But unlike Freya and Noah, who were still lost in their own thoughts, Dove was soon to recover. She had a small smile on her lips, as being the younger one in age and relationship, she decided to stand up, and greet them.

If there was something that Dove had learnt in the last four years, then it was that, there are a few things that a person should let go. It helped them in moving forward. Also, after having Gavi, and being a single mother, she also understood Freya somewhat.

Though, she still did not agree with Freya on a lot of things, specially her personality and her thought process. But Dove understood that, as a mother she would also want the best of the best for her son.

And her son would hold the top priority of her no matter how many more children were there, and no matter what he did. So she for a little understood Freya.