Prelude of Anthonian Nightmare's Return

A fresh yellow morning sun awakened and shone widely throughout the bluish sky of Teldrium, unfolding the street filled with the crowd of busy people. Not only was the crowd of citizens present on the street, but Triumph Makers such as VWX appeared too. He vigilantly stood on the top lime-green building with a blocky cross-shape surface and bright red title, Zobiron Hospital levitating in the East side of the area.

The Laser Master even anticipatively tilted his glasses to the left, embarking the white cloudy energies inside his eyes. Beside his leff, Mina Rodax accompanied him, floating and gathering the bluish particles beneath her arm. centering her concerned gaze and patted her lover on his shoulder.

"Fear and skepticism clouded your mind, my love?" Mina Rodax asked, glimmering the bluish lights within her palm.

VWX reluctantly sighed and uttered, "Obviously."

"Not only has the news of Pendoswing arrived again, but even news about The Nightmare of Anthonian himself has finally escaped from Hellbent Prison," VWX whimpered in half distraught, discharging the sparking white energies in his eyes.

 "I'm afraid Don Golzulin being freed correlates with Pendoswing's plan too," The Laser Master added, frustratedly crushing his grip and lifting his head upward to the grasp of a vast city view below.

Mina Rodax tapped her chin and replied, "Why do you think Pendoswing wanted to free him?"

"Because his twisted mind probably wanted to have more challenge and of course, he ordered one of the Succubus Twins to break Don Golzulin from his prison," VWX proclaimed, gathering the white energies reflecting his glasses. "Possibly, Pendoswing gotten bored on facing us."

.Mina Rodax anxiously swallowed a gulp of her saliva and uttered, " If so…then our duty has become more difficult."

"To be honest, I'm quite anxious facing all of this, Layfree" The Telepath whimpered, lowering her head in agitation, dispersing the blue particles and landing her shaking feet on the ground.

Glimpsing at his lover drowned in dread, The Laser Master switched his stare and warmly hugged her. A feeling of comfort blessed Mina Rodax as she exhaled a heavy air and put one of her hands on VWX's left cheek. He gently pushed his lover and blurted out an encouraging snigger at her.

"Relax, Mina Rodax, they can still be stopped together with the other Triumph Makers members," VWX assured.

"Remember, we've been consistently trained our power ever since the Shade Spark incident or our defeat by Pendoswing," VWX reminded his teammate, "I was even shocked that my progressive training could even keep up with one of Gdark's backpacks too."

"Besides, your telepathic is becoming stronger too, I'm sure you can easily save the innocent from the incoming threat," The Laser Master added, 

Mina Rodax blissfully giggled, "Layfree, Layfree, you always love to give encouraging words despite knowing you are at a disadvantage."

"That's what, Gdark taught me ten years ago, never give up in the fight even on the brink of death," VWX remarked, shaking his head in a little bit of disbelief. "I'm still partially disbelief that my old friend is now becoming a prideful asshole."

The time for them to relax suddenly met a short end when the booming thumper roared into their ears. They imminently fixated their glares onto the right and watched the looming smoke of dark purplish smoke. Mina Rodax booted the ground to glide on the sky, while The Laser Master hoisted his knuckles.

"It must be Don Golzulin. I bet he tried to lure Pendoswing to come in " The Laser Master assumed.

"Do you think your old friend will come too?" Mina Rodax asked.

VWX nodded, "Absolutely."

"Gdark wouldn't miss this because he can have a chance to confront the man who depowered his father," The Laser Master remarked. "I even bet he already prepared himself to one day restore his father's honor by defeating Don Golzulin."

"A jerk who also has honor and respect for his father?" Mina Rodax guessed.

The Laser Master snickered, "You can say that. Well, he is one complicated man."

"By the way, let's head to the crime scene and call the others with the telepathy signal," The Laser Master insisted, leaping forward as he was ready to intervene in the prolonged destruction of the ongoing crime scene.

"Alright, VWX," Mina Rodax complied with the order as she nodded and tapped her left forehead.



News of the occurring crime scene was also broadcast on one of the floating screens inside Gdark's room. The screen displayed a recording of the armored robotic soldiers falling in the battleground with a hole chest or their heads being squashed into the pool of blood. A news headline stated, "Revenge of Anthonian Most Dreadful Nightmare, Don Golzulin came upon Teldrium!!"

