Chapter 17: Welcome to the new world - From youth to death (2)

The narrow tunnel leading down was barely large enough for Eren to fit inside comfortably, Jun's bulky armour scraped and tore with every turn, the sounds grated against Eren's ears. The stench of moulded earth and mildew wafted by, adding to his discomfort.

Although a welcomed relief to the earlier desert sun, with a welcoming cool temperature that washed over them; Eren could finally breathe. However, the smell grew with every step further underground.

"Fuck this place reeks." Eren grunted unhappily. Jun responded with a chuckle.

"Welcome to the life of a ranker, shit sticks to your clothes...And your skin too." Jun groaned softly, tugging at the fabric of his shirt under his armour to provide some fresh air.

The passage ways, curved and spiralled; branching off at irregular intervals, split tunnels disappearing into darkness, no way to see beyond a few feet from the illumination of set torches along the walls The markings along the walls of particular interest to Eren. In his studies growing up, he took history classes, specifically regarding ancient civilizations; something about the etchings seemed familiar to him. He could not quite put his finger on it; some symbols shared similarities with Egyptian hieroglyphs; yet highly detailed, in depth with images and designs he had never seen before.

"What is with all the writing on the walls?" Eren questioned, breaking the silence.

"Hmm? Oh, the pictures? Don't know really, the historians who study these dungeons will get all excited whenever they find stuff like this. Gates are basically long-lost civilizations or ruins lost to time. People like studying them... Why I dunno." Jun answered with disinterest.

Further down, a light glow shone in the distance, pulling them closer to its source. The light emanated from a large circular room. The floor, covered in gleaming golden treasure; gold bars, gems and jewellery scattered across the floor. Ancient relics and statues littering the corners, broken, and crumbling with age. All the while reclaiming its natural golden hue.

"Up there." Jun pointed to a throne atop a golden platform; A skeleton seated upon, robed in ornate fabrics, embellished with precious gems; observing their treasure below.

"How is this gate not filled with rankers?" Eren asked bewildered by the amount of gold and jewellery.

"Well, the goal is not the gold but rather the unique item's the gates are protecting. The gold in here would likely dissolve as soon as we leave the gate." Jun explained.

"Oh, I see..." Eren responded disappointedly; hoping he could load up his inventory with wealth. Perhaps buy off Baelor to get him off his back. Help him rebuild his fallen guild or similar.

The duo made their way to retrieve the monarch's prize. Unbeknownst to them, 8 eyes watched from the shadows above, patiently waiting for the prime moment to strike. Descending slowly, creeping carefully to not disturb the air and alert their prey.

Eren's skin prickled, imminent danger hung like a fog in the air.

"Jun, above!" Eren shouted; narrowly ducking the razor-sharp leg. The pair springing backward in unison, bringing their weapons to bare; defensively raising their guard.

This spider was vastly different from those on the surface. Its form, double the size particularly the abdomen, encrusted with golden jewels and precious metals. However, most striking instead off a head; A woman's top half grafted seamlessly into the lower portion. Her body covered in golden skin, and her eyes. Eight golden eyes staring deeply into theirs.

The arachnid queen, the boss of this realm. It shrieked at them with a fierce war cry, baring fangs for its unusually long mouth. A slender human tongue wagging viciously within.

Jun moved in first, swinging his large sword from overhead. The impact of steel rang loud through the room. Blocking the blow, using her hind legs to repel Jun's weight, slamming him to the side like a fly. Eren followed shortly after, sending a low slash against her legs; effortlessly dodging the thrust of her long limbs. The strikes clipping her ankle, although bouncing off harmlessly.

Despite her large size and the strength of her blows; she was incredibly agile; moving from point to point with rapid accuracy. Striking one, then another, alternating between offense and defence. Eren could keep pace with her, however Jun struggled; always on the back foot; desperately blocking, parrying, and falling into the piles of treasure.


Eren unleashed a dozen quick strikes in a blink, each hitting its target; bouncing off its carapace with little effect. His focus faltered only for a fraction of a second, yet a window was all that was needed; the queen shot a jet of liquid gold from her mouth. Eren narrowly escaped the torrent, sand melted under the intense stream; creating a molten puddle.

"Jun! Focus, I'll distract her."

Dashing towards the spider, whipping at her long limbs. Each one easily deflected; forcing the queen to rely on her superior agility and speed. Whilst Jun, took his moment climbing up the jewelled abdomen.

With his sword held high, he jumped down slicing the queens head clean off; her body instantly crumpled, crashing against the treasury below. Golden dust scattered like droplets of water across the floor.

