shackle the unconscious boy onto the ground before squatting down and placing his hand onto Issei's right arm.
His Nen began to act; a dark purple force began to devour from Harry's palm: "Devour: Essence."
For a few minutes, nothing, at least visibly, changed; the ability just kept working while Harry didn't move his arm.
Already more time had passed than for the three Weaklings in the Heaven's Arena combined as a deep voice rumbled, "How dare you, Wizard! Trying to steal me from my rightful host! Your pitiful attempts to steal the Boosted Gear have no effect."
"Ddraig, right? Nice to meet you." Harry smiled as he kept his ability working, even though the Boosted Gear had materialized on Issei's arm.
A red gauntlet with a green jewel and two golden spikes resembling a Twice Critical Sacred Gear.
There was a moment of silence before the ancient dragon spoke again, "What are you playing at, Wizard? Why are you so calm? Your pathetic attempts at stealing the Boosted Gear are not working."
"I am not stealing the Boosted Gear. No interest in killing an innocent kid, even though he is probably a future sex offender." Harry replied calmly.
"What? Don't lie to me, Wizard! Then what are you doing? Taking a Sacred Gear always kills the Wielder; it's part of one's soul after all." Shouted the Red Dragon Emperor, enraged. How dare a human lie to him! The feeling coming from the boy's power is clearly a suction force.
Even if the Boosted Gear was not budging.
"Oh, I know. Like I said, I have no interest in killing Issei here. And my control is nowhere close enough to have the ability to split a Sacred Gear from a Soul. So I am not targeting the Sacred Gear." Harry explained as he kept going, his hand not moving.
There was nothing Ddraig could do while Issei was taken out.
Even if he was awake, he wouldn't be able to free himself. The boy was too weak, and the awakening was forced by an outside force; it isn't a natural one.
"Then what are you absorbing? I can clearly feel the suction even though the Boosted Gear isn't reacting!" Asked the Red Dragon Emperor, now confused.
"Isn't it obvious?" Harry asked, "I am absorbing you. He can keep the Sacred Gear in its twice Critical state. Got no use for it."
"That's impossible." Ddraig replied blankly, not believing him at all, "No mortal as weak as you could unseal me from God's artifacts. That bastard was powerful and a genius. There is no way you could remove me from his prison!"
"Unless I had a power similar to your Doubling and Transference or Penetrate. If that was the case, I wouldn't need any deeper understanding of a Sacred Gear. Like, for example, a Longinus-based ability I developed that can absorb anything." Harry replied as the Black Purple Energy had spread from his hand over the whole Boosted Gear.
"What are you planning to do with me? My soul will dissipate if it doesn't have a container! Will I get my body back?" Ddraig asked with a bit of hope in his deep voice.
"Ah, sorry, you seem to have misunderstood something about my power, Welsh Dragon. It's not the power to extract, not entirely at least. It's called Devour."
"NO! STOP THAT HUMAN! I AM GOING TO BURN YOU TO ASH IF YOU DON'T STOP AT THIS MOMENT!" Suddenly Ddraig was back in his complete rage mode; the anger of a dragon was no joke. Luckily, this was just a trapped soul.
"You seem to have realized it. But it's too late. Thank you for not resisting the whole time while being more worried about the Boosted Gear. The process has been smoother than expected. Now Ddraig, your soul, abilities, and knowledge will become part of me." Harry announced as the Boosted Gear had begun to glow red, but the dark purple Aura had devoured the light.
Ddraig had been too distracted in his assumption that he was trying to steal the Boosted Gear that he didn't realize his Soul had only awoken because it had begun to be pulled out of that Gauntlet.
As soon as the process finished, Harry could feel the change. He could now clearly feel his own soul; it had become much stronger.
Even if his ability only allowed him to assimilate 25% of the power, this soul had belonged to a heavily dragon.
Although he had no idea how it really affects his strength.
He hadn't absorbed Ddraig's Flesh and Blood body, but only the soul. The physical strength and similar were all inside the body, which he didn't know where it was.
Still, he had gained all the abilities of the Red Dragon Emperor and is able to use them to his body's limits. The true idea behind his Nen ability was working to gain any power he wanted. Nen in the Multiverse is broken.
Harry could sense that his soul had turned into the one of a dragon. If his guess is right, it should slowly strengthen his body and enable it to use the natural Draconic abilities.
That effect should be stronger than just by possessing the Boosted Gear; it was, after all, his own soul that now contained 25% of a Heavenly Dragon Soul.
Even his magic should get stronger, since it was related partially to the Souls power. There are many other changes he instantly noticed.
His thinking capabilities had vastly improved, so had his senses towards the magic and the energies of the world.
He could now clearly see, yes see, the small piece of Voldemort's soul inside his scar.
Seeing that Issei was waking up, the Boosted Gear, no, the slightly better Twice Critical, had vanished from his arm. Maybe it's a triple critical now?
Harry pointed his finger at Issei. "Obliviate."
A small portal opened below the brown-haired boy and his bike and dropped the pervert unceremoniously in an empty alley, close to where he had taken him from.
