Laser Master Attempt To Outwit

With Viscable narrowly landing his punching knuckle, The Laser Master pushed his head and vigorously screamed at the top of his lungs. His opponent's recent action gave an unnerving warning of danger within The Full Blader as he suddenly retrieved his fist, cautiously steering to the back.

He obtained the sighting of the speeding grey laser headed in his direction, convincing The Full Blader to raise his head. Viscable swiftly glided to the left, evading the direct piercings strike from the laser that vanished into thin air. The laser threat was not over yet with The Full Blader flitted to the back after gaining the half muffling noise, dodging another laser from his right side.

Obtaining the glance of Viscable's racing wave fading like a dying street lamp, VWX thrust his eyes above, siphoning the kindling grey energies on his glasses. The Laser Master mashed his staggering knuckles to form a letter X, flashing the pale gray flashes through his arms. Then, VWX slammed his hands and thrust his head downward, releasing the translucent grey smoke near The Full Blader's front sight.

Viscable grunted briefly before he pushed his hefty body again, but the attempt was not successful with the broad stream of air shackled his legs. It marked the end of the racing wave on The Full Blader it dissolved alongside the glimmers within the crystal on his armored chest.

The grey smoke illuminated the blinding light that scorched through The Full Blader's sight, growling in deep frustration. The smoke glided forward in his direction, morphing into the giant grey laser that combined into an X letter. The twin laser rammed on Viscable's armored body, generating a strafing explosion in the arena

The Full Blader was thrown away by the forces of the explosion that blew the massive smoke in the middle, harshly pounding his body to the arena's barrier for his landing spot. He groaned in gut-wrenching pain and watched his armor blow the active smoke, starting to peel off the pieces of his armor. 

The sighting of Viscable receiving the harsh hit was also recorded through the screen inside the watcher's room. Scrap Devil and Mina Rodax excitedly screamed as their teammate took the lead in the duel. Unfortunately, Prila and Daigrun VII only showed their suspicion toward The Full Blader who got up his feet.

"Do you think Gdark is focused on testing his armor rather than treating VWX as a serious threat?" Daigrun VII assumed, peering at The Hair Magician who shrugging off. It captured the attention of Mina Rodax who glared irritatedly, heading closer to her teammate

The Hair Magician snickered, "It's exactly what I think too."

"What did you mean, Prila?" Mina Rodax joined the conversation with a counterargument. "You just saw Layfree managed to outwit, Gdark right?"

"I knew you wanted Layfree to win this match badly," Prila replied with a little bit of hesitation. "I bet you already read the memory of him often losing every time he has a training match with Gdark."

Prila cleared her throat and professed, "I wish VWX deserved to win this match, but sadly it's not the case."

"You can see the clear proof on the screen, Cangatha" Prila uttered, pointing her fingers t the screen.

Mina Rodax rotated her sight to receive the complete picture of the screen, puffing in a shuddering confusion. Even Scrap Devil shook his hands when watching The Full Blader composedly approaching VWX's direction, siphoning the cloaking emerald energy throughout the coins on his back.

A puff of disbelief was exhaled through Mina Rodax's throat toward the current view on the screen when Viscable slowly walked toward her lover. Prila darted her observative further at The Full Blader who gathered more flowing aura through the coins on the back, casting tiny wormholes on each of them.

"Wait did Prila's insane crush ust stand after receiving one of the strongest lasers from Layfree!?" Scrap Devil muttered in devastation.

Mina Rodax gasped and shakily spoke, "He should be at least paralyzed for a couple of seconds."

"Oh no, I guess the dark power allows him to stand up again?" Mina Rodak guessed, taking a few steps back.

Prila nodded, "Your assumption is correct."

"Gdark might be arrogant, but he is quite a calculative person," Daigrun VII stated, shaking his head and sighing. "In easier terms, he didn't underestimate Layfree as an opponent. More like, he is testing Layfree's potential"

"I don't think so, Daigrun" Scrap Devil argued, "He keeps taunting Layfree for showing his superiority."

"He just hasn't seen Layfree W-Combat stance," Scrap Devil added, holing his thoughtful spirit. 

Prila smirked jauntily and stated, "Oh perhaps it's Gdark's attention. He simply wanted Layfree to use that stance."

" As Daigrun VII said, Gdark is just turning Layfree into his test subject." Prila blurted out a reminder. 

"Even in the past, he always treated Layfree as a punching bag for the training," Prila affirmed, directing one of her fingers to herself and lowering the pitch as she continued, "I can assume he did this to measure his current power with me."

"What…the hell!!" Scrap Devil muttered with a dumbfounded tone. "That is a very twisted way of thinking!!"

Mina Rodax heavily exhaled, "Oh no, Layfree. This is bad for Layfree. I should…take his place instead."

"You might have a better chance of him, but you know Layfree wouldn't let you do that right?" Prila mentioned, halfly rotating her furrowed on Mina Rodax who uneasily stretched her hands. "He is too stubborn and overprotective especially when you faced Gdark alone."

"Listen Mina Rodax and Scrap Devil, the only thing we can do is wish everything will be fine with him," Daigrun VII reassured his two teammates. "Remember if Gdark is trying to kill Layfree, I'll be ready to intercept him."

Mina Rodax and Scrap would soon tame the clouding franticness from overwhelming their thought as they hesitantly bowed their heads. They could only lock their watchful gazes at the floating screen in the middle presenting the view The Full Blader recently rested his approaching steps, 

Meanwhile, in the arena, VWX trembled his hands as he fixated his sight on The Full Blader, generating the pale gray flashes in his glasses. He anticipatively glanced at Viscable, sliding his left foot to the center. The Laser Master observed his opponent who fathered more flow of green auras in the front coin.