'Too easy, the beasts of the arena were harder to kill...' Eren thought; finding it strange, given how powerful the spider appeared to be.

"Did... Did I kill it? Sorry about that man, I haven't really had a chance to practice solo gates for quite a while now... My combat skills need work." Jun's voice betrayed a hint of sorrow, lowering his head shamefully.

"It's fine... you are a useful information source, after all." Eren said blankly, turning around to look at the corpse; lying motionless on its side. Jun smiled warmly underneath that dark visor, grateful for Eren's words.


*Step* *Step* *Step*

Footsteps echoed through the tunnels; alerting the duo. From the darkness stepped a group of crimson bandits, dressed in casual wear rather than battle attire. Six strong, each a man you wouldn't want to run into in the dead of night.

"Well, well, what do we have here. Isn't this our esteemed member Jun?" The leader called out, approaching with confident strides. A tall black-haired man. His hair in a dreaded top knot a white tank top and red jeans, showing off his lean muscular figure, sleeves of dragon tattoos covered both arms.

"Kazuma." Jun mumbled; barely audible to anyone to Eren.

"A headless queen spider? I'm impressed, but then again, you weren't the one to kill this bitch? You certainly don't look the type... This bastard did the deed yeah?" Kazuma's attention turned to the white-haired companion next to Jun. Scrutinizing Eren with keen eyes.

Sauntering over slowly, observing Eren closely. "Hm, not much to look at. You're a newbie?" Eren ignored his glare, looking off elsewhere.

"Cold aye. You'd be a great bandit. You know the drill boys, strip her." The other bandits limped towards the spider. The same ones from the other night; now covered in bandages and plaster casts, groaning loudly. Clearly still feeling the pain from their encounter with the mysterious shadow

"Aren't you going to thank me...?" Jun mumbled once more, unable to raise his head to look the other bandit in the eyes.

Kazuma scoffed derisively. "Thank you?! Whatever for? Thank your little friend for killing the queen." He motioned to Eren; still standing off to the side silently.

"Well... I-I did-"

"Shut yer fucking mouth. You're lucky we even let you wear that armour." A kick to the knee found him sprawling against the sand. The boot gone straight through the metal kneecap.

Eren stood in silence, observing the scene unfold; his expression bored, like watching children fight on the playground.

Jun lay before him; a completely different person from moments ago. Submissive and complacent. A dog whipped into submission.

"BOSS!" The queen spider began to stir once more; her many legs wiggled to life. Rising slowly from her prone position. Kazuma flicked his wrist, engulfing the beast in an inferno of dark violet flames. Immolating her entire form, charred remains falling to the floor with a thud. Loud pops from the scatter of burnt gold jewels, sprinkling the room with coins and dust.

"Shit. Overdid it." Kazuma muttered to himself.

"How are you going to pay for this Jun?" Kazuma stared directly into Jun's eyes; demanding a reply with his glare.

"W-Why.... Me?" Jun spoke with hesitance, trying to keep his voice firm.

"You dragged us into this fucking gate! And all you've got to show is burnt treasure." Kazuma hissed with venom, looming over Jun.

"I think we should teach him a lesson in time wasting boss." Another bandit piped up, nodding at Kazuma. The others began to surrounded Jun.

The ring, woke up. Demanding to be feed. Demanded to bathe in blood, to revel in chaos.

'No. Calm yourself.' Eren reassured the demonic ring. Gritting his teeth; fighting for control of his body. His mind and emotions running rampant.

Jun gave a look; not a look of mercy or helplessness. It was a look telling Eren to leave. He will be fine, his lived through worse and that it will not change. "And you, do you want in?" Kazuma whispered low.

"No? Shame. Fuck off then."

Eren began to leave, not wanting any part of guild squabbles. It wasn't his business.

"Boss, can we go and see his sister afterwards?" The same bandit perked up with excitement.

"Yea, that's a good idea. You were interrupted the other night. We will make sure she pays for your wastefulness too!" The men cackled malevolently.

A guttural growl emanated from deep within Jun's chest, pushing past his lips. "Y-You stay AWAY from her! I won't let you touch her!"

Jumping to his feet, leaping towards them. A swift kick to the jaw put him down once more.

'Sister.' Eren thought. It finally dawned on him. This was the boy he had saved the other night; beaten bloody before his eyes. He couldn't believe he was about to abandon him. That's not why he was put on back.

