Waking the next day I went to sort out the loot from the gang base. Entering the small room I had put it all in, my inner loot goblin smiles at the gold, coins, fancy Galaar and the rest of the items from the ganger bodies.
Totally it all together I had,
3 heavy blasters
14 blaster rifles or carbines
8 blaster pistols
assorted gas canisters and energy cells
A small pile of undamaged armor
The contents of the safe
And some miscellaneous items that could be useful or expensive.
Taking the gold and coins I started counting my haul. 243 peggats, and 13 small gold bars equaling a bit over 10000 republic credits. I could now consider myself well off on Tatooine.
Storing the money in a safe in the small office of the shop I put 43 of them in my bag as I had some things to by after selling the armor and weapons. Restocking the blasters, ammunition, and armor in the cart I return to the shop I had gotten my gear from. Selling the items I found some items I needed and traded for them as well.
I walked out of the shop with 400 peggats, holsters for my pistol and carbine, and ammunition for all my weapons.
Stopping to think of what I needed for my plans, I remembered a shop I had seen while hunting gang members. Heading to the shop I found plenty of things I could use as it was a droid shop with used and junk droids.
Most droids were over 250 peggats but there were 2 types that weren't, GNK and pit droids. I bought a gonk for 12 and a pit droid for 230, using the rest of the peggats on me to buy parts and 3 broken pit droids.
Putting the gonk droid in the cart wasn't very hard and the rest were just pieces and small pit droids. As I was unloading the droids in the ex-junkyard I heard raised voices inside the main room. I walked in to find three wannabe pirates with one aiming their blaster at Shmi. As I walked in and over to them the other two drew and pointed blasters at me. Stopping between them and Shmi , I give them the most intimidating glare I could.
To them I was probably terrifying, a man standing at 7'6, heavily armed and armored looking at them like he was going to rip their insides out and strangle them with their intestines.
I took a step forward while drawing my pistol and carbine (basically a normal sized pistol for him) and took aim at them. Seeing this one fumbled with his pistol and the others beat it towards the exit. The one fumbling finally stopped and took aim pulling the trigger. It was fully automatic and blasted his into the ceiling with only two shots striking me. As soon as he took his shoot I had already put three shots in his chest, dropping his smoking corpse to the ground.
I'd gotten lucky with his shots as one hit the edge of my chest plate and the other singed my shoulder in between my neck and shoulder plate. Removing the burnt cloth I could see badly burnt skin. Shmi had gone to storage and gotten some bacta patches that were left over from Watto's ownership of this place.
Sitting down for Shmi to apply the patch I instantly felt cool spread over the injury. Thanking her for the help, I began asking who they were. Apparently their gang had moved in after I destroyed the other gangs headquarters and wiped out the rest of them to gain this territory for themselves.
I now knew another thing I had to do, once I had the funds I had to take territory of my own. Doing this would require at least 50 combat droids or similar units.
I exited the shop and found the nearest shop and bought a small blaster pistol for Shmi as I had realized she had no way to defend herself till I could had security bots in place.
Giving her the pistol I head back out to set up the droids and fix the three damaged ones. Fixing the 3 pit droids wasn't to hard and I finally got the three lines running as one pit droids used a auto assembler to make the parts for a blaster. The parts would go to the next line and be assembled into proper blasters.
Picking up the blaster I now held a newly made CR-2 heavy blaster pistol. Dispite the name it was more of a sub-machine gun in blaster for. I had spent roughly 100 republic credits to make this blaster and I could sell it at around 600 credits.
I now had a steady income as long as I could continue getting the materials. Looking at the materials I saw the few things I hadn't melted down along with the left over parts from fixing the droids.
Gathering all the things I put them on a table I had dragged from the shop. Looking at the parts I had multiple ideas as to what I could make with them. It was the that I remembered the probe droid the iden versio had used.
Looking over the parts all I would need was to put them together and make a small blaster. Doing so I now had a crude but heavily armed and armored probe droid.
The little the was a bit smaller that a basketball and had three arms. One had a scanner I had thrown together, one a blowtorch, and the last the small blaster I had built for it.
At this point it was the middle of the night and Shmi had been gone for a few hours so I decided it was time to quit and set the droid on a patrol route around the junkyard and through the shop with a ten minute break to help recharge the large battery every hour.
A few hours into my sleep I was startled awake be blaster fire. Jumping out of bed I grabbed the DC-15A and slam the door open and find 7 gangers in the shop all focused on my little droid as he fired at them.
