Finding A Great Time For Quick Relaxation

"Layfree, Layfree, Layfree," A worried voice of the woman repeatedly called out The Laser Master's true name.

The feminine voice brimmed the blinding white light through the dark gloomy space, expanding the light the longer it shone. Hence, the last flickering touch of the white light finally awakened The Laser Master from his unconscious state, gaining blurry vision within his eyes.

His sight would soon become clear and reveal he was inside the polished white room with the aqua blue flashes shining through every gaping line of the interior. VWX switched his gaze downward, giving a clear insight he was lying on the top of the levitating white bed with the comfy holographic mattress.

The Laser Master rotated his sight to the right after he felt a gentle touch on his left shoulder, sheepishly giggling with the current sighting. He saw his girlfriend, Mina Rodax sat ont eh holohraphic and dispatch her mask by reducing it into a hundred holographic particles. It unveiled the face of a woman in her early 20s and a short brown hair with collarbone hairstyle, wiping her tears and hugging him on the neck.

"I was worried that Gdark would kill you," Mina Rodax professed, retrieving her hugging arms and shaking her head.

The Laser Master raised his thumb and assured, "No need to be worried about me. It's just a rough match."

Then, VWX rested his tired back to the holographic pillow, clutching his hands on the comfy sheet. The Laser Master bowed his head and groaned in a tiny essence of frustration that boiled through his mind, raising an even more worried stare toward Mina Rodax. She tenderly placed her palm onto his palm.

"I never thought Gdark allowed himself to be consumed by the dark power," VWX muttered sorrowfully.

VWX hushedly grumbled, "I'm afraid the Shade Spark incident will repeat itself through Gdark."

"And yet, I couldn't stop or persuade him," The Laser Master said with an unfaltering regret consuming her lungs.

"At least you tried your best, hon," Mina Rodax stated, trying to calm his frustration. "You showed your prowess and spirit in the fight."

VWX sighed, "I know, but as a friend, I still feel a little bit of guilt too."

"Maybe seeing Gdark using his dark power reminded me of Shade Spark," VWX muttered, clenching his knuckle as tight as possible. "One of my greatest failures because I was too late to save him."

Mina Rodax blew out the heavy air from her throat and caressed her lover on the forehand, bringing half a sense of tranquility with The Laser Master sluggishly unfurling his knuckle. She gently kissed him on the left cheek, luring her lover to blissfully giggle for wheezing out the guilt.

"Even without my telepathy, it seems your old friend has better control with the dark power than Shade Spark," Mina Rodax affirmed, unnervingly rotating her sight to the left and frowning. 

"However, it gave me even more shiver that he could be the next deadly threat for Triumph Makers." Mina Rodax added, holding her arms. 

"You're not wrong," VWX agreed, rubbing his chin and nodding. "When I fought him there, I sensed something evil or twisted coming from him. Even worse, he's very much aware of the consequence."

"And one thing that still bugs me is he only became a hero for the sake of fulfilling his selfish motivation," VWX muttered, groaning in vexation for a brief seconds before he continued his statement. "This is the same guy who encouraged me to become the best Superhero through his harsh training ten years ago."

Mina Rodax hummed and released her speculation, "Perhaps he wanted you to see his true intention."

In reluctance, The Laser Master blew a large chunk of hefty breath from his lung, folding his shaking knuckles tightly. He also locked his pondering stare toward the above ceilings, tilting his head left to right and flickering the white flashes through the reflective surface of his glasses.

"Guess I have to accept this no matter what," The Laser Master uttered 

"Or he was right, I was too deluded on thinking he was corrupted by the dark power," The Laser Master mumbled. 

"Then, I'll be glad to assist you, hon if your old friend ever becomes the world-ending threat," Mina Rodax remarked with a delighted smile. 

"What a relief," The Laser Master uttered, shrugging his arms.

"Besides, you going to watch the incoming match between Prila and your old friend?" Mina Rodax asked.

VWX chuckled, "Probably after I bought you the newest Last Geas installment. Is it Last Geas 7 Reborn right?"

"Oh, are you serious? I meant are you sure Prila will be okay with this?" Mina Rodax blurted out a concerned question.

"Nah, she didn't mind much, As long as she met Gdark, I'm sure she's not even notice our presence anymore" The Laser Master countered, captivately stroking his girlfriend on his lips. "Also I couldn't see you being upset or moody." 

"So let's get out and enjoy our time alone, babe," VWX added. 

VWX tittered, "I heard Last Geas 7 Reborn got several positive reviews, I bet it's more than enough to wash away the stressfulness from your mind."

"Silly you. You are always eager to spoil me," Mina Rodax uttered, unable to control her snickering lips.

"It's the best way to release all the burden and stress today, babe" The Laser Master replied jovially.

