15- breaking bonds

Saoirse stepped into the car and the driver shut the door politely. Then he got in and began pulling away from the curb. 

She looked out the window attempting to memorize how to get back to the hotel. The driver smiled politely at her and tried to make small talk. 

"You've made quite the impression on the Alpha Miss. He is very excited to meet you."

"I'm not sure why he would want to do that, I've only been able to cause fear in my wake." She answered sadly. 

He looked at her in the rearview mirror and noticed that she seemed to be a bit sad about the upcoming interaction. 

"If I may ask ma'am, you don't seem very happy that you've obtained so much power. Is it not your goal?" 

She sighed. "I suppose I feel like I'm born for this, to be a queen, but it's not really what I'm looking for. I would prefer to create an era of peace." 

The driver nodded, "Wouldn't we all my lady? Wouldn't we all." 

She looked at him, "If it was my choice, I would do it, but I've been separated from someone and I can't stop feeling like I don't have a lot of time to find them or something bad will happen. Like I have dreams about him and feelings of him, and I feel like he is in danger for some reason." 

The driver suddenly looked at her with new eyes, "Aren't you in love with your travel companion?" 

Saoirse waved her hands enthusiastically, "oh no no no! He is much too violent for me, he doesn't see things the same way, I'm sure he wouldn't even be interested in a romantic girl like me!!!!" 

The driver nodded, "Well, maybe there is someone else out there for you then, if you didn't deny it, I would say it sounds like a blood bond, that is very strong magic." 

"What is that?" 

"Perhaps you were bonded with this man in a past life or something, and you feel like you have to find him because you're supposed to find him. That would explain feeling the feelings you described. I had a bond with someone once, but nowadays it's very uncommon." 

"What happened to her?" Saoirse asked. 

"She died." He sighed, "When we join a gang, they don't let you out, so to prove loyalty, I had to break my bond with her." 

"How did you do that?" 

He sighed, "There's a ritual." He said, "It's complicated." 

"Oh." She said, "Well, I wish I had a memory of who the person I have lost is, I died and it made me lose my memory of my past life. If only I could remember him, it would make it easier. Up until now, I've searched every pack seeing if I can smell him." 

"You know what he smells like?" The driver asked. 

"Yeah." She pulled out a small piece of cloth that was stained with blood. "He smells like this." She said. 


"How can we kill him without harming Saoirse?" Aksel asked the Alpha after shaking his hand.

"I think you know the way." The Alpha said. "You're a smart boy. I'm surprised you haven't done it." 

"I want her to consent to that kind of a thing. What will she think of me if I force myself upon her?" Aksel said, resuming his demeanor of caring what people thought of him. 

The alpha raised an eyebrow. "Once you bond to her, she won't be able to leave you, why should it matter what she thinks of you? You said with time she will give in, so why do you hesitate to make her yours? Charm isn't the only way to get what you want." 

Aksel sighed. 

The Alpha waved his hand at his gang and stood up, "As for me, I take what I want and I have many many women. I don't bond with them, I don't have to, I'm not into that loyalty stuff. Wolves have an Alpha for a reason, so that I may pass on my genes."

"I am not strong enough to force her," Aksel said after a while. 

"Tsk tsk, you silly boy." He opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle of wolfsbane or tyrihjelm. "Give her a bit of this, it works like a charm. I'll have a driver bring you home and we will pay the hotel to say they didn't see anything. Then when you have broken her bond with him, we can kill him, like I said, there's only one vampire in this city that it could be, and we have been out to get him off our back for a while now." 


The car arrived at a manor in the middle of the werewolf territory. It was very large and had an intricate gate with hedges and immaculate gardens.

A man was cutting the grass and another was pulling weeds. The driver waved as they passed. 

They pulled up into a round driveway and he got out and opened the door for her. "I wish you luck Miss, please be careful who you trust." 

She stepped out of the car and another gangster greeted her and opened the door to the mansion. "Please take a seat here ma'am, dinner will be in 20 minutes. I will inform the Alpha that you have arrived. He bowed politely to her and she sat down and waited. 

Suddenly, Aksel came running down the stairs and hugged her tightly. 

"Oh, Saoirse! I was so worried about you! They kidnapped me when I was napping and I feared the worst!" 

Saoirse looked at him in his suit and questioned him, "How are you fine?" I assumed they would have harmed you?" 

He touched his suit and smiled, "The Alpha is a good guy, he says he has heard of you and plans to surrender."

"Just like that?" She questioned, "You don't think it is fishy?" 

"On account of your physical condition," he added.

She placed her hand on her belly. "Everyone always thinks that I am fragile because of this egg." She said. "How long until it hatches? I've been like this long enough, I want to be my real self again."

"I just had a wonderful conversation with him, he thinks that he can be a good ally to us in the future." 

"That would be nice, no other alpha has offered to do that yet. Seeing he has gangsters surrounding him, I was sure he would be ruthless." 

"He may be ruthless, but he is very smart," Aksel said. "Why would he want to make an enemy of someone as strong as you?" 


The Alpha came down the stairs smoking a cigarette and dressed in a very expensive suit. He put it out on account of her pregnancy as Aksel had described.

"Welcome Miss Saoirse!" He said and a servant offered him a tray which he used to bat away some ashes from his cigarette. Then he squashed it and left it lying there. 

He went to take her hand and kissed it. "I have prepared the most beautiful banquet for us tonight, I had the servants fly in lobster from Maine for the occasion." 

"Oh thank you so much, I am delighted to meet you, Aksel has told me we can talk tonight about an alliance between us?" 

"But of course." He said, "This husband of yours is very persuasive." 

Saoirse waved her hands, "Oh no no no no no! He is not my husband, we are business partners." She said. 

Aksel gave a polite smile and nodded, "It's just business." He said. 

The alpha gave them a sly smile. "I can see that."

Saoirse flushed at the accusation. "Sir I assure you I am not sure if he is the father."

Aksel growled a bit inside but kept a smile on his face. The alpha could see it was fake.

"Well then, tonight will be a very interesting experience." The alpha said. He beckoned them to the dining room politely.