The Council 21

Evans gave his brother a short, annoyed glance. He didn't like that he was still doubting the hitman he hired. "Dacatt told you he doesn't rush his jobs. We have to give it time. He's one of the best, and he'll handle it."

Alfonso scoffed, pushing himself up from the couch. "Time?" He pointed a finger in Evans' direction. "We don't have time, Evans. Did you see how those two were looking at each other out there? They're madly in love. What's stopping them from waking up tomorrow and announcing they're getting married?"

Evans averted his eyes, his mouth remaining shut, as he chose not to respond.

"Once they're married, Adeline gets her inheritance. And we both know she's smart enough to write a will the same day, probably leaving everything to charity or to him. So even if she dies after, we won't see a damn penny."

Evans's eyes narrowed, but he still said nothing.