The True Origin of Sonic

"What happened to you???" Natsu cried in shock.

I had changed physically after regaining the memories of my childhood with Wendy, before joining the guild. I remembered how I lost my memory and moved zones thanks to my speed. This was my true human form.

Lucy: "What just happened?"

Leon: "This is incredible."

Me: "Well, I'm..."

Hibiki: "A Mobian?"

Everyone was stunned by what Hibiki said, but he was right—I am a Mobian.

Gray: "A Mobian, you say?"

Hibiki, being an intellectual mage, summoned a yellow screen with floating keys to explain his statement.

Hibiki: "Mobians are humans with the ability to transform into a specific animal. For Sonic, it's a hedgehog. They are born in animal form, but upon reaching maturity, they can revert to their human form and vice versa. I believe that day has come for Sonic."

Erza: "So this is Sonic's true form?"

Me: "Exactly."

Sherry: "But why have we never heard of this?"

Me: "Because we come from another planet called Mobius."

Everyone except Hibiki: "Mobius?"

Lucy: "So, you're from another planet?"

Me: "Yes."

Gray: "Wait, but how did you get here?"

Me: "Before taking on this form, I had a memory gap regarding my childhood and origins, but now I know. I used a portal ring."

Everyone except me: "A portal ring?"

Me: "It's one of the abilities of Mobians. By using a quarter of our magic, we can create a magical ring that teleports us to a location we think of. And that's exactly how we're going to find Wendy."

After my explanation, I closed my hands, and suddenly, a light shone from within them. When I opened my hand, a ring the size of a small band appeared in my right palm, which I showed to the others.

Natsu (amazed): "So that's a portal ring?"

Me: "Yes. You just throw it while thinking of the place you want to go, and the portal opens. I think I can track their location using my sense of smell."

I started sniffing the air around me, closing my eyes as I walked. Soon, I caught Wendy and the others' scent. An image of their current location formed in my mind. I threw the ring, which expanded and displayed an image of a waterfall with a cave behind it.

Me (opening my eyes and pointing at the portal): "There's their base, where they're holding Wendy and the cats."

Unlike Natsu, who sniffs until he finds the enemy's hideout, I can pinpoint the exact location and the target's current movements.

"Follow me!" I said, jumping into the portal.

Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Leon, and Sherry followed me.


Wendy's POV

I woke up in a dimly lit cave illuminated by two torches. Around me were three members of the Oración Seis along with their leader. It seemed the others were guarding the cave entrance. I wasn't tied up, but I saw Carla and Happy unconscious. Worried, I tried to wake them up, but only Carla stirred. The leader approached me.

???: "I'm happy to see you, Wendy."

Me: "Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

Brain: "I know you very well, Sky Priestess. For your information, my name is Brain. I'm the leader of the Oración Seis."

Me: "Why did you kidnap us?"

Brain: "Because I need your help, Wendy."

Me (nervously): "M-my help?"

Brain: "Yes, I need you to heal someone for me."

Me: "What makes you think I'd help you?"

Brain: "You can't refuse, and in fact, you won't."

The situation was growing tenser. He wanted me to heal someone, but who? Happy began to stir, but I didn't notice because Cobra and Racer brought in a cross-shaped coffin wrapped in chains, as if to keep something inside from escaping.

When they opened the coffin, I was shocked by the person I saw inside. Even hearing their voice would have been enough for me to recognize them. It was Jellal.

Looking at him, I saw wounds and blue cracks running across his body, as if he was about to shatter. Tears began streaming down my face—I couldn't believe it.

Happy: "Is that JELLAL? Did he survive the Tower of Heaven's destruction?"

Brain: "That's correct. But he's sustained numerous injuries and has been in a coma ever since. Wendy, you're the only one who can save him."

Carla: "Wendy, don't do it!"

I was confused. I didn't know what to do.

Brain: "Would you let the person who saved your life die? After everything he's done for you?"

Happy: "Don't listen to him, Wendy. If you heal Jellal, he'll cause even more destruction than before."

Me (shouting): "Enough!"

The cave fell silent after my outburst.

Me: "Sure, Jellal is a criminal, but he's still the one who saved me, and for that, I'll always be grateful. Even if he's a danger... it's my duty to help him."

At that moment, I stood and approached the coffin under Brain's sinister smile. I began healing Jellal, and his wounds started disappearing. Once he was fully healed, I collapsed to my knees, crying and apologizing to Happy and Carla.

An explosion echoed outside the cave—it was Natsu, Sonic, and the others. They had come for us. I was overwhelmed with joy to see them, especially Sonic. Seeing him reminded me of the important place he held in my life, a memory triggered when I saw Jellal.