After 3 hours straight, we were done with the practice and for the new bees, they were going to be called for the next practice if they made the team.
Me and my guys, I, Jayden, Scott, Evans, Kevin, Tate and some other guys were the players of Auburn University, we had a lounge only for Soccer players where we have our meetings and coded discussions.
We were all seated in different positions, Scott started 'So Adams, you called this meeting, what do you want us to talk about?'
'The Freshers' party is the day after tomorrow guys and everything is set, now we have to make moves this year, how are we going to do things'
Steven spoke 'Its the same ol' game, we always play the same game every year', 'Yeah, but the rules to every game are different, it's the same game were gonna play but with different settings, you guys are all going to appear at the party alone, no babes, no side chicks, no hook ups, because that's where we are getting all of them.
'Yeah, we've invited most of the fresher girls and..... boys so it doesn't look suspicious, so like we are expecting a really full house on Friday night' Kevin stated.
'Okay, seems like everything is set' I said as I exhaled.
~Mikayla's Pov~
I was just done with two classes in total when I received a message from an unknown number, I opened it finally realizing it was the girl I gave my number to.... Um, Erella, to send me the location of our group studying and she just did.
I left the hall to the Cafeteria to get something to eat and that was when I saw the girl I sat with in my first class today.
I went to buy a tray of food and then I instantly went to join them as I sat close to the girl, Erella said 'Oh, it's Mikayla, she's coming to sit with us, hi again', I just smiled.
I looked at Wendy 'Wendy, hi, Erella here told me you just started a study group and invited me to join, so I guess I am officially a member' I said.
'Yep!' Erella said as she bites down her apple, 'The studying is at my place, we do change locations from time to time depending on the amount of people that we are up to' she paused
'Oh, I see', I said
'You guys can come to my place today and next week for the study, the next 2 weeks is in Erella's place, after we've studied in her house, you are next and it just goes on like that', Wendy said referring to me, she continued 'And this is not the first time a study group has been founded by me, I did it last year also, it's just that some of them participate so hard that they begin to get a very noticable change in their grade, so at the end of the semester they stop because they've gotten the good grades they wanted, so they live the group' she stated as she shrugged her shoulders.
'Oh, I see, I get it now, I get everything' I said.
'Oh, it's not just that, they are more, but on the long run, we'll tell you the rest' Erella said
I turned right towards the girl close to me, she's on her own was eating and fiddling with her phone.
'Hi', I said , she turned to look and replied back 'Hi', I began 'I sat with you in our first class today, I am the girl that came in very late, almost towards the end of the class' I said, trying to make her remember.
'Oh, yeah, I know, is there anything you're looking for?' she asked totally clueless
'I was wondering.... I want to ask if you can give me your notebook, cause I barely have the note for the lecture, I would want to copy everything down' I asked politely.
'Oh, I don't give notes to students to take home, that's one of my policy' she replied
I was getting frustrated because I really needed the note.
'Say what, why don't you come with us to go to Wendy's house for the study group, by the time we are done with the study, I'll hand your book over to you and you can go home with it? I suggested.
'Yeah, it would be nice if you joined, you can also become a half time memeber if you want'.
'Okay, sure I don't see any harm in that, but I don't know your house' she said referring to Wendy