Beginning Phase of Ace Duelist and Former Baron Vicious Fight

"Then, let the duel begin, old woman!" Viscable shouted, dispatching one of the glassy shards and quickly attaching it to his palm after sprawling the crimson strings.

The Ace Duelist propelled his hand forward and rapidly emitted the growing magenta particle on the tip of the glassy shard. Without hesitation, Viscable drew his hand upward to liberate the beam blast, dashingly headed into The Old Woman who punctured the ground below with her crab-like legs.

Azka-Lal anticipatively hoisted her hook arm, fulminating the growing bluish flare on the shotgun-like barrel. She leaped forward to reach a narrow distance from the beam, encouraging her to pull the trigger by banging it down. The shot bloomed from the barrel, vaporizing the beam with ease.

Viscable immediately flew to the back, alarming the secured cautiousness as he darted his glance toward The Old Woman. He funneled more rounds of magenta particles to fuel the tip of the shard. In a hasty action, The Ace Duelist liberated a bigger beam blast by thrusting the shard to the back.

In an agile motion, Azka-Lal flipped her body, ordering all the gatling muzzles on both crab legs to initiate the wildfire of navy-blue bullets. A hundred bullets intercepted the beam, instantly penetrating the beam Every single bullet invading the beam detonated like a firework in the night sky, incinerating the beams bit by bit

As Azka-Lal landed her body upside down, the striking beam disseminated without leaving any traces. The whirling muzzles rested their movement with their primary objective going into success, puzzling The Ace Duelist. He placed the glassy shard near his left thigh, rotating his neck from right to left.

"Try to observe me?" Azka-Lal guessed with an intrigued tone, repeatedly tapping her crab feet.

The Ace Duelist giggled calmly and affirmed, "More like analyzing a perfect way to make you a real amputee."

"Keeping you overconfidence much?" Azka-Lal taunted, lifting the giant rifle hand and clearing her throat.

"Relax, I'll make sure to give a humbling torture," Azka-Lal added cooly.

The Ace Duelist flexed his neck and laughed, "Great joke, old woman."

In a rush action, The Ace Duelist drew the glassy shard and charged up the large wave of particles on its tip, directing it toward Azka-Lal who pressed the crab legs. The Old Woman watchfully aimed the rifle hand toward the glassy shard that continued to collect more huge particles, blowing the massive wind.

"Pulverize this Amputee Old Woman, Ace Riffle Cannon," The Ace Duelist chanted, leaping upward to initiate a steady preparation for the shot.

Viscable exhaled a huge chunk of air and shouted on top of his distorted lung, "Absolute Beam of Annihilation!!"

The Ace Duelist imminently let loose the humongous magenta blast from the glassy shard when he jolted into the air behind him. Instead of being showered by dread, Azka-Lal shoved the rifle upward, anticipating the incoming blast. A clouding round of azure sparkles gathered on the muzzle as the liquid within the canister was being drained.

Knife chains wrapping the riffle's muzzle shimmered the dancing flashes the closer the blast was about to fall like a massive comet. She glorious trumpeted a scream, leasing the thin bluish beam that flexibly morphed into a mixture of crimson and blue wormhole levitating above her.

Therefore, the sparkling wormhole swiftly vacuumed the magenta blast, similar to wild quicksand. It even sucked all the traces of the blast faster than the blink of an eye, leaving no remains to be seen in The Ace Duelist's sight. Viscable shakily startled after watching one of his ace's attacks was absorbed into the wormhole.

Azka-Lal proudly giggled as she retrieved the riffle's arm that combusted the steaming smoke, shrinking the wormhole instantly. The chain on the rifles dimmed out the dancing flashes, rolling her neck relaxedly before darting her stare toward The Ace Duelist. She caught the sighting of him returning the glassy shard to the empty right spot on his backpack and decided to summon the crimson strings to tangle left the shard,

"Seems I haven't shattered your pride yet?" Azka-Lal provoked, fueling The Ace Duelist in annoyance through groaning.

"You old woman has a strong spirit to taunt and fight, impressive," Viscable praised, attaching his palm to the glassy shard and swinging it beside his cheek.

"Even more impressive when I pummeled you to near death," The Ace Duelist added, eagerly fleeing down.

The enflaming particles covered the glassy shard when his floating feet almost reached the ground, launching a speedy dash. A half-body knight projection arose from the sleeving particles as The Ace Duelist drove it forward, triggering immense anticipation from Azka-Lal who moved her crab legs to the left.

The Knigth projection freed its palm to materialize a glaring sword from the particles below it. Azka-Lal flexibly flipped to the left and ordered the muzzles on her legs to commence the wild firing from the gatling muzzles. Not only did she evade the lashing slash from the knight, horde of hundred bullets demolished the knight's projection into a total speck of dust.

