Suspicion Toward The New Hero Unpredictable Act

Around an hour passed and the investigation of Prila's disappearance still occurred with Scrap Devil and Daigrun VII surveying their teammate's room. The Alien Leader rotated his head from left to right, finding no traces of her left. He rubbed his chin and bit his lips in a dumbfounded furrow.

Daigrun VII heaved his observative stare toward his teammate who curiously headed into the wall displaying a couple of joyful photos of The Hair Magician's past. Then, The Alien Leader snapped his finger loudly, luring Scrap Devil to widen his eyes and switch his stare at him.

"Can you build a device that can enter the same dimension Prila that being dragged in? Daigrun VII asked, affirmatively heading closer to his teammate and forming his rigid look.

Scrap Devil nervously scratched the back of his head and responded, "I could build it, but it will take like a week even with my enhanced intelligence."

"Because her crazy crush made his pocket dimension by scratch," Scrap Devil explained. "And second it has a strong magic as he could easily pull Prila into it."

"In conclusion, I could do it, but it needed more time," Scrap Devil added, shaking his agitating hand and bleating. "I should have stayed in her room, just in case that guy suddenly did this."

Daigrun VII sighed and proceeded to declare another question, "Can you predict the potential return spot?"

"For their return spot, most likely in here," Scrap Devil assumed, tapping his lips with his fingers, "However, I'm not 100% sure about it. There is a possible chance her crazy crush might do something unthinkable to her."

"As you said before, always prepare for the worst?" Scrap Devil let out a reminder, crossing his left hand.

Daigrun VII whistled, "You are correct."

"The last battle with VWX quite giving us a proof Gdark willingly embrace an evil power." Daigrun VII stated.

Scrap Devil grunted shortly and muttered, "And his self-absorbed attitude, like wow this guy thinks the whole world bent into his will."

"Even though I'm no longer her boyfriend, I wished Prila could give a satisfying beatdown on him," Scrap Devil spoke eagerly.

The Alien Leader scanned the floor of Prila's room, grasping a grim reminder when he formed a stern gaze on his expression. Thought of the dreadful possibility shrouded his judgment, lifting his clutching nearby his chin and blowing the streaming air from every hole in his body.

"If Prila hasn't returned for an hour in this spot, we are going to consider him as a new threat for Gloricon and planning to take him down for good," The Alien Leader announced, rotating his bold-firmed glare at Scrap Devil.

"Prila alone is the strongest member of Triumph Maker, but we shouldn't underestimate Gdark too" The Alien Leader uttered gruffly, squawking. "I have a gut feeling he hid plenty of dangerous magic or power."

Scrap Devil groaned, "If you put it that way, might be possible."

"Also, call VWX and Mina Rodax to return to the base as quickly as possible," Daigrun VII gave his next order, exhaling his heavy breath, " It's not right to bother their resting time, but the situation has changed

"Another thing is….I hate the fact we couldn't anticipate this sort of thing," Daigrun VII grumbled in deep vexation, steaming the heating smokes throughout every hole on his body. "Especially with Shade Spark's incident."

"Partially Shade Spark's downfall is my fault for convincing you and the rest of the members to be more relaxed," Scrap Devil professed, lowering the pitch of his voice as he continued. "Although I kinda trust Prila's statement regarding, I still aware that his twisted ex can become a threat

Scrap Devil valiantly gestured a salute hand onto The Alien Leader who fixated his glance and bowed his head. Afterward, Scrap Devil booted the floor with his rapid steps and sprinted by blowing the green smoke, leaving the room as the door opened and left a trail of green smoke.

"Gdark's or Viscable's goal of becoming the best is quite reminiscent of one menacing rogue who is almost impossible to defeat," The Alien Leader commented 'The one that banished temporarily, Pendoswing."

"The only difference is Viscable chooses to be a Superhero even thought it's more like matching his matter of twisted preference," The Alien Leader added, heaving his wandering gaze. 

Daigrun VII bowed and continued, "Prila….don't get your hopes up on changing Gdark's path."


Time of peace was returned in Teldrium once again as the crowd of citizens roamed around the sidewalk and even inside the glimmering building. Vehicles such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles drove on the road, shimmering the glistening-bright light through the outlines on the rear part.

Furthermore, the citizens decided to spend most of their time in the shopping mall despite a chaotic raid just finished in the afternoon. Even heroes like VWX and Mina Rodax chose to release all the pressure and stress by entering the building named GameScore near the bus station.

Specifically, GameScore was a glimmering white-painted store with a giant holographic joystick projection hovered on its rooftop. The building also contained a thick-bluish holographic door with four circular bars hauling on the middle, resembling the button of the video game. 

Gamescore itself was filled with a lot of customers in their teenage years waiting in line, pointing their stares at the bluish holographic cashier table on the edge front. Among the line of visitors, Mina Rodax patiently joined the line, wearing a pink tank top covered by a long white-yellow seater, blue jeans, black glasses, and lastly emerald hat.

As for VWX, he chose to stand outside of the store and currently wore his disguise: a white leather jacket covering the black t-shirt, long yellow pants, and lastly his white glasses with the W shape. The Laser Master constantly whistled, attempting to fill out the bothersome of waiting the long line.

'Waiting like this can be very bothering for me,' VWX complained, peeking at the long line of customers. 'But if it's for…Cangatha, I shall do it no matter.'

