Beginnings and Ends (6)

Kodak walks into his room and looks at the pictures of his family, his father Shiro was missing, his mother was brutally killed, and his sister was sexually assaulted, and killed.

Kodak grabs a remote and presses a power button, a television in his room lights up and the news comes on with a Japanese woman with brunette hair.

"At 4:30 pm, yesterday Friday afternoon. Two women were found dead in the household of the Kawanari Family and viewing the security footage from the local neighborhood. We that name of the killer."

Kodak's eyes widen and his anger amplifies immensely.


His thoughts began to run wild, he wanted to murder this man in such violent ways that even serial killers wouldn't even dream of doing.

Kodak's body tenses. His hands are tightly squeezed on his shoulders, and his feet curl into the ground, digging into the floor.

"I'll kill him."

He muttered to himself. His eyes then went from their normal brown color to a violent shade of red. Kodak then feels a dark sensation in his body and he hears a voice, it is deep and psychotic. But the most important thing he heard was one word being repeated.


The same words continue to overlap repeatedly, becoming louder and louder until Kodak feels his head becoming light and passes out on the floor.

Kodak slowly opens his eyes and finds himself in a place filled with nothing but the dark.

Two figures appear behind him: a blonde-haired woman in a white dress and a muscular black-haired man in a black outfit that seems damaged from some battle.

Kodak ignores them and begins to walk through the darkness.

"Hello! Jin-San... Ashiro?"

He calls out, hoping someone will answer, but he is ultimately met with the silence of the cold darkness.

He sinks to his knees and his breathing starts to get rapidly faster and he begins to hyperventilate. His eyes look around frantically and he then hears his sister's voice.

"Why did you let it happen."

Her voice was cold and harsh. Kodak tried to get up and run over to hug his sister, but she dodged him and pushed him to the ground. 

Kodak's knees strike the ground and his face smashes into the ground.

"Akuma, what do you mean?"

Kodak confused, pondered why his sister was harsh and cruel to the one person she cherished.


Her voice echoed through this dark dominion, Kodak heard the words pulse through this unknown place. 

Then it hits him, the reason she was yelling was because of how she died.

"Oh, that. I know that I wasn't home for a while but I want to kill that bastard at any cost!"

When she approached Kodak, he backed away, fearing what this twisted version of his sister would do.

"S-S-STAY BACK!" Yelling at Akuma, afraid of what was to become of his fears and nightmares.

She disappears and feels a sense of relief, but that moment is shattered. Akuma grabs Kodak by the throat. His breath is shortening, and his airways are closing up fast.

"DON'T LIE YOU BULLSHIT EXCUSE FOR A BROTHER!" Her voice echoed once more & it was so terrifying that it sent Kodak into a mental breakdown. His eyes begin to tear up as he feels his life slipping but he grabs her arm.

"L-L-let go you bastard!" He said, trying to muster any words through despite the position his sister had him in.

"(What?)" She looked at him confused, but before she could plan her next move, Kodak's body began to emit a dark and powerful energy. Akuma felt her grip slipping as he broke out of it and swept her legs.

He grappled her entire body, mainly around her lower body. She tries moving but he tights his hold on her even further and moves his legs slightly to the right, causing her to feel one of her legs almost break,

"ONE MORE MOVE AND I'LL BREAK YOUR FUCKING LEG!" Kodak's voice was vicious and aggressive, it was like he disregarded his sister's well-being and was about to injure her brutally.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Akuma struggles even further but Kodak feels this and snaps her leg immediately, She shouts a roar of pain while looking down. Her left leg was completely snapped off the bone and she was bleeding out onto the dark ground.

"I warned you."

Kodak releases her and kicks her in the face, ruining her facial structure. 

"I thought it was my sister, but you're a fake. THE REAL AKUMA KAWANARI WOULD NEVER SAY THAT SO DON'T YOU DARE TAINT HER REPUTATION, YOU BASTARD!" This fake version of Akuma looks up and sees Kodak emitting a lethal amount of that dark energy. 

