The air splattered around my face, it's icy hands slaping my ears. I looked up. The buildings were a blur. Trees, houses and cars all blended into one long stretch of indistinguishable mash of colours like a painting with different colours smeared with one stroke of the brush. He had to be running at least 110mh.
I swallowed air.
I noticed how hard the tall stranger tried to stay away from the Sun, often using me as a shield- the cloak he wore, apparently, was not as effective as he would have had it be.
I felt a pang in my stomach. It was like a thousand Tiger claws tearing their way out of my insides, one by one- each one more painful than the last.
I writhed in agony as my head wrapped up itself at such intense speed in immense pangs of throbs.
Everything went black.
I felt an immense rush of peace like an overflowing spring of water pour into me. Bliss, like nothing I have ever experienced before, overwhelmed me. It was soothing.
I opened my eyes to such great light, so bright it made the Sun look like a candle. The air smelt like flowers and cake, so sweet a fragrance I could actually taste it. The atmosphere was filled with an undescribable joy. There was singing everywhere.
I looked behind me to see if France-lyse was here too. Nothing but endless bliss. Was I dead? Was this Heaven? The pains I had felt before were gone- almost as if there were no pains before. As I looked around, it began to feel like I had been here all my life. I was. Happy?
A presence, so strong it's aura stripped away my leg's ability to stand, appeared. I crumbled to the ground, my body shivering with fear and awe. I could not see the face of the presence whose overwhelming strength had rendered me crippled. The figure appeared to be clad in a cloak of beaming light. It extended it's hand towards me.
"Dear child, come to me."
At once, all my fears disappeared; and as if on program, I stood. Every ounce of my being moved to obey the command. The being placed it's hand across my shoulders, guiding me along, soothing my soul.
"Walk with me, Tobi. I have a lot to show you."
HE guided me along the right path, restoring my soul. We walked down a valley filled with green grass and still waters. I was not afraid for I was comforted. All my anger and resentment was gone.
We sat on the edge of the valley, surrounded by intense beams of joy, and soothing calm.
"I have known you even before you were born. I have destined you for great things...", He began. His words were strange to me, and yet, I understood every bit. As he spoke, I saw the meaning, as clear as glass.
"... I have granted you abilities beyond the human comprehension. Powers the human mind cannot begin to understand- not even you. You must learn to master these abilities before the rulers of your world find you."
"My spirit is in you. It will guide you, enabling you discern between what is real and what is not. However, whatever you choose to do with this power I have granted you is your choice, and I shall not take it away. But, for every choice you make, there shall be consequences."
Like a veil being lifted, I saw in plain terms what he meant. I searched within me and felt his presence- his spirit- reside in my soul; it's roots, attached to my belly.
"What is my purpose?"
"The tree that grants it's wielder the ability to live forever, whose leaves shine brighter than the moon.... No one has seen it, nor had it... And it must remain like that."
For the first time, his words did not make sense. It's meaning was obscured, and I saw through a blurry gaze. It was like a veil had covered my soul, preventing me from truly understanding what he meant.
I began to struggle within me. The peace I had felt, seeping out like liquid escaping through a tiny puncture. The bliss in the air became thinner, and HIS presence disappeared slowly.
There it was.
I saw the memory of France-lyse telling me about her village and the SilverTrees. I had felt no deceit in her words, her heart had seemed pure. But, the men clad in shining armour. One of them had said something. What was it?
The more I thought, the more I worried, till HIS presence was no more. I felt the raspy graze of breeze on my skin. I opened my eyes.
"Dieu merci, tu es réveillé!", France-lyse said, rushing to my side.
I looked around. I was in a small room, lying on a bed, with a small standing fan blowing gently by my side. There were no windows, and the only people in the room were France-lyse and I.
"What happened?"
"You were asleep for three days.", the tall stranger said, opening the door and walking into the room slowly.
"I thought you were dead." He really had a habit of appearing out of nowhere.
"I believe you were in a trance.", France-lyse said, her body still wrapped around mine.
"Your spirit left your body, but your soul still stayed intact."
I tried to remember what had happened.
My memory was wiped.