After the initial introduction, they all sat together, and Dove said, "Mr Lancaster, it is good that you finally came to meet Grandpa today. I have been hearing about you from a very young age from him."

"And I said all the good things. Haha." Senior Sterling laughed from the side.

Dante pursed his lips into a smile, feeling giddy that Grandpa Sterling had been saying good things about him to his wife.

Just then, Dove chuckled and said, "You are the CEO of Fort Groups, you would naturally have good things to be said about."

Dante's face turned red, and he pursed his lips. Calix, who was sitting just beside him, looked at his Boss though side eyes, and internally snickered.

Dante must be flying in the seventh heavens, hihi! And well, in truth, he really was.

Dante was too overjoyed to be conveyed in words.