VWX shook his head and chuckled, 'In honesty, I rather spend my time modifying my car than this.'

A sudden interruption came to The Laser Master in the form of the high-pitched vibrating ringtone resonating in his left ear, placing his pinky finger onto his ear. Then, the ringtone noise blinked out from VWX's hearing, beginning to capture the coughing noise of Scrap Devil.

"Is there something bad, Caldister?" The Laser Master asked with a worried tone, watchfully scanning his surroundings.

Scrap Devil puffed and responded, "Yes and it's about Prila."

"Recently, she and Gdark were sent into some kind of pocket dimension," Scrap Devil shared the news. 

The Laser Master swallowed a tiny gulp of his saliva and muttered, "The arrogant bastard already lost his patient to beat down his dream girl."

"As much I wanted to see how Prila going to kick his ass, sadly he won't allow it, what a waste," VWX murmured. "So is there any order that Daigrun VII wanted to give to me and Cangatha?"

Scrap Devil exhaled his heavy breath before he stated, "The order is simply to return to the base."

"Daigrun started to raise his suspicion about Prila's crazy crush's recent act," Scrap Devil explained. "She didn't even return yet."

"Because of that I have some questions regarding him, is he usually like this?" Scrap Devil added with a question.

The Laser Master cackled and uttered, "From my experience, yes he often traps me in his hideout. 

"Almost every time I met him, he and Prila spent fighting or learning their power," VWX said.

"He even often helps Prila to master her power," The Laser Master added, nodding his head and briefly peeking at his girlfriend who recently occupied the spot of the line of crowd near the front cashier

"All this time, he only wanted to make her a worthy opponent that could satisfy his thrill?" Scrap Devil guessed, raising his voice.

The Laser Master sighed and answered. "Probably."

"Funny enough, his harsh and bizarre way of training made me and Prila into one of the greatest heroes in Gloricon." VWX proclaimed, sheepishly giggling and heaving his sight to gaze at the night sky.

"However, I and Cangatha shall return to the base after she finishes buying her video game," The Laser Master added, lowering his pitch. "Seeing Gdark right now gave me a vibe of the ruthless man who might bring doom upon Earth."

VWX whimpered and spoke with a bitter tone, "I'm so sorry for failing to save him from back then."

"Now I hope…Prila can maybe fix Gdark's twisted mindset," VWX chuntered in regret consuming his stammering jaw. "Anyway, I'm going to leave the call and tell Cangatha about this."

The call would meet its end when VWX patted his left ear which held the tiny yellowish coin in its hole, vaporizing any traces of his teammate's voice. He immediately took a deep breath, washing away the whimpering look on his face. The Laser Master quickly replaced it with his assertive look, cooling down the unrelenting guilt.

Then, The Laser Master rotated his sight to the door, dropping his surprised jaw at his current sighting. His sight directly caught Mina Rodax carrying the solidified black hologram box that displayed the bronze silhouette of a hooded woman gripping a giant sword on her shoulder. 

"Wow, I didn't expect you will be this fast," VWX professed, tilting his head to glance at the box

Mina Rodax chortled, "I was lucky that the next three people only buy one game."

"So you decide to buy the special edition of Last Geas?" VWX asked, rolling his eyes.

Mina Rodax giggled, "I'm a hardcore fan of Last Geas, of course, I will buy it."

"Ah damn it, you are sometimes like a little kid,' VWX complained in bitter annoyance. "But I guess it's part of me to spoil you too."

The Laser offered his opened hand toward Mina Rodax who gladly put the special edition of Last Geas's box onto him. Although he expressed his dissatisfaction with his girlfriend who was soothingly throbbing, VWX could still burst out laughing and rotating his attention to the right.

"You probably read your mind, don't you, babe?" VWX proceeded to ask a question with a deep tone.

Mina Rodax nodded and patted him on his right shoulder, "Yes and it's about both of us having to return to Stellaramid.

"It's because of Prila's suddenly being dragged into a pocket dimension by Gdark for settling their duel," Mina Rodax remarked, showing her disgruntled wince. "I wished I could read his mind completely."

"I'm not surprised that Gdark has a way to block every telepath from ever entering his mind," VWX exclaimed, snickering. "Even before all of the Superhero thing, he was the type of guy who didn't like sharing his thoughts with others."

"A cautious type, Kind of me reminds me of Daigrun VII except he is ruthless and apathetic toward others," Mina Rodax guessed. "Even without using my telepathic, it seems he didn't care much about being an actual hero."

"Instead your friend…Gdark only cares to satisfy his selfish desire," Mina Rodax scowled. "I'm afraid he's even willing to kill a villain or even worse his closest person like you and Prila too."

VWX bit his trembling lips after heedfully grasping his girlfriend's last statement, defying her comment regarding his old friend. However, he eventually bowed his head, frustratedly groaning attracting Mina Rodax to give her a concerned stare to The Laser Master. She gently touched his neck, briefly shimmering the blue gleams within her eyes.

"This time...I slightly agreed with your suspicion babe," VWX mumbled, rotating his sight to the left. "Thanks to that match, it gave me an insight, Gdark will do anything to become the strongest."

"Obtaining the dark power is only the surface of his grand plan," VWX affirmed, flashing the white gleams that shone through his glasses.

VWX swallowed the large gulp of his saliva and spoke, "Even though I am still treated as an old friend, I and Prila will keep an eye on him."
