Into The Void

I looked at France-lyse in mutual silence, the ticking of a clock nearby being the only sound I could hear, asides her occasional breathing in and out. Her hair was ruffled, and her face looked weary. She stood up, stretching out her arms and legs.

I watched her as she slid down the straps of her pink gown, her fatigued eyes, now lit with passion. She smiled at me as the dress fell off the top of her body, dropping to her hips without a sound. Her skin shone in the dark, glittering like bronze placed beneath a bulb. I turned my face away, swallowing hard.

I could feel her dancing towards me, the air charged with mystical energy. I glanced at her. Her feet moved quickly and elegantly, barely touching the ground. I watched as the dress swayed rhythmically, circling around her waist as she twirled. Her fingers caressed the air as she mouthed something. She had placed me under a spell.

I rose, my feet now alive. I saw my arms stretch out to her, my body swaying to the soulful beating of the drums in the air. I held her hand and pulled her to myself, sucking in her presence as I caressed her face. Her eyes bore into my soul, and her lips parted. I tilted my head, my hands sliding down her body. Her smooth legs raised to encircle mine, as I breathed down her neck.

I raised my eyes to look at her's, my fingers circling around her breasts. Her lips welcomed me. The world fell into a quiet bliss for the tiniest of seconds before sucking me up into a wormhole of overwhelming pleasure. I sucked in her mouth, caressing her nipples as she moaned raspily. Her arms flew around my neck, her legs tightening around me. She kissed me with such ferociousness I thought was inhumanely possible. I saw us fall to the bed.

"Help me."

I stretched back my head as France-lyse trailed her tongue down my body. My hand had touched the wall. I gasped as I felt her warm breath below my waist. My body tightened in anticipation, quivering. A pause. Like the rush of a mighty wind, I felt intense pleasure like never before. It was moist sorcery, engulfing me in an overwhelming dance.

"Help me."

I stretched back my head. My hand was still on the wall. I pulled back my arm, moaning deeply as France-lyse's head bopped up and down. My hand did not bulge. I frowned. I tried harder, pulling my arm with all my strength. Nothing happened. I began to panic. I added both hands now, struggling to free myself, but that was a mistake.

Like the flash of lightening, the room around me changed. France-lyse was gone. There was darkness. Pitch darkness. I could see nor hear nothing. It was as if I had been sucked into a void.

The world around me felt strange, like I was trapped in tar. The moist prison slimed around me, slithering down my body like paste- aloe vera paste.

"Hello?!", I said.

My voice echoed aloud, resonating around me. No response. For what seemed like forever, I remained alone in the darkness, abandoned by whatever had called me there.

"Help me."

A voice!

Like lightening, I felt the faint glow of her presence stream from a distance. I swarm cautiously, swinging my arms around in the moisty void. The echo of her voice diminished as I approached the source of light. It was a girl. A very strange looking girl, with chains binding her to the floor of the void. Her ears were pointed and her eyes were blue. She wore very torn clothes, and was lying in a fetal position.

"Are you Ok?", I asked, bending down to touch her. Her body was soft, like jelly, and her aura was mystical. She rose her head, weakly, to look at me.

"Help me. Please."

I looked around to see if I could find the keys to her chains, forgetting I was surrounded by nothingness. Oh. I smiled weakly at myself, and sat beside her. Her ears were really pointed.

"How do we get you out of here?"

"The chains. They have bound me for seven hundred years. If you can break them, my magic would be restored."

I looked at her fetal body bound with chains. How the hell was I supposed to break these chains? With my barehands?

"Magic works as long as you are not bound in here. Moreover, I sense a very strong aura from you."

"I do not know how to practice Magic?"


I saw the disbelief in her piercing blue eyes as they widened in shock.

"How then are you still alive? Only those with strong magic can survive in the void!"

"I do not know.", I said, pondering what she had just said.

"What happens if you try to pull it out? Would that work?", I asked, gripping the chains with my hands.

"It's pointless. Only true magic can break..."

The chains shattered in my hands, scattering all around us. I looked at her in shock as she stared back at me in more shock.

" W...ho?.... H....ow?!"

"Let's get you out of here.", I said, as I lifted her up and dusted her body. She hugged me. She was trembling and shaking violently as she clung tightly to me.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

I could hear her silent sobbing.

"It's okay....", I replied, rubbing her head.

"Let's find a way to get out of here."


For a moment, she didn't seem too excited to leave the void again.

"Do you not want to go home?", I asked, swimming away in the moisty void.

"I do not have a home?"

I stopped in my tracks.


She swarm up to me, and continued swimming. I followed.

"Seven hundred years ago, my people refused to swear allegiance to the DragonKing and his witch daughter."

"The DragonKing?"

Could that be the same person France-lyse had been speaking about earlier on?

"You see, we Elves are a proud race, refusing to associate ourselves with the nonsensical trivialities of other races- humans especially. We take utmost pride and honour in our task of protecting the Seer."

"The Seer."

"Yes.", she said, with an air of laughable pride.

"We had been fulfilling our task when the DragonKing attacked, demanding we told him where the next Seer shall be reincarnated."


"As Queen, I stood firmly by our principles.... watching as my people were slaughtered...burnt in flames.", her voice began to break.

"I am sorry."

"It was not your fault... Eventually, I was thrown into the void. Without us Elves, the DragonKing didn't need to struggle anymore. He'd kill every Seer before they even realized their potentials."

"If I were to go back now, who knows what the DragonKing would do to me? Worse, if I don't go back, what he would do to the Seer.", she said, bursting into tears.

"It will be okay."

I didn't know that.

"You think so?"

"Actually, No. I don't."

"But, you'd never know if you do not try.", I said, with a weak smile across my face.

"Thank you."

"Alright... Let's get out of here."

She stood still, drawing in air as she spread forth her arms. Her eyes glowed brightly as her presence intensified. She held my arm.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. What's your name?"

The environment had changed. We were back in the room on the bed. It seemed no one was around. I turned to check the clock. 1:15pm.

It was 3:45pm when I had left. How...? Oh my God! I had spent a whole day trapped in that void.

I turned to look at the Elf Queen.

Her face was an expression of horror.