The news was indeed being watched by Viscable who recently came back from Langorold by the storming portal that speedily shrunk without leaving any remains. The Ace Duelist groaned in rage fueling his mind, discharging the massive wave of magenta particles throughout his triangular backpack.

"Oh…now you chose to free, Don Golzulin instead, Arrogant…Cosmic Being?!" The Ace Duelist shouted, roaring the wild magenta particles and floating, gawking his sight at the above view. 

Viscable grumbled and muttered, "Fine then."

"You are indeed one twisted individual," The Ace Duelist uttered, firing more magenta particles beneath his feet.

 "And this might be a perfect opportunity to honor my father," Viscable added proudly, loosening the rage thought by exhaling a long wave of air.

However, a sudden interruption for The Ace Duelist occurred as he caught the noise of a door being opened, evoking him to center his sight to the lower left. His sight cleanly captured the sighting of his father, Cantos, gasping and wincing in distress As The Old Man cleared his throat, Viscable hesitantly lifted his neck in a rigid demeanor, glimmering the magenta light through his suit.

"You….already….heard the…news, Gdark?" Cantos asked worriedly. "Are…you sure ready to face…the same man who…took my power."

Viscable cleared his throat and spoke, " I am fully prepared to crush him."

"I knew I couldn't stop you, but I wanted to about Don Golzulin" Cantos spoke, repeatedly blowing the exhausted air. "When…he tired to unleash his Erasure Purplish Shadow….chop his hand as fast as possible."

"That's the only way to prevent you from sharing my fate," Cantos added, pouring a flood of sweat on his forehead.

"Even though it's against the moral code of a Superhero, it's the only way to stop him," Cantos uttered, closing his eyes shortly, "Unless you find an alternative method to disable his hand from casting that dangerous spell."

Viscable nodded and affirmed, "Your warning is useful information, especially for effectively countering his deadliest move."

"See you later, father," The Ace Duelist bid a farewell,

"Good luck, Gdark, please return safely," Cantos replied. "I had things to discuss with you."

Magenta particles widely burst out from the triangular backpack that sent The Ace Duelist to soar into the circular portal recently cast on the middle of the above interior. Viscable was indeed readied himself to battle against the dangerous man who wiped out the heroic power his father possessed.



With the ongoing chaos ensuing in Teldrium, The Ace Duelist glided on the cloudy sky and unshackled more particles on his triangular backpack. Each time the wind flew past him, Viscable, he booted the cloudy air beneath him and jounced him further, passing four buildings at once.

The Ace Duelist rigidly surveyed the view below him, showing a view of citizens on the sidewalks walking into the evacuation truck nearby. His eyes even caught sightings of the U-V robot obediently standing on the sides of the evacuation trucks, surveying every spot of an area in its surroundings.

'The government and the police are effective in evacuating the citizens quite a relief for me,' The Ace Duelist thought. 'Because I don't have to worry much about saving a lot of innocent people here.'

'Which means I can have a better chance of facing my future foe without much of distraction,' Viscable added.

The speeding flight was suddenly interrupted when The Ace Duelist gyrated after receiving a glimpse of someone familiar on the rooftop. Viscable captured the clear sighting of Casmine standing on the rooftop of the building with the floating white oval building containing a holographic projection of the muscular man holding a clean rag.

The Blonde Girl waved her hand, driving Viscable to fly onto the rooftop and thrusting his feet to the ground for a smooth landing. The Ace Duelist assertively darted his eyes toward Casmine who pleasantly freed her smile and stepped closer. He also glanced at his back, grasping the sighting of Lorina heading in his direction.

"Tell me more about your master's plan, Succubus Supermodel…" The Ace Duelist demanded, sneering at Lorina briefly, And you too Glutton Girl?"

Lorina grunted and halted her steps, "Alright, you arrogant asshole good with throwing insults."

"Be patient, Lorina unless you are a petty girl who can't take any insult," Casmine taunted, forming an enchanted lip and stepping closer to The Ace Duelist. "Let me take a part in explaining Gilbron's intention."

"Simple answer, Gilbron wanted to test his new power on a strong opponent and Don Golzulin is a suitable candidate for it," Casmine answered, stroking The Ace Duelist's shoulder before she walked past him. 

