Getting Handsy

Of course, all three had faces that screamed doubt. But I had also demonstrated my ability, so it was a real thing. Now it was up to them. 

Blonde - Come on.. What if I pay you money? 

Brown haired girl - Wendy! Don't!

Hikaru - No, I don't want money. It's just a one time thing, just think what you will gain.. Okay let's scratch that, how about just one day with me?

The Brunette and Short haired girl also started thinking about it. Though after a while they all said no. I just sighed and stood up, trying to leave when one of them spoke up, 

"Okay! Make me hairless and you can do anything to me for a day!"

I turned around, it was the blonde. Guess she finally came around. I smiled and sat down again. Her friends kept trying to change her mind but she just refused to back down. 

Hikaru - Okay, I will do it right now. Come here, you can choose when you want to spend a day with me. I am in this town for only 4 days though. 

The honey blonde girl, Wendy, nodded with decisiveness. Then extended her hand. 

But I wasn't going to make it that easy. 

Hikaru - No, the hair removal process is different. I have to touch the place. 

All three squinted at me. It was obviously a lie and they could call it, yet Wendy did not listen to her friends and came to sit next to me. Her two friends eyeing both of us with both fear and anticipation. 

Even though they were fanatically religious, this world's women sure had pretty lustful minds. That inn keeper's wife, daughter and now these three. It felt a bit too easy, but then again he never said such bullshit back on earth so maybe it was just because of his young age, good appearance. Still that shouldn't make them so easy to touch. 

Well, I was the type who would enjoy this and worry about shit later. 

While making eye contact, I slowly slipped my hand under the simple looking thin lower of her. It was of poor quality but it was still better than what I had seen many wear. The dress she was wearing had much better quality - the lower was okay kind of thing. 

When my hand touched her belly she shuddered, and got embarrassed. Her friends chuckled but stopped when she glared at them. 

My hand reached near her pelvis, the undercloth was a cloth too - wrapped around her waist tightly. I had to struggle to send my hand inside. 

Once inside though, my fingers got stuck in a really thick bush. No wonder these women were so desperate to remove it - I loved the hair on women though. The hair on their ass were even more attractive to me. 

Wendy was trying her best to control but everyone could hear her moaning slightly once in a while. Her friends ignored it, to not embarrass her any further - though themselves were shifting their thighs slightly as if it was their bush my hand was on. 

Stretching my fingers I went more down and felt moisture. She was wet. The moment I touched her wet pussy, she moaned a bit louder and our eyes locked. Without thinking much, I inserted my middle finger in her pussy making her gasp with open mouth - and I grabbed the chance to lock her cherry pink lips into mine. 

For a second she seemed too overwhelmed to do anything but when I started using my tongue, she gave up pretending and kissed back with equal passion. The faster I fingered her, the faster she would breath and moan louder and louder in my mouth. 

The kiss barely lasted for a minute and a few seconds but when we separated she had already cum hard on my hand-I removed all the hair near her pussy and asshole. My hand was all sticky. I smiled, Wendy finally had a crashing realization of what she had done and she immediately looked at her friends to see how they reacted. 

But her two friends were not in any condition to react as we saw them hastily remove their hands from near their crotch. They were touching themselves above their clothes. It made me chuckle, Wendy also laughed seeing her friends make such expressions. Her friends also started laughing along with them. 

I got up, they also did. It was getting pretty dark with the sun already below the horizon. Before leaving though I reminded Wendy of the promise, 

"Decide fast when you want to do it, or I will have to sneak into your home to get my reward."

Wendy nodded, though her cheeks reddened a little thinking about what he just said. The other two were watching intently so I added, "You two can also think about it. Go home and see what beautiful Wendy's pussy has become.. That might change your mind. Just imagine being ridden of the biggest hassle of your life, you could get any boy or even a lording with such pure pussy."

The more words I said the more their faces reddened. It was fun to tease them, they refused but there was a doubt in their faces clear as day. Wendy on the other hand just had a silly smile on her face. No one mentioned the kiss at all. I also caught her touching her crotch sneakily from the corner of my eyes. 

Returning back to the inn, I saw the wife of the innkeeper-she shielded away from me though. The Daughter also met me in the hallway, I totally ignored her though. 

After eating some pork chop ordered online while watching a movie, I was about to fall asleep. I had walked a lot today, even though I was eating well for a few days - this body was still a bit frail. 

I didn't even realize when I closed my eyes and I fell asleep but a repeated knocking on my door woke me up. Drowsily I walked up to the door and opened it up. The two people outside made me raise my eyebrows. It was the husband and the wife innkeepers of this inn. 

What the hell did they want in the middle of the night?