Knock some sense into him

Kuyo stood in front of a cashier, with 7 yakisoba buns, and 650 yen in his possession.

After all, he couldn't refuse the order he was given to buy them, especially when he was face to face with the innocent devil.

However, in a way, he was avoiding the danger, although temporary.

Cashier: Kid, you're short on money, and a lot of money at that.

The cashier interrupted Kuyos train of thought, and returned the money to Kuyo, while keeping the yakisoba buns,as,if to stop him from stealing them.

Kuyo was fully aware of that. Each yakisoba bun cost 400 yen, and since there were 7 buns, it would cost him 2,800 yen. He was still 2,250 short.

Kuyo started sweating and fidgeted around, unable to reply to the cashier. Until he heard a voice in his head.

'If you were a real friend, you would've done this without a second thought.'

He sighed, and pulled out his wallet. He ended up paying the rest with his own money.

'Cause if you aren't, then that would make you-- OUR ENEMY!'

Kuyo knew very well that he had no choice in the matter. After all, he wouldn't regret becoming an enemy to Morikawa.

The walk back to the group was uncomfortable.

Kuyo: ( I want to run away from then, but I can't! I know they'll find me, they always do.)


Kuyo then got a flashback, to a time when when he was at home. He never told anyone where he lived. So imagine his suprise when those guys found his house late at night. When he stepped away from the window, they started throwing stones at him.

He waited until they stopped, which they did. However, to his horror, he heard another sound hit his window. But it was heavier, and less... rock-y.

He found a dead cat on his window sill. It's tongue was also cut off. Another message to the silent boy.

The memory of that evening remained in his mind like gum to a shoe.

Like gum to a shoe.


He feared that maybe he'd suffer the same fate as those animals if he ran away. Though, there was no turning back.

When he got to the group, he gave them their yakisoba buns with open arms, but it was all pointless.


Bully 2: Are you r* or something?! We asked you for Melon Bread!

The second bully pushed Kuyo to the ground, along with those yakisoba buns.

Kuyo: ?

He was sure they asked for yakisoba. What was up with them?

Bully 2: You can't even follow basic instructions! You must be r*!

The bully started stepping on those yakisoba buns, one by one. Kuyo could only watch him in confusion and utter disappointment. 2,250 yen... gone

Until he noticed a slight grin escape from the second bully' face, and the devil who appeared had something to do with it.

Morikawa: Kuyo, what happened? We clearly told you to buy us melon bread and you got us yakisoba buns? Was the melon bread too much? Or did you ignore it altogether?


Morikawa: Which is it? How could you betray our trust like that?

Kuyo: ... But you said to buy yakisoba buns.


Morikawa gave a slap that could be heard by the whole group. Everyone stood in silence.

Morikawa: What has gotten into you, Kuyo? Are you saying that I'm lying? You're doubting me, your own friend?

Kuyo: N-No-


Morikawa stood up with a look of disappointment on his face.

Morikawa: A real friend wouldn't do something like this.

Kuyo: That's not what it's like-

Morikawa kicked Kuyo down.

Morikawa: Yes. It's obvious now...

What Kuyo feared most was about to happen.

"We're... enemies."

A tear escaped Kuyos' left eye. He tried to speak, to refute Morikawas claim, but the words couldn't leave his mouth. However, a tear also rolled down Morikawas eye.

They were now 'enemies', and the fate of all Morikawas' enemies was about to fall onto Kuyo.

Morikawa: Boys, knock some sense into him.

The bullies cracked their knuckles and surrounded Kuyo.

Kuyo: Wait! Please don't!

Morikawa: It's too late.

Morikawa walked away slowly and a smile appeared on his face.

Kuyo: (What?)

Kuyo got distracted and was punched by one of the bullies. From that moment, it was clear what was going on.

Kuyo: (They lied?!)

Kuyo, with an angry look on his face, stood up.

Kuyo: What the hell!


Everyone looked at him with a blank stare.

Morikawa: Looks like the mute has learned how to squeak.

Kuyo: Morikawa!

He got punched again.

Morikawa: That was good news and all, but you're annoying. Hey guys, let's shut him up.

The smile that escaped Morikawas' face must've meant that he wanted to let Kuyo return to his quiet self, but they had a different meaning.

Kuyo then tried to punch on of the bullies, surely to escape his fate, but he was pushed down and pinned to the ground.

Kuyo: No, no, no....

He got punched.

Again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

That was the worst beat down of his life, and the one who was responsible wasn't even there.

Kuyo sat there, battered and bruised. He had all his things taken from him, without even his dignity left behind.

Kuyo: I should've realized earlier, especially when I saw that disgusting smirk.

Kuyo looked up at the sky and crows flying around as if they were vultures.

Kuyo: Heh. So they would've beaten me up regardless of what I could've or would've done? Heheh...


The crows fled at the sound of the boys scream. He couldn't feel the pain of his injuries, but the matter of his hopelessness shattered him.

And it was a whole other kind of pain, one that can't be removed easily. That was truly----

Kuyo: Damn it!

----utter despair