"You ready to forfeit the match, Glasses Freak?" The Full Blader taunted, heaving his provoking hand. "Seemingly all your attacks are meaningless to stop me. More like a child's play"

VWX groaned, "Understimating me as usual."

"I'm going to show that my current tactic is strong enough to obliterate your bulky armor, Gdark," VWX proclaimed, thrusting his head upward and discharging the blinding ray of light within his glasses. "Or even better outwitting your dark power, Gdark!!."

"Shooting laser from the back, again. Oh please," The Full Blader muttered, rubbing his beating chest as his heart ignited black torches, "You're making a big mistake by repeating the same tactic."

"Also let me give you a reminder, Calamity Heart allows me to remove all the negative effects on me such as your paralyzing effect from the laser," The Full Blader proclaimed, waving his provoking hand.

In a burning desperation, VWX rotated his head to the back and promptly bent his head down, evoking the dazzling circle beneath The Full Blader. The circle spun like a whirling cyclone, discharging the massive light beam. At the same time, a flock of blades sprung freely from every active portal on the back side of his legs.

All the blades spiked on the growing white beam, incinerated it into nothingness with its rallying strike. With the beam decimated, the blade dragged to the inside of the tiny wormholes on the coin, touching an impatient nerve on VWX by hissing and sprinting to the left.

"You're persistent on being a complete idiot, glasses freak" The Full Blader mocked, bursting out laughing. 

"No matter what you do, my blades will nullify every range move you throw at me," Viscable added.

"Your blabbering is a bunch of nonsense, GDARK!!" VWX replied with a tiny heat of anger ignited in his throat.

Viscable cackled "No wonder you're going to lose this duel badly."

 "You're just wasting your limited power source on an indestructible armor like me," The Full Blader remarked. 

"Or perhaps your brain is even worse than a monkey itself!!" Viscable added, laughing at his foe in a jubilant demeanor.

In a rushed action, The Laser Master spun around his head and rigorously screamed as he stepped to the ground, carving the cracking lines beneath his feet. His action led to summoning the gyrating razor-sharp laser with the shape of the ring fleeing from the right side of The Full Blader.

The coin on his promptly spawned the tiny portals when Viscable drew his arm, pulling out the edge of the blades. The Full Blader swiped his hands upward and the blades sprawled out like a wild vine, skewering the circling laser. Without difficulty, the blades shattered the laser into dust when it thrust forward. The blades dove into the depth of the portal once again after completing their task.

It triggered VWX to growl in bitter frustration, but it didn't influence his persistent fighting spirit with him sprinting to the left. The Laser Master galloped, swiping his flashes in a full circle. Another whirling laser emerged on the scene, speedily heading closer behind Viscable's lower part.

The Full Blader rotated his head to the back, generating the green blades from each of the active wormholes on the coins. Four blades fluently elongated, spearing the laser that prevented it from heading closer to its target. Nevertheless, the immersive force came through the spearing blades thrusting further altogether, decimating the circling lasers without leaving traces to be seen.

Like the previous one, the impaling strike of the blast splintered the laser into hundreds of dust fleeting from the scene. VWX hectically gasped toward the sighting of his two projectiles were failed to land any damage, took a few steps back, and tapped the right side of his glasses.

'This is bad for me,' VWX mumbled within his mind, initiating one step further from The Full Blader. 'Every laser I throw at him, he completely decimates them all without any effort.'

'Even though I unleashed a simultaneous blast, it's only drained my power,' VWX added, gazing at his hand that flickered a fading grey energy through his fingers.

Discouragement toppled The Laser Master, feeling the cold shiver into his frigid legs when he spotted Viscable sluggishly walking closer. With each step The Full Blader was initiated, forcing VWX to cower even more by the unbending fear of losing the duel. He put his head downward. 

VWX pointed his despondent stare at the W logo on the center of his upper part, gasping and heaving his neck. The Laser Master sharpened his glance at Viscable who recently halted approaching movement, opening the realization of the next weapon that had a great potential to aid him.

'I think I understood a possible counter on Gdark's armor' VWX stated through his mind, clapping his hands. 'Despite melee is not a fighting style I favor, Gdark has pushed me to do this.'

'I have no choice but to leave,' VWX continued, filling his throat with a firm voice and setting his arms to form a letter W.

The Full Blader cackled again and guessed, "It seems, you're not giving up yet, Glasses Freak."

"Have you already found a new way to counter Full Blader's Mighty Defenses?' Viscable asked eagerly and decided to poke fun at his opponent again. "Or you prefer to make a foolish assault?"

VWX exhaled a hefty breath and replied, "Not foolish, more like solutive action." 

"I must admit, your armor is one of the toughest things I ever faced especially with almost its unstoppable defense," VWX praised. "However, I have found a way to at least counter its capability."

"Then show me rather than talk," Viscable provoked.

VWX took a deep breath and uttered, "X-Ardor Laser rest and let W-Eruptor Combat take center stage."

The Laser Master departed his arms, stimulating misty gray flashes throughout his suit that blew a short gale onto Viscable who was unfazed. A new change emerged with every pale gray X projection that was simultaneously dusted away, debuting the misty gray W projection as its replacement for the dazzling part of his suits such as the group of bright letters on his legs and letter projection on his forehands.

Perceptible changes rose through The Full Blader's sight as the palm-sized, misty gray W projection took shape on both the middle sides of his boots. In breezy boldness, The Laser Master hopped around before he drew his positioned his forehands in crossguard position, confirming to engage the close combat.

"So that's your solution?" The Full Blader asked, wrapping his bulky fist. "Alright then…give me a more impressive surprise."
