⛔Warning Before you Start Reading

⛔ Warning

Hello! I wanted to clarify something regarding how I'm publishing episodes on Webnovel since I'm new to the platform and its writing system. I didn't fully understand the difference between Vol 0 and Vol 1 and thought they were just basic categories I could select to quickly publish my story.

Here's what happened:

I published the Trailer under Vol 0, which was fine.

Then, I published the first episode (Chapter 1) under Vol 1, which was correct.

But when I posted Chapter 2 of the first episode, I accidentally put it under Vol 0 instead of Vol 1.

As a result, Chapter 1 appeared below Chapter 2!

To avoid confusion, I've added clear labels to the chapters:

Ch/1 - Chapter 1

Ch/2 - Chapter 2

Ch/3 - Chapter 3

This way, it'll be easier for you to distinguish between the chapters.

🌟 Exciting News!

I'll soon be releasing a special companion book for this story, which will include:

Detailed information about the characters

Fascinating facts about the story

Extra details and insights not included in the main story

Stay tuned for more surprises! Also, the next episode is going to be... unusual.

Be ready for the suprise