The Five Races Part 2

The Demon Race is not a very well known race compared to the other races. Demons are just as misunderstood as devil's, but to a certain degree I think everyone confuses the two, which gives off the impression that either demons don't exist or demons and devil's are the same which in essence they are the same, but not at the same time.

Demons are intellectual species, special and unique in their own way, super misunderstood, easily overlooked, villainized, demonized and it's the same for devils. Demons are mostly represented in the minds of some as a black macho skeleton, a black shadow, a conniving sweet talker, and a muscular devil with wings. Some say demons wear armors and carrying a sword which is very ironic.

There is also this misconception that demons are only " male" there is no such thing as male nor famale but there is the masculine energy and the feminine energy that we all have inside. I don't know why demons are associated only with the masculine energy but demons, gods and devil's are also feminine beings as well.

One could say demons are like bookworms they're obsessed with reading which is the main access to unlimited knowledge, they love to learn, explore, change and evolve whenever they get the chance to do so. Demons are typically introverted and adventurous beings they love to stay in their own world reading texts all day, their like scholars who never leave their room.

Demons are the only race that knows how to read and decode anything instinctively, they can use their intellect if their placed any troubling situation. When working with a demon it's absolutely hard to make a trade because the lack nothing due them having access to unlimited knowledge.

Demons actually have no image nor facial features, they don't wear clothings cause there is no need for that, because they live in absolute darkness, it's the same with devils. Demons are known for always speaking from the heart straight-forward and bold, they sound well articulated, which makes they sound boastful and rude.