"What is that face for?" Lugh asked, not skipping a beat. He had seen right through Maeve's attempts to hide that she wasn't excited to see him this time.
How could she be? She had just been told that all of her attempts to make him an heir was worthless. It was so tiring, at first it was fun, the idea of him stealing her away and taking him out to sea with him, but now that she was here, she hadn't spent an ounce of time outside.
She hadn't breathed fresh air in weeks. Her skin had paled to the point that she barely recognized herself in the mirror. She was starting to feel brittle, like she might shatter at any moment. The suffocating walls of this place were swallowing her whole, just like back at Loki's house. She needed light, needed to feel the wind against her skin, but all she got was this endless, stifling waiting.
Waiting. Always waiting.
The waiting was killing her. It had been 6 whole weeks!