The Ace Duelist revolved the glassy shard downward, channeling more particles and returning the half-body knight to pick up its blazing sword. Then, Viscable stomped the air beneath his feet to jounce closer to The Ampute Woman's. She tensely humped the right leg feet, swiping to the right.

At the same time, the barrage of bullets from the spinning gatling muzzles on her thigh was brought upon the half-body knight who steered its sword from below. The effort of the knight was proven meaningless as its slashing attack was prevented by the hundred bullets penetrating its limbs.

The vicious bullets decimated the knight until it fractured like broken glass, evoking The Ace Duelist to gasp in shock. Viscable also watched the next round of bullet barrages speedily glide in his direction, forcing him to manifest the triangular projection on his right forehand. A triangular shield promptly spawned on The Ace Duelist's front sight, deflecting all the incoming bullets.

"That's what I have been waiting for, New Hero!!" Azka-Lal said confidently, hopping to the shield and barging in her shotgun that charged up its barrel with the twirling bluish flare

Azka-Lal briskly pulled the trigger and freed the piercing beam, colliding with the shield. The single touch of the beam splintered the triangular shield into a hundred small pieces fleeing aimlessly, puncturing The Ace Duelist on his stomach.

As blood dripped below, Viscable sealed his scream by holding his breath, leading him to fall to the ground. He frigidly held his bleeding stomach before lifting his gaze, obtaining the sight of Azka-Lal lashing the shotgun's hand to recharge another flare on its barrel, sprinting in his foe's direction.

The Ace Duelist brandished the glassy shard to cast the knight projection again, driving its flashing sword in a straight line's stabbing position. Azka-Lal quickly pressed the trigger to release another beam that clashed with the knight's sword. The beam probed the knight on the neck, detonating it and stimulating the raucous shockwave

The shockwave battered The Ace Duelist aside, cracking some pieces of his arm on the below part and chuntering in pain. His fleeing body pounded the ground below, carving the wide-spread cracking lines below. Receiving the glimpse of her foe's fall, she pulled back the shotgun's hand, whistling in merriment.

"Do you have a more exciting or unpredictable surprise to show me?" Azka-Lal taunted, rotating her riffled hand shortly. 

"This is getting dull if you continue to try to attack me in close range. Unless this is all you got." Azka-Lal added, splashing dissatisfaction into her voice. "Which is quite sad. I expected more."

Viscable distortedly giggled and floated his body through unshackling the blistering particles from his backpack. Then, The Ace Duelist pushed his body and secured a hovering stand, tossing some of the blood drops from swaying his palm. He darted his eagle glare toward Azka-Lal, drawing the glassy shard in crossguard position.

"You old woman love to crush its foe at the strongest right?" The Ace Duelist asked sardonically.

"That's the same thing I'm going to do to you," Viscable said, lowering his voice and embedding his beating heart with dark flames.

"Oh really, young man," Azka-Lal replied, sprinting to The Ace Duelist. "Proof me if your pride is equal to your strength."

Viscable screamed out a sinister chuckle and spoke, "You think your short-range gun tactic will be enough to stop me?"

"And your big mouth is going to be your greatest downfall," Azka-Lal mocked, raising her pitch as she snickered.

Under his helmet, he maliciously grinned and countered, "As a retired old woman like you, I adore your rigorous fighting spirit and your fighting skill."

"Especially when I shattered all your metal limbs into a bunch of scraps!!" The Ace Duelist shouted sanguinely, positioning his sword below and siphoning storming magenta particles throughout its surface.

Encroaching cracks carved on the tip of the shard as he hoisted upward until it finally shattered, summoning the twin magenta twisters that soared up to the sky. The twisters polymerized themselves, fulfilling the requirement to unshackle the spawn of the triangular surface armor knight who valiantly elevated its sword at the foe below.

Azka-Lal locked her suspicious sight, 'It seems quite odd that he could easily unleash a bunch of attacks like this. Even worse I didn't find any trace of his energy being drained.'

Azka-Lal winced, slowly heaving her riffle that fully imbued the canister with the molten blue liquid.

'I know he is not an ordinary young hero, but at the same time, I feel like fighting a 100-year-old warrior. He seems mostly calm too despite I got the upper hand. Or worse he just pretending.' 

Beneath the helmet of Azka-Lal, she gladly smiled and continued, 'Either way, I'll be happier when I turn him into a satisfying trophy as one of the bravest warriors.'

Observing Azka-Lal who held up a secure anticipation, The Ace Duelist pushed his head down, steering his sight at The Ace Knighted Sword. A gratifying cackle released the longer Viscable focusing sight on the knight projection, respawning the triangular shield on his right hand.