She smiles, and smoke appears around her, and changes into a different person. A man with pale white skin and dark red hair dressed in a white kimono with a black withering flower design on the back of his outfit. The pale man begins starts fading into thin air. But before he faded away he spoke a few words that echoed powerfully, so much so that Kodak felt it touch the depths of his soul.

"Get stronger or I'll prove why I'm the king. So, please don't let that thing that killed Akuma and Dal-Hee, become ruler of the new world to come."

The man then disappears and Kodak scoffs at his words.

"I refuse to let that happen."

Kodak feels his senses screaming out for him. He jumps up to dodge the attack coming from the man dressed in black he saw earlier.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Kodak yelled out of frustration before running at this attacker. He threw a punch and the impact from Kodak caused the ground beneath to crack slightly, but this man didn't budge.

"Is that all? If you think this poor usage of destructive battle arts is enough you're dead already."

He instantly punches Kodak in the back, slamming him into the ground, the dark place they were in was instantly shattered, and Kodak coughs up blood, painting the floor red.

"(What the hell was the strike?! His strength was so immense that this dark energy was barely enough to protect me.)"

Kodak struggles to get up from the shattered ground. The impacts left by their strikes begin to disappear, and this dark & mysterious place seems to heal itself.

The man in front of Kodak then smiles at their battlefield healing itself.

"Impressive, although this is a very lack luster domain. You can heal the damage done by our destructive arts. My name is Kuroi Fujiwara, what's yours!"

Kodak tried to process what Kuroi had just said. Domain, destructive battle arts? Nothing made sense, but he didn't care, and his concentration increased.

"My name is Kodak Kawanari, the last of the Kawanari bloodline." 

Kuroi looked at him confused and slightly disturbed.

"W-what d-did y-y-y-you just say!"

His voice trembled and he struggled to string words together, which confused Kodak deeply.

"You good?"

He asked Kuroi, slightly feeling weird about his opponent.

"Who killed them, was it Jashi or any of the revenant killers!"

His voice screamed through the dark domain, it was heart-numbing and made Kodak unexpectedly cry.

"(Why am I crying?!)"

He suddenly clutched his chest, it felt tight and his heart ached badly so much so that he fell to the ground in pain.

"W-what the hell are you doing to me!"

Kuroi then walks over to Kodak and leans into his ear.

"The Kawanari family and the Fujiwara family are-'"

He then abruptly stops as the woman dressed in white from before warns Kuroi.

"He can't know about the Fujiwara bloodline yet."

Kodak looks at the woman, confused. Then he looks back at Kuroi, his face showing affection for her.

The woman then diverts her attention towards Kodak.

"Hmm, you're not as bulky as the other Kawanari descendants, but your muscle definition is addictive."

The woman continues to look at Kodak, observing him until Kodak turns slightly red and jumps back.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Yelling at her out of embarrassment, Kodak puts up his hands, ready to fight anytime.

The woman's attitude goes from easy-going to apologizing very rapidly. 


Kodak looks at the woman rolling all over the ground, desperately trying to apologize to him.

"W-what is going on?!"

Kodak then looks at Kuroi and points to the woman with his thumb.

"What is she doing?"

Kuroi looks at her unfazed and chuckles a little under his breath. Then he starts walking over to her.

"Don't worry she's just having a moment. I'll go calm her down."

Kodak looks at Kuroi in disbelief.

"Is he going to calm down that? And how is this just a moment!?"

Kuroi then speaks to the woman.

"Kiko-Sama, please calm down."

But she continues apologizing rapidly and rolls over the floor faster.

"I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

A vein of slight anger bursts through Kuroi's forehead but he takes a deep breath and calms his emotions.

"Kiko-Sama, CALM!"