The slam of the door caught the attention of some and they turned. As they did so I'd already raised the blaster and begun firing at the whole group. 5 of them dropped in the first sweep of plasma bolts and the sixth fell to my droid. The last shot at me but seemed to have aim worse than a stormtrooper as he hit nothing but the wall behind me.
Gunning him down I take in the seen, 7 body's on my floor and burn marks all over. Setting my rifle down I start looting and cleaning the shop. I dragged the bodies outside and tossed them in the middle of the street. They would probably be gone tomorrow morning.
With things clean I made sure the blaster making was still going and checked the small droid. Afterward I went straight back to bed.
3 days later I was ready to start a new assembly line for creating the small probe droids as I didn't want to build more by hand as I now had 5, three ah been set to guard and patrol the building and workshop outside. I had designed a smaller and more powerful unit to protect Shmi and little ani. The last was as large as a basketball and had 5 arms, adding 2 manipulators so it could assist me with my work.
I now needed to sell the first shipment of CR-2s but I had no idea where I could sell them as I was already selling them from the shop. At this point I remembered some other things I had found in the gang safe, papers I had never gone through. It was pretty stupid to have not done that in hindsight. Finding the papers I began reading through them, finding what I had been hoping for.
The location of the black market wasn't hard to find, as I entered with a crate I was stopped by some guards and a protocol droid. They asked what I was here for and I told them what I was selling.
A few minutes of waiting and a fancy looking alien arrived and looked over me, my droid and my crate. "Are you selling individually, as a whole, or enter the auction?" He asked while pulling out some kind of dataslate.
Entering the auction would potentially make more then doing the other two or could make less and be a waste of time. "I'll enter the auction."I told him as he tapped away at his slate. 3 hours later I was in the back of the auction watching things be sold. The auctioneer finally announced my weapons crate and stated the price at 620 peggats. A few minutes later I walked out with 780 peggats as a man representing a large gang from another city bought them.I now had what I needed to get a third production line running.
One week later the third, and a small forth had been built. These lines were for the battle droids I would be making. I had already designed them and the looked a lot like the Titanfall Spectre automated infantry.
The probe droid line had been updated to make the most of the parts as I now had 30 of them, and the third line would assemble the pieces which would then become the full bot on the forth line.
They would be equipped with the CR-2s and I would make another two lines to build a sidearm for them. Having done all of that and started the lines I then readied myself for combat. In this week I had used my probe droids to find more gang bases and hideouts. I had found 4 in all and I was planning to hit them all in one night, cleaning out the nearby area.
The next day I got up tired and sore, it wasn't hard to wipe out the gangs and I had gotten plenty of loot. The problem was that one of the gang members had thrown a thermal detonator at me. I had caught it and thrown it back but the building had partially collapsed and I had been hit by debris. I now had a broken rib and wrist that where wrapped and had bacta patches on them.
I had gotten plenty of blasters and armor in the loot and could arm my specters with them and melt the armor for some additional material, which I had plenty of as Shmi had set up an entire supply line for certain things.
I had also gotten plenty more money and I already new what to do with it. Buying the land and building neighboring me I began the expansion of the wall to the building. Having this space was good as I now had a place for building something away from prying eyes, as what I was planning would make me a galactic superpower if I could do it and implement it right.
(Timeskip 5 months)
It was now little Anakins 1st birthday and Shmi had invited some of her friends and even some family to the party as she had found Cliegg Lars a few days after she began working for me and had had a small wedding a month ago. It was a nice break from the partially slow days a had started having. My project was nearly finished and I had to train in its use now.
I had expanded the lines and had used the spectres to take over most of the gang bases in Mos Espa. Entering the second building I was greeted with the magnificence of my project. My new personal power armor stood in the middle of the room surrounded by the other projects I had created in order to make it.
It was beautiful, an 8 foot tall suit of armor that resembled a mix between halo mjolnir and 40k space marine. Powered by a miniature fusion generator on the back and had a shield generator that resembled the SH-32 shield when activated.
With all of this done I felt like I was ready to expand. I quickly designed and programmed a new droid to be built that could handle management and command other bots in order to move into new city's and start my new expansions.
4 days later I had started receiving reports of success from my manager droids and had purchased the building neighboring the second and put in new assembly lines. Having done so I was ready to begin the next phase of my plans.
To make an army.