Hair Magician and Alien Leader Debut

"The leader of Triumph Makers himself, Daigrun VII," Viscable uttered, hovering closer the louder the explosive noise entering his ears.

Viscable blew a chilling air, "Let's observe whether Daigrun VII is still the same as ten years ago or has become stronger."

The spot of the noise originated from the rooftop of the levitating glassy-green building with two projections of purplish muscular hands patched on the side parts. A couple of Uprising Venom Soldiers and sentries rested on unconsciously after receiving a knock-out jab on their stomachs

Even the cobra-headed Wyvern was recently dropped to the ground, blinking out its shimmering violet eyes. Appalling atmosphere gushed into one of the Uprising Venom soldiers on the left, accidentally losing the grip on her staff after he witnessed the person The one who took accountability for knocking her comrade. The person was none other than a tall and sturdy alien man himself, Daigrun VII.

He had a congeal navy-blue head with the above part maintaining the shape of a T-letter and three tiny ruby-red opals planted separately on each side of his cheeks. Daigrun VII also showed pupilless stygian eyes, a pearl silver collar bound on his neck, and a small trio of red jewels hanging below his lips.

A tight white suit with blue stripes above and an amber border on the stomach covered Daigrun VII's upper body. The flaxen insect-like surface pants strictly enveloped his pelvis part splashed by the corroded red paint, closely resembling outer underwear.

Furthermore, his entire stomach and chest part tidily displayed lines of square holes from all sides. A brawny copper gauntlet with the tip of the fingers taking the shape of the puffer fish spikes embedded Daigrun VII's left hand, elevating it closer before he flipped it, showing the swirling surface of his palm.

 A single coal-black bug wing attached to the right side of Daigrun VII's back, spreading widely as he heaved his right arm. A lengthy white-furred sea lion tail clapped the ground repeatedly, signaling The Alien Hero to point his sight behind. He witnessed six Uprising Venom Soldiers with glimmering purple cloaks and scorpion sting-shape hand blades gliding in his current direction.

"Steady, steady, and steady," Daigrun VII murmured deeply, propelling his gauntlet hand forward.

The Fleeing Soldiers thrust their hand blades forward, puffing the steaming purplish smoke that swirled their hands. Without hesitation, Daigrun pushed his hand to precisely lock toward the gliding soldiers and unbridled the rapid flock of gasses from his puffer fish fingers, flickering temporarily pink flashes.

"Now!!" Daigrun VII shouted.

A glimmering emerald net shape projection combusted from the puffer fish fingers, triggering the soldier to revolve his hand and leasing out the scorching ray of light from their scorpion stings. The beams penetrated the net projection, incinerating every piece of them. signaling Daigrun to cackle in satisfaction.

"The complete trap is finally set," Daigrun VII uttered with a deep tone, thrusting his gauntlet upward.

Hence, it evoked the imploding cerulean waves folded on The Fleeing Soldiers, disabling their motions. As the soldiers groaned in vexation and felt the vibrating numbness in their arms, Daigrun VII flipped his hand, swarming the forehand of the gauntlet with the pulsating wind that tugged his foes.

More concisely, the gauntlet sucked the streaming flow of purplish energies from both the cape and the hand blades of the soldiers. Dizziness stung all the six soldiers as they were drawn closer by the active wind from the gauntlet. Their voices became more deadened the nearer they reached the Daigrun VII.

Daigrun VII giggled, "Go to your deepest slumber and never threaten Gloricon again, Uprising Venom Followers," 

The Alien Hero drove the gauntlet below and leaped to the back, dragging the soldiers to pound the ground on the rooftop. The violet cape disseminated into a speck of dust alongside dimmed out the enlightening surfaces of the scorpion stings on the hand blades. Nevertheless, The soldiers rested their heads, indicating they had fallen into a slumber, convincing Daigrun VII to withdraw the gauntlet.

"All clear unless…" Daigrun VII didn't finish his word as he rotated to the right.

Five cobra-headed wyverns spit out their rain of flares upon Daigrun VII who steadily slid his arms on his chest. The Alien hero whipped the ground below with his tail and trumpeted the mangling roar, leading every hole on his front body to bluster the swirling and spacious gale to intercept the flare.

