Convenient Encountered Inside A Card Shop

The deck-completing process began with Gilbron sitting in the balmy-glowing white chair and rubbing his hands on the crimson-covered booster pack that levitated on the holographic wooden-brown chair. More specifically, he had recently bought five booster packs from Dolcardian's counter across the left, which were now filled with a couple of youngsters.

On Gilbron's left side, his close companion, Casmine placed her arm on the ground a,nd allowed her palm to carry her head. The Young Woman focused on the crimson pack with its upper part ripped apa,ushing the wild flock of sparkles that immediately materialized into five cards exposing their backs. They all showed artworks of white silhouettes of bulky armored knights praying in the middle of a navy blue sky.

Boresome thought erupted within Casmine's mind as she lifted her head from her palm, pinning her sight onto her twin sister beside her right. A surprised wince formed on The Young Woman's face the longer she gazed at Lorina who shakily showed her an agitating look.

Casmine blew a shitle and asked, "Why do you look quite nervous, Lorina?"

"I thought you going to express your bothering look on all of this," Casmine muttered with a little bit of confusion.

Lorina exhaled a hefty breath and rolled her eyes, "I-I-I think the AC here is too cold. That's all."

"Since when did your body have an AC problem?" Casmine muttered in disbelief, pointing her accusing finger at her twin sister who frantically puffed."I can continue to interrogate you if you keep lying."

"Compared to me, you are not a good liar," Casmine taunted, watching her twin sister's hand staggering. 

Casmine waved her demanding hand, "Please just tell us the truth"

At last, Lorina gained the courage to confess by clearing her throat and rigidly positioning her neck forward. The Young Man was also prepared to grasp his close companion's confession as he gathered the newest cards in his palm, centering his sight toward Lorina who gazing at the above right shortly.

"Ok, ok. This is one of the most unexpected things The Ghost Compass showed to me," Lorina clarified, scratching her head. "This is related to the specific person that Gilbron wanted to have a good match."

"Wait, wait, you meant, the person we are after is coincidentally here too, Lorina?" Casmine guessed, switching her captivated gaze at The Young Man who observantly eyed at her twin sister.

Lorina rubbed her arms and muttered, "I'm not joking. He is here too."

"And I even was shocked to know he was also a card game geek like you," Lorina spoke, shaking her head and coughing.

"Then can you show us his specific spot of this person's whereabouts?" Casmine demanded, provoking her twin sister stare at the levitating compass that only she could trace its physical presence.

Lorina complied with the order by pointing her fingers to the edge left of the store, attracting Casmine and Gilbron to follow her direction. The three of them perceived their sights toward the room with the transparent white holographic door showing a lot of young people initiating a card duel with one another on each of their chosen glowing tables.

A shimmering smirk of enthrallment painted throughout The Young Man's lips as he got up from the chair, uncontrollably blurting out a sheepish chuckle. Casmine who glimpsed at The Young Man closing her eyes in soothing joy, sensing their destination on returning to Teldrium was nearby.

"That's his energy being shown by The Ghost Compass," Lorina proclaimed and explained. "Ghost Compass primarily detects the soul of the specific person."

"Even though we haven't met him in person, we can at least trace his presence as long as I put an order to find him first," Lorina added.

Casmine snickered, "Oh come on, why do you have to re-explain your ability again to us? It's getting boring."

"Because you two sometimes forget how my ability works. Especially you, dumbass supermodel!!" Lorina yelled, provoking Casmine to glare irritatedly.

Gilbron hoisted his clenched knuckle and suggested assertively, "Settle your argument later, Casmine and Lorina."

"The chance of meeting him in person has finally come! Let me set my deck first before we go and hoping I can have a satisfying match with him," Gilbron uttered, freeing his exhilarated grin as he impatiently desired to challenge his foe.

A frustrated groan echoed inside the playroom of the Dolcardian that shone an illuminating yellowish light. The room itself contained a sparkling mixture of red and pale yellow on its entire floor and walls, ten rectangular sleek white tables with a glimmering screen planting their surfaces occupied both sides of the room, and lastly, several photo frames popped out the projection of the particular characters such as a mage with red demonic hood, a green-skinned girl with tiger fangs, and many others.

Furthermore, the groan originated from the young ginger-haired man with a long green jacket and long black jeans, gripping his hair and dropping his stammering jaw. He darted his eyes toward the table's screen unfolding the tiny remains of the green life bar dispersed into nothingness. 

