Patrick Anderson woke up with a start. Damn it, he had overslept. Why hadn't his alarm woken him up? He rolled out of bed with a groan. He'd have to skip his morning jog today if he was going to make it into work on time. Why the hell was he sleeping in his boxers? He could have sworn he was wearing pyjamas last night. Huh...he must have kicked them off in the night.

Forget that, it's not important. Need to have a quick shower and head to work. Bloody hell, he was going to be late if he didn't hurry.


Tonks landed her broomstick. She frowned at the tracker that was clipped to its handle. The damn thing had suddenly stopped working. The dials were spinning around at random. Bloody Hell, Why did this have to happen now? Just when they had been so close. Now how was she supposed to find...What the hell?

Remus Lupin landed his broom next to her.

"What happened? Why did you stop?" he asked.

"The tracker...the bloody stopped working... B-But...Remus, what are we doing here?" she asked.

"What do you mean? We're searching for the boy who lived?" he answered.

"Yes, but who is he? What's his name? I can't remember...I can't remember anything about him..."

"Tonks...Don't be stupid...we're looking for...Uhh...we're looking for...his name is..." Remus stopped talking. He looked utterly gobsmacked.

"Exactly, I...I mean we're out here looking for the Boy-Who-Lived but I don't even know what he looks like, or what his name is. What the hell happened?"

"But...I could have sworn we knew...something is wrong...something is very very wrong. Come on, we need to get back to Scotland, we need to find Dumbledore."


Sirius Black woke up from his afternoon nap feeling quite strange. He had the oddest feeling that he was forgetting something extremely important. What could it be, he wondered. The odd feeling persisted as he made his way to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. He could have asked Kreacher to make the tea but he hated being around the malevolent little bugger.

With a wave of his wand water poured into a teapot where it instantly started boiling before settling down into a steady simmer. He rummaged around in the drawers looking for the tea before finally finding a canister at the back of one of the cupboards. He frowned as he opened it and looked at the black leaves. The problem was that there were some wizarding varieties of tea that were so potent that a single leaf was more than enough to brew an entire pot of tea. If this was one of those, then putting in too many leaves might result in him ending up in the highly dangerous state of being Knurd.*

Still this did not look like one of those blends. This looked more like a rather prosaic CTC blend. At least he hoped it was. How much tea was he supposed to add to the pot? He had no idea, but he guessed that a teaspoon would probably do, as long as it wasn't one of those special blends. He tossed a teaspoon's worth of tea leaves into the teapot and waited. He would let it steep for a couple of minutes. Trying to rush that step with magic, at least for him, always resulted in truly foul tasting tea.

He gazed off into the distance as he waited for his tea. His fingers were drumming incessantly upon the table. What was wrong with him? Why did he feel so strange?

He poured the tea into a cup, added a dash of milk and sugar then took a tentative sip. Terrible. Truly and utterly awful. He fought down the urge to rinse his mouth out and took another sip instead.

He put his head into his hands and sighed deeply. Merlin, but he hated being back in England, hated this dark dingy house with all its unpleasant memories. Why had he come back?

He froze...shocked, utterly and completely shocked. The question seemed to be reverberating in his brain. Why had he come back?

He had absolutely no reason to come back to England. He had no family to speak of, not really, he had never even been particularly close to Andromeda and she and Nymphadora were the only relatives he would ever care to acknowledge as such. He had been abandoned by all his friends and the people that he had fought and bled with. Not one of them had questioned his imprisonment in Azkaban.


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