"How many years, have you prepared for this, new hero?" Azka-Lal asked, rotating her to the right in curiosity.

"Ten years, amputee old woman," The Ace Duelist replied in a chilling tone, switching his gaze onto his foe.

"That's a lie," Azka-Lal defied the claim from the new hero.

"I bet it's more than that especially with you creating this pocket dimension or even your weapon," Azka-lal argued.

The Ace Duelist chuckled delightfully and replied, "For an old woman, you're quite sharp on analyzing your opponent."

"I'm also going to bet you aware of my infamous reputation too?" Azka-Lal guessed, fulminating the tip of the riffle with bluish energy.

"Former Uprising Venom Baron who is known to kill young heroes for more than a decade. The villain who was put into a list as one of the most frightened ones to be faced by The Recent Triumph Makers, especially in their early days" Viscable uttered with a blazing confidence. 

"You might hold that astonishing title, but I assure you it didn't put my fighting spirit down," The Ace Duelist affirmed, brightening the black flames that scorched through his beating heart. "Instead, it motivated me more to defeat you."

"Also you're correct the ten years of training is only in Earth's time," Viscable added. "I've been training from many sources and even other dimensions. You are going to see what I'm capable of."

The Ace Duelist tossed aside the glassy shard and shouted, "Crumble this amputee foe until no remains of her left, Ace Knigthed Sword,"

"Encroaching Dive Impalement!!" The Ace Duelist chanted, commanding the knight to fly down at Azka-Lal like a shooting star.

Furthermore, the knight projection instantaneously breached the narrow above side of Azka-Lal, triggering her to aim her riffle that ensnared the waving flashes on the knife-shaped chains. She roared a blaring cry, unbridling the bluish beam to block the path of the knight projection on reaching her.

The Knight Projection hurriedly plunged its prism sword, attempting to land the finishing blow. However, the beam departed and reformed itself into the multi-colored wormhole that drowned the knight in the depths of it, fragmenting its entire limbs as it bleated in agonizing pain. Regardless, the Knight projection dissolved to the naked eye, failing its execution on the foe who could breathe out her exhausted breath.

"Don't get your hopes up," A daunting voice of Viscable suddenly entered The Old Woman's from her left ear, panting in shock.

The Old Woman turned her staggering neck to the left and obtained the direct sighting of The Ace Duelist shoving his shielded hand, generating the flexible shield continuously expanding. Then, the expanding shield swallowed Azka-Lal and sealed her escape, starting to compress her with Viscable pushed it forward.

"Ace Eradicator Shield, reduce this amputee woman into an ant!" Viscable chanted and finished his sentence. "Pulverzing Press."

The compressing process was sped up as Azka-Lal was heavily pushed upward, feeling every side of the gap getting smaller. She unnervingly bleated the more the bubbling shield shrank down, feeling like she was on the brink of being crushed by the compactor machine. The gatling muzzles on her crab legs impulsively spun, leading The Old Woman to raise her hefty neck.

Regardless, the barraging bullet blasted off the wheeling muzzles, shattering every piece of the compressing shield. Azka-Lal even cried out desperately, thrusting legs that unleashed a wider barrage. Eventually, the compressing shield unable to endure the bullets anymore as it exploded, allowing The Old Woman to land safely

"Got you," The Ace Duelist whispered, hoisting the glassy shard that embedded its tip with the huge mass of magenta particles.

Imminent caution flowed in Azka-Lal's veins, heaving her shotgun's hand toward The Ace Duelist's direction. Flaring blue energies emerged on the shotgun's barrel, hopping to the left after she noticed the magenta particles completely embedded the glassy shard. 

He must be tried to use the knight again. Azka-Lal pulled the trigger and unshackled the bluish beam.

With the bluish beam flying to The Ace Duelist, he rotated the glassy shard down and surged out the magenta blast. The blast briskly sundered and punctured the right crab leg of Azka-Lal, severing its joint that forced her to tremble and exploded electrical strings for a brief time.

Even though the beam struck The Ace Duelist's on the right ribs and knocked him away, The Old Woman frantically gulped. She gritted in frustration before she wiped it away and replaced it with an impressed giggle. 

Great combination

Azka-Lal managed to prevent herself from falling by pummeling the ground with the elongated riffle hand, taking a long sigh and pointing her eyes at The Ace Duelist. She watched Viscable covering his right ribs while smoothly floating as the never-ending magenta particles spread out from the backpack.

"You've expected I used the Knight?" The Ace Duelist taunted, declaring a brief gratifying laugh. "I'm not that predictable."

"Alright young man, I do praise your effort, especially for severing my leg," Azka-Lal remarked. "But this bloody duel is not over yet."

"I still keep some of the secret magic," Azka-Lal stated surely. "You sure going to find out soon enough."
