
Chapter 3

Nyx's POV

I sat in front of a dozen silver polished mirrors each reflecting a frail and fragile figure. Attendants,hair stylist tugging the strands of hair from underneath my ear then placing them back again each of them trying to get a smile from me to no avail. From the mirror I could see Serina Kage leaning across the metal door. She sure wasn't smiling but then when has my mom ever smiled. She stretchedbody leaning to tell me something but then redrew as sharply as she came. I could see she was fighting her inner demons and they were getting the best of her.

 "Step mom?" I called and tilted my head so she could wake up from her daze.

"Nyx." She replied smirking and left. Step mom and I were never close. There was always a lot of tension and unspoken words hidden underneath her good morning .

I could see the stylists scuttling to stand in straight lines lowering their gaze while doing that and I knew he was in the room .

"Nyx." He said in a raspy voice.

"Good morning sir." I said trying to curtsey and praying not to fall.

"These are Dukes from Nightingale." He said giving room for me to see the men at his back.

I never liked Dukes, they hide their abusiveness within the fabrics of a 3 piece suit and fitted blazers like the green Turkish one he was wearing this evening.

They talked some more about business as the closed the door but their voices came as faint whispers because my mind couldn't process any thing more as the stylists were stripping me of my old clothes and in return I ended up with a high laced long sleeve top heavily embellished and bloused loosely at the bodice.

My hemline grazing the floor and dragged in a modest train . I've never been to any of my father's ceremonies before and to think this one was hosted for me.

After the stylist left after putting 15 different shades of color on my face I decided to have a look around. I dragged my hemline to the front door when I was greeted by a stout man maybe late in his 30s.

"You're not allowed to leave mam" He said .

The ceremony had begun I could hear my father start his speech.

I'm guessing an hour passed and my father began rounding off the speech. Another guard came and motioned the stout one to join him. Taking that opportunity, I dashed out rushing out into the hall way. If I could make it into the main floor I would be free. I walked swiftly lightening my steps so as not to make a sound which was, almost impossible in this silver heel. I walked fast, the charter hall almost at sight .

Are they in?" A voice I couldn't recognize said.

"Yes they are?" Another voice replied. It was the stout man. I dashed into the first room I saw by the left which happened to be the kitchen, to hide. I hid myself inside the cupboard leaving it slightly open for air. I waited there quietly as some butlers came in rolling a cart. I silently prayed that they wouldn't need any thing from this cupboard. Someone walked in .I could see the queen's slender figure .

"Is all in place, did you get them?" She asked.

"Yes your highness."

"The silver ones too?" She asked.

They pulled off the white clothe covering the cart and that's when I saw it an array of guns and bullet causing a gasp to escape me as I covered my mouth in realization. I hoped they didn't hear it but apparently they did because they came charging in my direction. I fought off the first one hitting him below the belt. I couldn't fight all as a rolling pin came crashing into my head the very next second. I found myself tumbling and falling onto the floor. They held me down as the queen walked towards me

"I hate you." Were the first words that came out of my mouth.

"I wish you were never born." She said . I shook and squirmed as I was dragged along my strength slowly fading.

Apparently there was trouble down the hallway because the number of men around me gradually reduced till they were just four. I gathered the last strength I had in me to fight. It was now or never.

We were now in the hallway. I used my heel and hit one on the foot crashing my elbow into another ones face. But I gave up when a hand collided with my jaw line. In that daze I saw him, my one man army. I watched as the first two men dropped on the floor. The next two men joined almost immediately.

Who was he? He looked like boy wonder as he moved in steps you could hardly see. His hair was the colour of fiery hot coals. He looked too good, almost inhuman. His voice brought me out of my daze.

"Let's go." He said.

He could be an enemy but I found myself not struggling as he held my hands. I was sure he was shot but he didn't seem bothered with it. We made it outside the castle gates . It was pitch black but I could smell the fresh leaves and I knew we were heading to the forest.

"Who was he?" I whispered as my eyes slowly shut.