The young man hurriedly lifted his stare at the specific cards in the middle of the table that revealed the artwork of the armored vampire holding a skeleton-headed mace, gasping in disbelief the longer he pondered onto it. Then, the young man changed his attention to the three cards on his holding hands, adding more shrouding bitterness.

"How can this bunch of old cards defeat my Meta deck?" The young man muttered, folding his three cards and placing them on the table. 

"This doesn't make any sense. I cannot truly accept this" The young man mumbled.

The young man's opponent was unfolded to be Gdark who only crossed his arms and shook his head in tiresome. Behind Gdark, Prila chose to sit on the top of the floating square chair and crossed her legs. She centered her enchanted glance at her glittering pink case phone, arraying the video clip. To be more precise, it was a video clip of her long pink twin tails wearing a dazzling pinkish dress and confidently initiating arm-ups standing in the middle of the floating stage. 

A prideful grin painted Prila's entire lips, filling the boredom of waiting for her close friend to challenge an unfortunate opponent in Cardvalion. A grunting noise from Gdark would lure Prila to shift her focus toward him, blissfully chuckling and fading her phone screen into the black by pressing the below button.

"The only reason you lost it's because you're relying too much on meta cards," Gdark bickered "Now do you want to rematch now or call it off a day?

The young man flipped his left glove, magnetically pulling the scattering cards until they gathered themselves into one deck. He hesitantly bowed his head toward Gdark who coldly secured his resilient look before inhaling the frigid hair, preparing himself to depart from the match.

"Thank you for the match," The young man spoke thankfully, raising his neck and marking his incited furrow. "Next time, I will put a burn deck that shuts down all your combos in the early game."

"Go try it then," Gdark replied bluntly. "I'll be waiting to have a rematch."

Hence, the young man ran away from the scene, leaving Gdark to sigh in relief and peek at his close friend, who giggled. Even though he had won the previous match, Gdark continued to press the disappointed furrow, fixating it on the deck of cards placed on the corner left of the table.

"You think that young man isn't enough to satisfy your excitement?" Prila asked curiously. humming. 

Gdark nodded and explained, "He is too much meta relying to the point I can easily exploit its weakness."

"I thought you going to be more focused on seeing the video of yourself than watching me playing?" Gdark asked rigidly.

"Well…I do like watching me performing in fashion shows or in advertsiement, but it's rude if I fully ignore you playing," Prila remarked. 

"Besides, my mission is to watch your every step too, Gdark," Prila added. "I must remind me, you're still under watch by The Triumph Maker members."

"Luckily, you got me instead," Prila stated.

Gdark couldn't finish his word when he rotated his emancipative stare to the door on the far right, capturing a glimpse of a trio: a young man and twin blonde girls. The Young Man smoothly turned his watchful sight toward Gdark, drawing his red box and heading in his direction. 

Suddenly, one of the girls frowned in shivering surprise and pinned her fingers precisely to Gdark, convincing the young man to pause his steps. The girl immediately tapped the young man on the shoulder, placing her lips closer to his ears. Prila suspiciously darted her gaze at the new visitors, embarking the pinkish flashes in her eyes.

"Gilbron, that's the man you've been looking for," Lorina whispered. "The new hero himself."

"Pretty interesting. I never thought I could meet him in this kind of place," Gilbron uttered happily, continuing his approaching steps.

The blonde girls obediently followed Gilbron who was consumed by the eagerness to face his destined foe. As the trio began closer to reaching his direction, a benumbing sense struck into the course of Prila's veins, leading her to shut the flashes of her eyes after she observed the young man. She quickly tapped her close friend on the left shoulder, channeling the blinking pink aura onto him. 

"Gdark, the person who approached us now is something I didn't expect would appear here," Prila announced, closing her lips in worriedness and pouring sweat on her forehead. "I sense his life essence and it belongs…."

"Who is it? Tell me NOW!!" Gdark demanded.

"To….To….TO, Pendo….Pendoswing!!" Prila was flabbergasted.

An astonished wheeze blew from the top of the Gdark's lung when he returned his focus toward The Young Man who recently reached the front distance of the table. The Young Man tenderly offered his open hand to his potential rival. It encouraged Gdark to let out a shaking chuckle.

"Excuse me, can I have a match with you?" Gilbron asked politely.

"Sure. It seems you probably know who I am?" Gdark guessed confidently, tilting his head onto Lorina. "Based on how that girl and you look at me."

"Yup, indeed," Gilbron spoke gladly, retrieving his offering hand and eagerly smiling."Finally, to challenge you."

"So do I." Gdark admitted and suggested, "However, let's continue our interesting discussion outside."

Gilbron boldly nodded, "Great idea."
