
chapter 10

Ian's POV

The room drowned in silence, only the occasional sounds of crickets and clicking of the wings of fireflies interrupted the quiet atmosphere.

I could feel it, this person reaked of danger. My werewolf cells reacting pulsated with an uprising energy. The thought of who he might be and how he managed to find the cabin consumed my thoughts.

His unrelenting smile and unbelievable calm served as a tick to my already ruffled mind. For a person who had a dangerous object to his throat, he sure was composed. I could feel the room dropping in temperature , my already furrowed brows deepening.

Without wasting time, I wrapped my hands around his neck and flung him to the other end of the cabin....or at least I tried. He had very quick reflexes and this seemed to add to my agitation. I leapt towards him digging my claws through his torso although surprisingly it didn't rip through.

There he stood, a smile still resting on his face as he stared at me as though amused? Seeking for an opening or weak point, I hardened my hands prepared to land a strike on his neck which pulsed with life but the sudden interruption of a voice pulled me to an abrupt stop.

"Wait...!!" The panicked feminine voice sounded out from behind me as I was pulled to a realization that while I had been so focused on the intruder, I completely forgot about the Princess.

In a panicked state, not minding the intruder; I rushed towards the Princess, my eyes and hands scanning her for any visible injuries.

"I'm alright." Her calm voice pulled me to a stop as realization of what I had been doing hit me.

"I am sorry, Your Highness." I apologized while taking a step back, eyes hardened although never leaving her.

"It's okay." She said a reassuring smile letting me know she didn't mind my error.

"He's good, he's here to help." She said weakly as she looked from him to me.

"You don't know that." I said stiffly as I glared at the intruder who still had that annoying grin on his face.

"She's right, I'm good." He said spreading his arms in emphasis with a smile still on.

"No one asked for your input." I snapped at him brusquely.

"Kay." He said, leaning backwards.

"He said things at the palace are really rough and we aren't safe here anymore." I heard her say after a short while.

"He could easily say something in order to deceive you and achieve his goal." I replied tone hard.


"Have you asked how he found this cabin in the deep of the forest?" She started but I interrupted her trying to make her see reason.

"If I could find here, what makes you think someone else can't find it?" The man interrupted starting to look slightly annoyed.

I stared at him in silence because although my werewolf senses were tingling and as much as I hated that annoying grin on his face, he was absolutely right.

The queen had a network of men , trained men and as strong as I think I am .., I wasn't confident to fight an army of men with silver bullets without my full wolf form. Most especially with the Princess on the line.

Not to mention Chris Woods, one of the richest men in Valnaria and the east coasts who could easily pay hundreds of armies was working with her.

" Those should be the least of your worries", Roshan replied as if reading my mind.

" What is worse than an army of a hundred men?", He added his head tilting slightly to the side and the smile I had come to hate plastered on his face.

I looked at him my eyes piercing into his trying to find the answer in all this mystery.

" A hundred men with silver bullets.....?

That didn't seem right. It didn't take too long for the realisation to hit me. My eyes widened in clear panic which caused a bigger smile from him in return.

What is worse than an army of a hundred men.....

An army of a hundred werewolves, I replied almost face palming my self.

"Oooh, speak of the devil , or should I say devils", Roshan said intently staring through the shredded window I had broken out from.

My werewolf ears could pick up the ruffling sounds coming from outside and I knew in no time we will soon be surrounded.

Staying inside didn't seem like a good idea , as we would be surrounded on all sides. Clutching the hand of the Princess, we stepped out through the cabin door, and stood, the cabin forming a wall of defence on our behind.

" Smart .." Roshan said joining me outside taking a relaxing stand.

" But this is your fight..., he added seconds later. I only owe the Princess and won't allow anything to hurt her but your on your own", he said smiling again taking a sit on a wooden log near Nyx.

Son of a _, I cursed but I didn't have time to worry about that as familiar faces came out slowly from the shadows. Fangs protruding out from their mouths, their eyes narrowing and their bodies coming down to all fours.

Slowly the scooted to the side, creating a narrow passage.

" Well well, if it isn't the crimson wolf" a voice said walking slowly through the passage.

Clove...., I hissed in my mind.