His voice echoed throughout the domain, Vibrating. Kodak and Kiko then felt a sense of clarity and peace. Their emotions calmed down immediately, like an eye in a violent storm. 

"(His mere words calmed me?! What else can he do?)"

Kodak thought to himself. Kiko then stands up and dusts her dress off.

"Where are my manners, My name is Kiko Fujiwara. What of yours?"

He replies quickly.

"Kodak Kawanari."

Kiko looks at him surprised and whispers to Kuroi.

"Guess you weren't kidding when you said he looked kinda weak."

Kuroi smirks and brags off to Kiko.

"Well, what did you expect? He's a bitch."

Kodak hears what Kuroi says and jumps at him, tackling him to the ground.


Kuroi forces him off and yells right back at him.


A loud clap can be heard from Kiko, her body was covered in a purple aura. The room begins to shake, hinting for Kuroi and Kodak to stop their useless brawl.

"Did you forget our main objective in bringing this boy here? Or do I have to repeat myself!"

Kuroi looks away shamefully. Kodak smirks but Kiko snaps her attention to him.

"What's so funny Kawanari-San!?"

Kodak shuts up once more and the room becomes silent.

Kiko calms herself and looks towards Kodak, diverting her attention towards him.

"Anyways, I should tell you why we brought you here Kodak."

He immediately looks at Kiko, wanting to know why he is in this dark domain.

"The reason you're in this place. It is because Jashi, the leader of the revenant killers is possessing bodies of random people and is plotting something, He's also the reason your mother and sister were violated and then killed."

Kodak's face tries to remain calm but his body begins shaking angrily.

The domain begins to crack, Kuroi moves in and strikes Kodak with his palms.

The energy emitting from Kodak was subsiding and he calmed down.

"What the hell was that Kiko?! What is my body doing right now!" Demanding what his own body was going through.

Kiko sighs a breath of slight annoyance and speaks upon it.

"You are on the verge of unlocking revenant."

Kodak, confused asks what revenant is.

"What the hell is revenant?"

Kiko stands up and suggests that Kodak should walk with her. Kodak reluctantly follows.

"Revenant is the power source of someone who has negative intentions or experiences suffering. Your case, however, is both. Do you remember a voice telling you to kill someone or the fact that you're randomly overpowering your opponent?"

Kodak continues walking with Kiko and thinks about what she said.

"(So that's why I was able to overpower that group at school, my father, and why I completely shattered Azar's right leg.)"

"So you're saying this happened cause I possessed negative intentions along with the fact I've had to deal with the suffering of my dead family members."

Kiko nods her head and looks up into the dark-filled sky.

"Kuroi has sealed your revenant for now, but if you have another traumatic event in your life or harbor ill intentions for your benefit. It'll release a fixed amount of revenant from your body gradually, Thus you'll gain extraordinary abilities, but if that happens you'll be pulled into this place again to train the basics if you can't master just those. I'll dispose of you".

Kiko licked her lips; her tongue was like that of a lizard. Kodak smiled and then unexpectedly laughed out loud.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I have never met someone as cocky as yourself Kiko-san. Fine then, I'll make a bet, if I can't master the basics then I'll let you do whatever you want. Sound good?"

Kiko's hands begin shaking, and her face blushes bright red. She moves her hands across her body, squeezing her legs between them.

"I've lived for thousands of years ~Kodak-Kun~, Do you know what I want?"

Kodak looks at her suspicious of her intentions and questions her.

"I want to tie you up and use you as some fucking toy for the years to come!"

Kodak blankly stares at her and shrugs.

"Sure, but if I beat your expectations and master the basics in less than a year you'll teach me how to use my destructive battle arts effectively."

Kiko looked at Kodak surprised by his proposal.

"Fine, I'll even sweeten the deal and get rid of my lust and love for you."

Kodak immediately shakes her hand.

"Nice doing business with you."

Kiko scoffs at him.

"(This boy is even bolder then that damned Kenji Fujiwara.)"