chapter 19: Lance

'Are you going to stay hidden there all night or come out? As you can see, you suck at it , so it's stupid to still hide .'

I said as I looked to my right, more specifically the shadow of some trees from which a woman would emerge and after leaving , the shadows dissipated, revealing an woman with white hair , gray eyes and a long silky white hair.

despite her appearance and the fact that she wore a white uniform , it was easy to notice her well-trained body, but the most noticeable thing was how cold her mana feels .

" i was looking for the person you just killed ." The woman said in an emotionless voice, as she approached with a caution eyes on her face.

There is an elf standing behind her will it makes my work easer"I guess you'll take care of the elves, right? If so, I'll leave." I said as I turned to leave but the woman voice stoped me.

Varay Aurae, of Code Zero , is one of the six lances of Dicathen , She is one of the two lances that represent the kingdom of Sapin , She is considered the strongest among Lances during the war , yes that what i fucking need another Kathyln "sight". 

" you didn't stop me so i suppose he isn't important " I replied, the thing is I was the one who allowed her to sense my presence and follow me but just to confirm something. 

" I need to ask you to surrender your self or I'll force you to " she asked as she conjured an ice sword and started to walk towards me.

" mmm till me did i do something wrong , or you just want to ask me questions if it the former I'll answer but I think you know who behind this and can't do anything about it and wanting something to relieve your anger on or maybe because the person who did this shares the same last name as one of the lance" i said while smiling walking towards her and augmented my body, I didn't lit her see my face or hear my voice, i changed them with magic and a mask the moment i sensed her .

Lances are a group of powerful individuals chosen by the monarchs of their race to receive a powerful artifact handed down by the previous kings and queens. These artifacts were previously given to the lesser races by the asuras, to allow them to grow in power. The individuals who receive them have silver mana cores, but the power of the artifact allows them to break into the white stage.

" who are you and how did you know about the lances" she said in a cold voice and lowering the temperature of the surrounding.

" me ? I'm just a nobody , a man who didn't borrow his power from someone else " I rippled mockingly .

" i need to finish this quickly before she can go all out I need one strong hit and immediately back away , because I'm still not strong enough for a head on fight " i thought to myself.

I promise this lances need to be humbled they think they are stronger by the fact that they have a higher mana core color it's the same as saying i have more muscle mass than you so i will win in a fight no matter what , they don't think other things matter like experience or knowledge of the opponent.

" what do you mean by that " replies the ice woman, " yes sure , say the dog in a collar " i said to her . 

The tip of the glacial cold ice sword extended and passed just a mere centimeter away from my eye, severing a lock of my hair as I stepped to the side. Varay's grey eyes focused on me, twitching in a thinly veiled look of annoyance as she spun her torso and swung her sword downward. The ice sword formed a visible arc, leaving a trail of snowflakes in its wake as it came crashing down at me. 

Switching my chest to left, I strongly grabbed her hand, stopping her ice sword , " i can't hold for long because of the strength difference, it's just a one time trick , with mana augment ". I thought the moment I filled her strength.

"Your technique is refined. Just needs a little polishing," I spoke, and I could feel her even more annoyed than before. Was it because I wasn't a lance? Well, that would make sense that a person of high stature would not like to be lectured by someone as ordinary and average as me.

I conjured a filled spell and a blue white flame surrounding us from every direction, as I was still holding her armed hand I lifted my other hand to her ears as fast as I could and " snap " my fingers sending a high frequency to her head which will cause a dizziness and nausea to her, " ohh you augmented your ear at the last moment but it's not enough " I kicked her chest strongly as she slide back. my foot met with her gluteus boobs , I wasn't expecting her curves to be this supply it was pretty heart warming.

 She throw an ice spell , I don't need to talk any more , i marked her shadow while having conversation earlier so the moment she fired her spell I just need to get out of her vision range and appear from her shadow at any time .

She disappeared and appeared in front of me brought her sword down but it was a feint. Before she could react, I ghost stepped in and this time attacked with a mana blade upward , threatening to cut her face open.

Much to my surprise, she conjured another sword and blocked it from beneath, looking at me with a ferocious intensity in her eyes, her cool and composed mask already breaking away.