Another portal opened, and Harry was gone from the Abandoned Church he used for this short excursion. The place where the Welsh Dragon died.
His body was really becoming stronger.
The Forgefire Draughts he used for training became less effective as a body approached its peak potential.
Early on, they significantly amplified the results of any training, delivering remarkable benefits. However, nearing the limits of human capability, their impact diminished drastically—improving effectiveness by less than a percent. Pushing beyond that point became an expensive and inefficient process.
After months of training, he had reached a point where the potion only improved the effect of his training by 5%.
But now with his Draconic Souls strengthening and changing his body, it was almost as if he was starting out again.
A few days after effectiveness reduced slightly, it was once again back up.
Telling him that his body was constantly improving.
He wasn't sure exactly what was happening to him, since all of this is kind of experimental, and something like this didn't happen in the original story. His best guess was that he was somewhat becoming a human-dragon hybrid.
"HARRY!" A female voice cried out from the Great Hall's entrance as he returned from his morning jog around the Black Lake.
Moments later, a human-sized projectile crashed into him, wrapping her hands around him in a bonecrushing hug.
"Where have you been? Are you okay? I am so sorry, Harry. I believe that you didn't put your name into the Goblet; I just couldn't find you. You were gone before I came back to the common room with breakfast. Please stop avoiding me." Hermione cried into his chest, clinging to him as if she feared he would disappear if she let go.
"Mione… Don't cry. I am not mad at you." Harry replied as he patted the girl's back soothingly. He was now absolutely certain that she wasn't at all like Ron. These feelings are genuine.
"But you left without even speaking to me. All I got was a short note that I don't have to worry." She kept crying, "The professors questioned me, and I had no idea where you even could have gone to."
"That's the reason why I had to leave so abruptly, without telling you. My whole life has been dictated by someone else. I had to take control of it!" Harry replied calmly, not letting the girl go, while wandlessly casting some privacy charms.
Magic has become far easier to use since eating Ddraig.
"The professors, especially Dumbledore, just want to protect you!" Hermione said worriedly, probably that he would leave if she didn't agree with him.
"Do they really?" he asked with a small grin. "Think about it. Every year at Hogwarts my life has been in danger. Yours too. Just remember our first year: the protections around the Stone could be bypassed by three first years. I realized it already back then, but think about how specific they were!"
Hermione frowned; right now she had an expression on her face that made clear she was thinking, "Sure, there are some that were perfect for us. The Keys with the wings, you could bypass with a broom, a giant chess set for Ronald, or a logic puzzle for me. But what about Fluffy, the Devil's Snare, and the troll?"
"I got a flute for Christmas from Hagrid. To be honest, I never wanted to ask if it was a coincidence since the truth could hurt my friendship with him. Isn't the Devil's Snare obvious? Who is a Herbology prodigy in our year?" Harry asked.
"Neville! Are you saying that they even planned your friendships? How would they have known about me?" Hermione asked, baffled, "And it doesn't explain the troll!"
"Well, I believe so. Or Mrs. Weasley seriously broke the Statue of Secrecy at our first meeting at Kings Cross. She loudly talked about Muggles back then; that's how she gained my attention, and I met the Weasleys." Harry explained honestly; he doubted a lot about his friendship with Ron; still, he doesn't believe all the Weasleys are in on it. "Also, the protections for the stone were only set up after Christmas. The true protection always had been the mirror. I don't think it was fully set up before. As for the Troll, we already had experience. I believe Dumbledore let it intentionally bypass the wards, even the second one that attacked you. He isn't above risking the lives of his students. The second year also proved that."
"What would he even accomplish with that?" Hermione now clearly far more uncertain.
"Well, I can't tell you much, since there are mind readers around. Snape and Dumbledore, for example. I deduced there has been a prophecy, and Dumbledore indirectly confirmed it. It may say that I won't die until a certain condition is fulfilled or because of the Blood Protection on me. The reason why I had to be abused for more than 11 years by the Dursleys." He stated dryly.
"MIND READING?" She shrieked before her brain caught up with the second part of his statement, and tears began again to form in the corners of her eyes, "You were abused. Oh, god. I am a bad friend. I should have known it…"
The tone in her voice was absolutely empty; he had never seen her like this. "Hermione, it's not your fault! I didn't tell anyone and hid it!"
"Harry, you don't get it. My Parents as Dentists are Mandated Reporters! They taught me early how to recognize abused children and always encouraged me to tell them. I should have known!" She now wailed, "Your jokes. No, I thought they were jokes about how they would be disappointed that you didn't die. Oh, God. This is horrible."
His sudden loud voice shocked her into silence as she worriedly glanced around.
But nobody was paying them any more attention.
"I cast some privacy charms. But you are right; we should go somewhere else. Come, Mione, let me show you where I am staying." Harry said as he took her hand and pulled the still devastated girl with him, "But don't tell anyone."
( End of Chapter )
HP - DXD - HP - DXD - HP - DXD
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