
chapter 12

Pierre stood near the east iron gate in his black vests with red trims, his body heavily loaded with armoury. He had a serious look on his face.

His red hair had been cut low and the air around felt intense.

Clove walked up to him bearing an equal look of seriousness. Standing beside him, he handed him a set of keys.

" Everything is in place", he said.

All we need is for the King to start his speech", he added.

"And the Princess? Pierre asked.

"Still in her room, Chris's men are watching her", Clove answered.

Pierre was deep in thought. His wolf senses was telling him something was up,

But what was it..., He wondered.

"Your highness...!, a young man said running in. He was one of Oliver's men.

"The Princess has escaped from her chambers, he quickly added while trying to catch his breath.

Pierres lips deepened into a frown.

"Start the plan now..!!, he shouted. Men scuttled in all directions in response.

" Let's make history..., He said his lips forming another wry smile.

"Your highness, Sir Chris sent me to inform you, that he wants you to meet him in the hallowed chamber after all this is done ", a voice said interrupting his thoughts.

Pierre turned to look at the speaker. It belonged to a frail boy who looked like he was nearing his teens. His brown unkept hair and his messy shoes really did leave a first impression.

Waving his hand, he dismissed him.

"He keeps treating me like his servant.., but it won't last long...", the wry smile forming again on his lips.

The sounds of guns firing started first in ones and twos and soon turned into a full blast. He knew the Alpha was currently in battle cos he could feel his werewolf cells tingling itching to a piece of the action.

But he knew he had a job to do and that was to find the King. Some how he was glad that he was put incharge of the east wing. It was one of the most central places in the palace.

Nodding to Clove who nodded in return, he left the gate letting his nose lead the way. Although his primary assignment was to kill the king, he still had one more other satisfying thing to do.

His half brother and source of constant rage.

"Where could he be....?

Ian was last cited near the Kings chamber, so walking almost blindly, he headed slowly to the chamber.

Hearing the chaos in the main hall and not catching any scent of Ian after minutes of searching, he decided to head back to the east wing taking another route.

The scent of blood filled the air. And for a wolf, it was magnified. But Pierre wasn't distracted as he walked calmly through the hall. Images of Roshan and their last interactions flashed through his head.

"Wait until I put Ian's head on a spike and hand it over ..."

Taking a right his sensitive ears picked up something, rushed foot steps were heading in his direction.

Standing still,he waited as he could tell it was the foot steps of only one person and he was confident that he could take him down who ever he is. Thoughts of Ian and Damion flashed in his mind for a second for which he slightly shivered but shrugged it off as quickly as it came.

"I am strong , stronger than that _ and soon the whole world will know that..

Soon after that, a figure came running from the corner. His black hair swinging at his pace and his clothes though stained with blood and shredded here and there, smelt of royalty.

He came to an abrupt stop on seeing Pierre, his face slightly perplexed though his overall demeanor was calm.

"Why are you here, aren't you supposed to be at the east gate? Aleks said.

Of a truth, he was glad to see Pierre knowing his strength, he could help Damion and get rid of the intruders but he couldn't shake off the feeling.

Some thing just didn't add up.

Thoughts ran through his head and soon he decided.

Remaining where he was, his hand slowly tilted to the hilt of his knife. And at full speed, he flung it towards Pierre who dodged it moving slightly turning his face to the right.

" And here I was.., looking for the crimson wolf and the universe just decided it was your time to die" , Pierre said his wry smile stretching ear to ear.