Mina Rodax got up from the holographic chair and offered her open hand to her lover who quickly accepted it. She helped him get up from the levitating bed, sharing the blissful laughter with another and proceeding to hold their hands. They pinned their sights on the breezy white door that immediately opened the access to outside by sliding to the left, preparing to spend their time away from the Superhero World.



The recent news relating to the arrival of the new hero and the failed raid of Uprising Venom was broadcast through every channel and media available in Gloricon. One of the mediums spreading the news was the several floating, glassy surface holographic screens on the underground station.

More specifically, the underground station in the city's across Teldrium, Golvanik contained many various things The objects were the silver-long, rectangular chair with bright glassy surfaces, a shimmering yellowish floor, and the levitating red holographic vending machine standing near the glimmering azure projection of stairs.

Currently, few people standing or sitting on the chair waiting for the next train to come. Some of them also gazed at the current screens displaying the news that showed the blurry picture of Viscable standing beside the conversation with the armored policemen. The headline below the news was "The New Who Called Himself, Viscable arrived once again!!"

Passengers around 15-20 years old mostly set their sights on the news, presenting their expressions such as enthusiasm and skepticism with the arrival of Viscable. It included the young man with an orange jacket who occupied the seat on the edge right of the station. He extended his grin of enthrallment the more he spent perceiving on Viscable's picture on the nearest floating screen.

The Young Man bowed his head in excitement convulsing through his widened eyes. Wish to meet him as soon as possible. He seems the type of person who didn't like in joining the Superhero team.

The Young Man drove his knuckle downward and shaking his pendulum necklace, embarking the deep thrill. A solo-type warrior I think he is more interesting and intriguing than I expected.

The Young Man briefly elevated his knuckle and stated, 'Even better, it seems this guy has more potential to be a more terrifying opponent than most of The Triumph Maker's members.

The time of observing the news for The Young Man when he felt his left shoulder being tapped a familiar someone. He steered his glance to the back and caught the clear sighting of the long-wavey blonde-haired woman with a pale skin, fine-thin body, and a slightly sharp nose. She wore a red tank top and short jeans paints with a pair of brown boots, presenting her elated eyebrows and sitting on the empty seat beside The Young Man.

"How do you feel returning Gloricon again, Casmine?" The Young Man asked with an intrigued tone.

"Just the same, nothing amusing unless encountering The Triumph Makers except The Hair Magician," Casmine answered calmly, crossing her thigh and grinning at The Young Man. "Also are you sure this new hero is suited as a perfect rival for you?"

"Indeed, Casmine," The Young Man affirmed, whistling and tittering. I couldn't wait to see his terrifying power directly in my eyes."

"Perhaps we should find his whereabouts, so you can make a deal to fight him easier," Casmine suggested.

The Young Man laughed in bafflement, "Oh Casmine, you forgot something important about me don't ya?"

Casmine scratched her head and furrowed her eyebrows before dropping her jaws when glancing at The Young Man, grasping the reminder. The Wavy-Haired Woman immediately bowed her head toward her close partner, initiating an apology that jiggled The Young man to flutter his hand.

"I'm very sorry for forgetting you never like invading your potential rival's home," Casmine admitted, blurting out a high-pitch chuckle. "It's been a while, Gilbron. My memory sometimes can be fuzzy."

"It's fine, it's fine" The Young Man assured, pointing his sight at the pendulum necklace. 

"Also with this new hero, so far there is no footage of him fighting," Casmine said, swallowing a gulp of her saliva to maintain her poised demeanor. "I guess he prefers to fight in an isolated area."

"Fighting in the isolated area….fascinating," The Young Man replied calmly, swinging his pendulum necklace to the right. "It's even more thrilling to face him as no civilian involved in our battle."

"Which means you can go all out on him!" Casmine uttered with a captivated grin. "Wish there is no intervention from other heroes like before."

"I agreed," Gilbron admitted. 

In blazing immersion, Gilbron repeatedly swung the pendulum necklace from left to right, attracting The Wavy Hair Girl to focus her fascinated stare on him. Casmine's eyes shone crimson gleams, providing a specific vision of her close partner. The vision unfolded the embarking flames that rose throughout The Young Man's back, opening a proud smile.

"Anyway, Casmine, where is your sister, Lorina?" The Young Man asked, closing his lips and scanning the surroundings from left to right.

Casmine panted, "Busy buying some candies and ice creams."

"As always, being a digusting glutton woman ." Casmine explained, crossing her arms and sneering.

"Ah old habit of her," Gilbron replied coolly. placing his hand into the left side pant's pocket.

"And you going to buy another Cardvalion booster set again, Gilbron?" Casmine guessed brightly. 

"Yes, yes, yes! Need three more cards to complete my deck!" Gilbron mentioned, grabbing out the red holographic deck box. "After this, I will have a great match with the new hero."

"Alright, Alright…," Casmine uttered, pushing her lips closer to The Young Man's ears and finishing her sentence, "Pendoswing."