" Are we dual wielding now." I remarked as she swung her swords from both angles like a scissor , I lowered my head, before Casting a veil of increased gravity on her , which made her wide open for a split second , taking advantage of the opening I hit her with a strong punch that was augmented to 80% and a simple cleave that is enough to leave a short injury , Varay's eyes widened . 

Her eyes widened as if taken aback by my speed. Ice mana fluttered and an ice spell materialiased almost instantly in her hand .


" booom" , I sent her flying into a tree . 

As she landed i started walking towards her as she cough , stopping in front of her looking down from above I said "pathetic" .

" is this a lance " .

 " the strongest mage " , In a mocking manner.

" what a joke " , I said as I turned around and started to walk away.

" I'm not 'cough ' finished " she said between her coughing.

" I am " I replied before disappearing into the shadows, i know that the longer we fight the more the fight will lean in her favor so I just hit her with a strong blow and lift before she gets back up , she is by no means weak but she doesn't have any information about my power or fighting style so simply I took her by surprise and a one very strong hit in a sensitive place , and ru.. sorry walked away.


( a few hours later) 

Sitting in front of my tent a fire spreading warmth flickers every now and then, I remember my first kill , it was under a threat .

Before I closed my clinic a very injured man entered pleading for his life , after he paid I quickly took him to my operating table and began to stabilize his injuries after some time a gang member to be specific he was the right hand man one of a gang boss interrupted my operation and demanded that I kill the man and take the money from him or he will simply kill me and do it himself .

He know that's my place is a safe place in the underworld and my only rule is don't kill my patients and I will provide you with treatment in the future, a lot of gangs respect my rule not every one but the majority of them did and the ones who didn't and try to kill my patients was bitten by me and I will not provide their gang members any treatment in the future.

So he pointed a gun to my head as more people began to enter my clinic , so after some time I did what he asked for and he simply left the money at the dead man chest and left while laughing at me.

I didn't let that slide in fact I took it very personally , It was my only rule and he forced me to break it , I was surprised at what drove me to take action it was not remorse but anger .

After a while i found myself an opportunity to take them down, i started to manipulate other gangs and most importantly the rival gang and started to pull the strings slowly cutting their hands and feet till I crushed them completely and finally find the man who started this all and humiliating him before i finally killed him , it was surprisingly easy and fun not the killing part but the manipulation it was so satisfying , i found that even loyal people have twisted desire and only need a push and a good opportunity to act on it.

It was good days .


(After two weeks)

In one of my dives in a dungeon i found it very strange the beasts were more powerful and wild, so after killing a few i found a not so well hidden entrance, jumping in the entrance i started to hear voices the more I'm close the louder they get I quickly activated my spying spells .

" when can we finally get back home i miss my friends and family " soldier number 1 said 

" you asked five times already, stop being annoying " , soldier number 2 replied.

" very soon i hope, all of us want to go back as well " soldier number 3 said.

" boys let's finish this damn job , and stop yapping " soldier number 4 also reply.

" do we send the signal now or wait till we finish " soldier number 5 asked as he hold a devise in his hands.

" no we wait till we finish first " again said soldier number 4 

As this conversation was going I sneaked in and started to scan the whole place " nice I finally find one of their bases , they are seven, I need to keep one alive for interrogation" I thought to my self.

conjuring a mana blade before adding lightning to it 'Chidori' .

Disappearing and reappearing to my nearest enemy and sticking my hand through his chest.

 The one who saw me first alerted the rest, " Enemy attac…..k " before he could finish his sentence I cut his throat open and disappeared again.

" kill him!!" Said the one that I think is the commander.

I reappeared near the commander hitting him with a roundhouse kick in the liver paralyzed him from the pain. I evaded a wind blade that was coming my way by putting my right leg in the wall and augmented it by 70% and jumped backwards while pushing mana out of my leg to boast my jump, doing a back flip in the air and pointing a finger at an soldier who was standing beneath me i muttered " lightning arrow " hitting him on the top of his head , he fall down as dark spoke stared coming out of his body , i landed by his side.

Doing a shadow graphic with my hand i muttered ,"Divine dog totality" , coming out of my shadow is werewolf , It is a well-balanced shikigami with the ability to attack, defend, and provide support for its user , Its notable traits are its immense speed and powerful claws capable of damaging even the toughest foes , " kill the rest " I give him a command in a cold tone.