Every rain of flare descended onto The Alien Hero and was simultaneously vacuumed by the gale, swallowing deeply into the holes of his body. The wyverns hastily closed their jaws after realizing the rest of the flares drowned into the holes of Daigrun VII, flapping their wings to retreat.

The attempt to retreat was proven worthless as Daigrun broadened his arms, casting out a barrage of reddish missile-like projectiles from all the holes. The barrage of projectiles cleanly pounded The Wyverns, detonating a small explosion before they sunk like a crashing plane.

"The North area is clear," Daigrun VII reported telepathically and began to unfold a question, "How about on The West area?"

"It's going fine for now," Prila joined the telepathic call, "Only a bunch of soldiers and raiders unit tried to attack the policemen."

Daigrun VII nodded gladly, "Nice progress, Prila."

"How about your situation, VWX, Mina Rodax, and lastly Scrap Devil?" Daigrun VII asked to other three members firmly.

"All the citizens were safe. I'm ready to move another spot on the North West," VWX answered assertively.

"No threat for the evacuation units occurring so far, Daigrun VII," Mina Rodax shared the report. "I might need to move into another location nearby,"

"Same with the others," Scrap Devil stated relaxedly. "I knocked out those irritating grunts."

Daigrun VII sighed in relief, "Nice progress everyone. However, we still need to be more cautious on this." 

"I'm afraid that Uprising Venom going to cast something worse than this," Daigrun VII assumed.

"Indeed, Daigrun VII," Mina Rodax agreed, "I speculate that they did this invasion is try to lure the new hero too."

"About the new hero, I haven't detected his presence," Mina Rodax stated heedfully.

VWX chuckled and assured, "No need to worry, he will come later."

"Whether he comes or not, we Triumph Makers must be prepared for any situation," Daigrun VII affirmed.

Meanwhile, in the west of Teldrium, a hundred branches of pink hair broadly sprung out to the whole building nearby. A couple of Uprising Venom Soldiers and sentries dropped to the ground, falling into an unconscious state after receiving the wide spread of pinkish beams from the hairs.

The only soldiers who still engaged in the battle were the six hovering raiders as they briskly hovered from up to down, evading the rallying beams from the hair. Although the partying beams managed to pierce the glowing capes belonging to the two raiders on the back, the remaining raiders rushedly flew into the hero who cocooned herself by her enwrapping hair.

"Those beams are not enough to stop us, you vile hair witch!!" The Raiders shouted, heaving their scorpion sting hand blades.

As The Raiders narrowly fell toward the cocooned woman, the branches of hair constricting the below part of the building and lying on the road siphoned out an enormous flock of flushed energies. The energies promptly gathered together and manifested a colossal pinkish-haired rabbit with the face of a tiger.

The rabbit distortedly bleated before it flexibly hopped above, sending a shivering fear to The Raiders who tried to flee away. Sadly, the other two raiders were swallowed into the rabbits' jaws. Instead of retreating, the last two raiders propelled their hand blades and puffed the swirling smoke.

In quick reflex, the rabbit flipped and punted the raiders, sending them harshly plummeting to the ground as well as roaring their pressured grunt. The rabbit puked out the raiders that rammed the sidewalk for their harsh landing, moaning in pain before they rested their limbs. With all the raiders finished, the rabbit made its final jump, departing into showering sparkles.

"Hope that's the last one," Prilla who was inside the cocoon uttered, exhaling her exhausted breath.

The Hair Magician swiftly pulled her back, returning every elongated strain of hair and reverting it into her long twin-tail hairstyle. She also wore a long-sleeve, snowy white uniform with pale-pink gauzy ribbons strapped tightly. Circling small roses stuck on her sleeve cuff, dazzling a breezy wind and a long silver necklace with a jade coin hauling on the middle.

The lower part of her costume consisted of lavender short paints with a metallic surface and a long maroon-red stocking that revealed a tiny glimpse of her thigh. Each of the upper parts of the knees was buckled by the three small belts, gusting the flowing sparkles on it. A pair of indigo-colored boots shielded her feet from directly touching the road below.

Afterward, Prila turned around and watched the policemen alongside the citizens begin to get up their shivering legs. She charmingly smiled at them, giving an assuring atmosphere as they could clear their throat. Even the U-V robots behind them rested their weapons, centering their glances on her.

