The black van carrying Evelyn slowed down, turning onto a narrow, secluded path that seemed more like an abandoned road. It led to an abandoned building surrounded by a tall iron fence.
At the gate stood three men. Two of them held wooden bats, while the third carried a handgun. As the van approached, the man with the gun pressed a button on a control panel and the gate creaked open, revealing the building within.
The van drove through, parking in the courtyard before the gate shut again. Hidden among the trees nearby, Andrei crouched on a branch, watching every single movement. He had parked his car at a nearby lot and pursued the van on foot, so as to remain undetected.
Gripping the branch tightly, he leaped down, landing directly in front of the three men.
The thud of his boots against the ground startled them. "What the hell?" the man with the gun barked, immediately raising his weapon and aiming it at Andrei.