Casmine snickered proudly, "Even better, Don Golzulin was quite easy to be convinced by my lies."

"Do you have any problem with the choice?" Casmine asked, shimmering the white flashes through her eyes.

The Ace Duelist clenched his enraged knuckle and bickered, "From all the powerful villains, the annoying cosmic being chose that infamous man as his test subject."

"Then, you must have a strong grudge against The Nightmare of Anthonian am I right, Viscable?" Casmine taunted curiously, placing her lip closer to The Ace Duelist's left ear which triggered him to groan.

"None of your concern to know my past with that vile man," The Ace Duelist argued, pushing away Casmine. 

"Besides, the one who shall finish The Nightmare of Anthonian is me!"The Ace Duelist yelled deeply.

Casmine giggled and smirked, "Is your supposedly target Don Golzulin or Pendoswing, Mighty Viscable?"

The Ace Duelist was stunned by the recent counter from Casmine who captively broadened her smirk, encouraging her twin sister to paint a gratified lip. Despite Viscable clenching his stammering fist, he bowed his head and released a large chunk of enraged air from the top of his lung.

"Think again, if you let Gilbron fight Don Golzulin, you most likely get more information about the extent of his power," Casmine mentioned and chuckled before she provoked. "Do you think your current capability is more than enough to stop him?"

"From what I see, you are still far weaker than Gilbron. You are like an ant to him right now," Casmine jeered, showing her sinister grin. "And if you are so confident to on defeating Gilbron, then why do you decide to play card games with him rather than duking out?"

Casmine laughed and said sarcastically, "Oh please, don't let your pride always get over your head."

His heartbeat rapidly went faster as The Ace Duelist frustratedly grunted, channeling the untamed magenta particles throughout the rectangular backpack. Viscable headed closer to Casmine and drew his knuckle that being kindled with magenta energies, pressing his furious furrow.

Defying rage was tamed when The Ace Duelist forcibly withdrew his empowered knuckle and dissolved the particles on his backpack. Casmine whistled in gladness, winking her alluring eye at the man. She delicately fondled Viscable's cheek that forced him to jostled her hand away

"Fine then, I shall let the Annoying Cosmic Being crush The Nightmare," The Ace Duelist uttered irritatedly before he let out a question, "So is there any other condition I must comply with you?"

"You must allow Gilbron and Don Golzulin to have their satisfying match in your pocket dimension," Casmine stated, switching the sinister grin into a jolly smile. "Don't forget, you must include me and Lorina as a spectator of their upcoming match."

"That's all my request, so do you agree with it?" Casmine teased and blurted out a snarky reminder toward The Ace Duelist. "You still can settle your grudge with Don Golzulin after Gilbron's fight, right?"

Viscable shook his head and bickered, "Alright, I shall grant your request, Succubus Supermodel."

"Now, tell me more about how you are going to set up your master's twisted match?" The Ace Duelist demanded.

Casmine flustered her hand as she tilted her head to the back and declared, "First you have to put Gilbron into your pocket dimension and he is now standing behind you, oh, Mighty Viscable."

The Ace Duelist turned around and gasped in shock as Gilbron recently arrived by leaping from the rooftop of the building beside. An eager grin bloomed on The Young Man's lip, discharging the wild green energy on his back that blew a storm of gale and swinging his pendulum necklace. The touch of the gale shivered Viscable's legs, cautiously taking one step back after his sight caught Gilbron's grin.

"I'm sorry Mighty Viscable, I have to face Don Golzulin," The Young Man asserted, shaking one of his hands emanating the binding orange flares."Because I was so impatient to test my power and it seems he was a suitable subject."

"As Casmine said, you should watch me fighting him as hopefully, you can figure out how to defeat me in the most effective way" Gilbron reminded The Ace Duelist, nodding thankfully at Casmine.

The Ace Duelist gritted, "I hate to say this. You can have The Nightmare as your test subject."

"However, you must show me one of your strongest attacks in that match, so I can willingly comply with your request," Viscable proposed, elevating his offering hand. "Do you agree with the deal?"

Gilbron accepted his rival's hand and shook it as he said, "Yes, yes, Mighty Viscable. Thank you very much."