"Is the situation clear, Prila?" The old policemen asked with a cautious tone.

Prila peeked to the back briefly and uttered, "It's clear so far."

"It's better that I escorted you all into a safer location," Prila offered herself. "Those Uprising Venom Soldiers sometimes can give an unwanted surprise." 

"Is it you still have more duty to do like stopping the giant ship there?" The Young Female officer asked with a distressed tone, marking her finger at the sighting of the giant ship hiding in the cloud above.

Prila gave a grim stare before she exhaled her heavy breath and spoke, "It's better that I escorted the Teldrium citizens into safety first."

"She is right, young cadet," The old policemen corrected. "It will be a reckless act. Besides, we still got several reports that we could evacuate the citizens into a safer dimension.

"Having her and the other Triumph Makers protecting is the best chance to reduce more casualty," The old policemen added.

"You might have a right point commissioner," The Female Officer reluctantly replied. "I just wished that so-called new armored man would show up too."

"Seriously why he didn't show up in this dire situation!!" The Female Officer ranted. "Damn it."

Prila giggled, "No need to be worried officers, he'll show up later."

"As long I'm here, I'm going to assure your safety," The Hair Magician avowed, humbly bowing her head.



Inside the Venomous Carrier, it revealed some of the soldiers dropped their perturbed jaws at the sighting above. Specifically, they fixated their gazes on the multiple green projections of the screen broadcasting the footage of either the sentries being knocked down or the far distance of the current triumph makers terrorizing them.

Aska-Lal, standing on the hovering emerald board with the corroded violet mask in the center, repeatedly blew a low pitch as she centered her sight on the current footage. Even though direness scorched the soldiers by exposing their frantic gasping and shuddering standing, The Former Baron consistently held her tranquility.

"With all the shown footage, The New Hero hasn't shown up yet," Aska-Lal stated. "Best to assume he is not a heroic type of person."

The Female Uprising Venom Soldiers who stood on the top of the hoverboard behind Aska-Lal flinched her lips and startled, "Pardon me…how do you to he is not a pure good guy."

"Oh young one," Aska-Lal uttered blissfully. "Throughout my experience as Baron, I had encountered selfish heroes like him and one of the major factors is he only showed up that suited his interest."

"Then, how are we going to lure him out?" The Uprising Venom Soldier argued. 

"There is an effective way to do it" Aska-Lal replied, showing her delighted grin when she turned around and waved her head, emerging the floating jade circle with the logo meteoric gulp of liquid.

"Unleashing a giant blast, curious one" Aska-Lal stated, flexibly rotating her head to the left and stretching an unhinged expression.

"You sure he will show up by sending the Spirited Toxic Bomb?" The Uprising Venom soldier asked with an uncertain tone.

"Correct guess, curious one," Aska-Lal replied, throwing a spit into the jade circle.

Aska Lal's recent action awakened the creation of the encroaching forest green lines and transcended through the lion head part of the Venomous Carrier. Then, the rapidly growing green energy arose that compacted into a mammoth-sized ball. The ball decomposed the cloud nearby after blowing out the massive mass of toxic gasses.

The Venomous Carrier sluggishly shoved the lion-headed part to obtain a clearer sight of the city, expanding the ball into three times bigger than the warship itself. The enormous size of the intoxicated ball could even be captured by all the triumph makers and the citizens below. Triumph Makers such as VWX heavily gasped in indignation, briefly spinning their sight at the recently rescued citizens such as the purple dress woman and young girl to sobbed in horror.

"Are you so desperate that you tried to unleash a city-level bomb on us, Uprising Venoms?!!" VWX murmured, pressing the right side of his glasses. "Heartless bastards, you didn't have the slightest care about the citizens here!"

Mina Rodax who levitated above the troop of evacuation cars that urgently stopped moving, locked her prudent gaze toward the sighting of the enormous ball. Sheathing sapphire particles loomed through The Telepathic Master, setting a fixed anticipation for the incoming bomb. 

"No matter what the intention is, you will not succeed in landing the bomb!!" Mina Rodax yelled, soaring to below the clouds.

Viscable also didn't ignore the appearance of the evolving bomb above as he calmly locked his sight on it. He even dashed to the destination by blasting the swarm of magenta particles from his backpack, flying like a hasty jet plane, beginning his next test.
