Target and Promise
After the awakening of Nirvana, we all headed towards it. We hadn't heard from the members of Blue Pegasus, and Wendy, Carla, and I were still separated from our friends. Something was pulling me towards the tall tower in the center of the city.
Me: We should head to that tower in the middle of the city.
Carla: Good idea, from up there, we could see the others.
Me: Alright, let's go.
I was about to run but got blocked, and my momentum stopped. I looked at the sun; it had already set. Oh no, I'm about to transform. The purple light emitted from my stomach, covering me. I started groaning in pain.
Wendy (frightened): Sonic, what's happening?!
My size grew, my gloves ripped, my color darkened, but the tips of my spines were white. My teeth grew even longer, and I had turned back into my hedgehog-werewolf form, just like every night. Wendy and Carla were shocked by this scene; they didn't know about my nightly transformation.
Carla: What happened to you?
Me (rubbing my neck nervously): Oh right, I absorbed a magic that transforms me into a hedgehog-werewolf every night.
Wendy: But are you alright?
Me: I'm fine, I'm just slower, and I can't turn back into a human until sunrise. Anyway, we don't have time to waste.
I wrapped my right arm around Wendy and Carla, pulling them with me.
Wendy and Carla (surprised): Whoa, what's this?
Me (pulling them closer): Oh right, I'm also elastic.
Carla: Are there more things you're hiding from us?
Me: I think so, let's go!
I used my left arm to swing through the air like a monkey, heading towards the tower. We were almost there when I felt someone stroke my fur.
Wendy: By the way, your fur has gotten so soft, it's really soothing.
Me (a bit embarrassed): Well, you'd better not fall asleep.
Carla was strangely silent, and I noticed she seemed worried.
Me: Are you alright, Carla?
Carla: Yeah... it's just that I have a bad feeling.
When we reached the top of the tower, we saw Natsu and the others below. I grabbed them with my hands from above, and they were accompanied by Leon, Sherry, and Jura.
Gray (mockingly): Well, well, lovebirds, were you having a moonlit date?
Me (rolling my eyes): Ha ha, very funny, exhibitionist. At least I don't leave Jubia in doubt.
Gray: No, I don't leave her in doubt.
Lucy: We don't have time for this, we need to find a way to stop the Oración Seis. Oddly, they haven't shown up.
Happy: Maybe they gave up when they saw it's just a city.
Me: Actually, Nirvana has been moving since the beginning, you know?
Lucy: Ah, so that's why Natsu's been feeling off.
Lucy had been carrying Natsu on her back since they arrived here.
Wendy: Wait, I think I have a spell for that.
She placed her hands on Natsu, and a green light appeared.
Wendy: Troia.
It was an enchantment that prevented dragon slayers from experiencing motion sickness.
Natsu: Wow, that's amazing, I feel great!
He hopped around like a child.
Me: Well, it's good to know you're okay. But wait, why am I fine when you didn't use the spell on me?
Wendy turned red at the question.
Wendy: Well, I think it has something to do with what happened this morning.
She covered her face in embarrassment.
Me: You think the kiss I gave you while you were asleep gave me the effect of the Troia spell?
Wendy (surprised): Wait, you kissed me while I was asleep??
Me: Oh don't worry, nothing bad, and it was with tongue, I'd even say that for your age, you're quite good.
Wendy crouched down in the corner of the balcony, hiding her face from us.
Me: Anyway, what do we do now?
Carla: Wait, something's wrong.
She walked towards the direction where Nirvana was moving.
Carla: This can't be possible!?
Natsu: What's going on?
Carla: Nirvana is heading towards our guild.
Me: Cait Shelter.
Wendy: They're going to destroy our guild. We can't let them do that.
Natsu (angrily): Don't worry, Wendy, I promise we'll save your guild.
Brain: Well, I highly doubt that.
The voice came from behind us. It was Brain and Cobra, standing on a building above us.
Natsu: Bastards, what do you plan to do?
Brain: Don't worry, I plan to destroy the Nirvite territory with their own weapons before taking over the world with the power of the Jupiter Cannon.
All of us: The Jupiter Cannon??
Again, the Jupiter Cannon? That same cannon that turned me into a hedgehog-werewolf.
Brain: Don't worry, you'll be the first to see the Nirvite territory destroyed before you die, ahahahaha.
Natsu (charging at them): You think we'll let you do that?
Cobra (blocking his strike): I can still hear you.
Natsu: You again, this time I'm going to avenge Erza.
Natsu fell, but Happy caught him, and it was the start of an aerial battle between Natsu and Cobra. Jura also began fighting against Brain.
[Time Skip]
Natsu defeated Cobra, and Jura defeated Brain. But that didn't stop Nirvana, which had reached its destination. The cannon at the center began charging. I had an idea, but it was still dangerous.
Me: Guys, do you trust me?
Lucy: What do you want to do?
Me: I can't stop it, but I think I can weaken it by absorbing the energy like last time.
Gray: Wait a minute, that energy gave you that form, didn't it? Imagine if you absorb more, you might never return to normal at sunrise.
Me: Maybe, but I can't just stand here and let my home be destroyed.
I started to move but was stopped by a hand—Wendy's.
Wendy: I'm coming with you.
Me: What?
Wendy: From now on, I'll follow you, no matter the danger. I can't, and I don't want to let you take risks alone anymore.
Me: But…
I was interrupted by her finger on my lips.
Wendy: Don't forget what you promised me.
She lowered her head. After a few seconds of silence, I stretched my hand to take Carla and Wendy, then headed toward the edge of the cannon.
When we reached the edge, I told Wendy and Carla to step back 20 meters. Then, after a deep breath, I started to absorb the waves of energy. The taste was bitter, very bitter. At one point, I choked and collapsed. Wendy ran towards me, but I raised my hand to signal her to stop and back away. She didn't need to worry; I was fine.
I kept absorbing without stopping. The size of the orb shrank but continued charging. I felt my strength increase as my magic power grew.
But then the worst happened—I fainted due to the magic overload. I saw the laser shooting towards the village, but suddenly I saw something intercepting the shot. It was the Cristina. The Cristina threw itself at the shot, which pierced through it and veered off, grazing the main building of the village where the Master was. That was the last thing I saw before closing my eyes.