For a brief moment, Enzo stood motionless, his gaze drifting between Elijah and Adeline, contemplating whether to acquiesce to her request or not.
Then, without a word, he released the backrest. The chair's front legs slammed back onto the ground, causing Elijah to lurch forward. He yelped, reaching out frantically to grab the table and steady himself before he could fall.
"Watch it," Enzo muttered before turning away and walking towards Adeline. He slumped into the chair beside her, folding his arms across his chest and spreading his legs. His foot tapped against the floor impatiently, his eyes still locked onto Elijah as if daring him to say something stupid again.
Elijah exhaled heavily, clasping his hands together as he leaned forward. "Thank you, kind miss," he said, grateful for her getting Enzo to back off.