The thought repeated. Resonate sounds of punching and kicking rang out, drawing Eren back in.

The ring got him. Anger, hatred, disgust, a twisted form of love? It didn't matter, his decision was made. Eren returned with malice burning bright.

"Oi, the newbie came back. Maybe he wants a piece of his-" A whip sliced through the air, embedding itself into the bandits open mouth. The group froze, shocked by the sudden move; taking a moment before they could fully comprehend what happened.

"W-what, Kill him!" Kazuma roared preparing another fire spell.

Eren ripped the whip out, flying straight for the head of the snake. Kazuma dogged with ease.

"Missed-" Before he finished his quip, The tip of the blade changed course; curving through the air, cleaving his arm off at the elbow.

"ARHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Kazuma fell to the ground clutching his shoulder. Holding back tears.

A whirlwind of violence followed; Killing each of the bandits before they could react. Their screams echoed through the hallways. Their blood splattering onto the walls, staining the ancient ruins of the dungeon with fresh crimson. Jun watched it all from the ground, frozen in terror.

A lone figure stood amongst the carnage and mist of red.

'Sister.' The though continued driving him forward.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, please don't kill me." Kazuma cried out over and over, crawling across the sandy ground. Blood leaking from the severed arm and shoulder.

"Please I'll pay you, anything you want." Holding up his remaining arm in a feeble attempt to stop Eren's advance.

"You will never hurt anyone ever again." The rings power unleashed itself; tendrils wrapping around the dead bodies, pulling them into the abyss. Filling the demon ring with strength.

Kazuma screamed and pleaded for the tendrils to stop. All the while they slowly enveloped him, blood pouring from each touch. The last sight, his eye staring fearfully, his body being consumed and crushed within.


The tendrils retreated into the ring. Leaving nor a trace of themselves, nor the six dead bandits that occupied the space, save for the blood covered sand and walls.

Eren released a deep breath, trying to calm himself. The tension and adrenaline in his body slowly subsiding.

'Was this necessary?' Eren asked himself. 'Yes, they deserved it.' His answer, or that's what he chose to believe.

Jun laid on the ground, cradling his hand on his knees; breathing quickly, whimpering faintly. Terrified of what he witnessed. Of this unknown person before him.

He made eye contact; quickly closing his eyes expecting it all to end, hoping it would end quickly. But nothing happened. Instead, an extended hand waited in front of his face, calling out.

"Jun, Let's go." Hesitantly, he accepted it.

Silence plagued the duo walking the halls. Jun's eyes fixated on Eren's back ahead.

'That whip, he saved me from them. Why?' He racked his brain trying to understand, replaying the events of today and the other night; trying to piece it together. He felt conflicted, relieved that the Crimson's men were no longer following him but also fearing what lay ahead. Eren's intent unclear, both actions seemed genuine yet opposite.

'Who is this guy really?'

The sun blinded them momentarily upon exit, heat striking like a hot iron once again; embracing them in its painful embrace. Motorbikes sat to their right, 6 lined up side by side, red accents, crimson frames, and skulls; very tacky. But to be expected from a guild of criminals.

"Dam, nice bikes. Not a fan of the decals... Yeah, I can make it work." Eren whistled happily to himself, straddling the cassis.

"Want to go for a ride?" Jun hesitated, weighing his options.

'How could he be so calm after what he did?' Jun questioned, scratching his head; this man was a conundrum to him.

Wrapping his arms around Eren, speeding off into the desert.

Eren jumped through the dunes with reckless abandon. Racing across the landscape, a second nature long forgotten. However, poor Jun was holding on for dear life. Terrified by each jostling, feeling every bump and swerve in the terrain.

"Ere- Eren!! SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!" He yelled against the rushing wind. Eren let off the gas slowly, steadily decreasing the speed. Coming to a screeching halt, releasing Jun from the tight embrace; spilling onto the ground below. Face as white as a sheet.

"What now?" Eren asked. Having arrived back at the exit of the gate.

"There..." Jun struggled to catch his breath.

"There will be an investigation into the deaths of Kazuma and the others." Jun got up with wobbly legs, back leaning against the bike.

Exiting the Gate, the amber portal closed immediately after.


Level up

Level 2.


'That's it? No money no gear, abilities, no fanfare?' Eren thought, expecting more; the ring showed him the screen, but no fulfillment came with it. He felt empty. This was nothing like when he was starting out.

It's all so monotonous.

Despite all his whining about the system and its lazy designs; some form of reward would have made him feel better.

"Thanks for your help, Jun. I'll see you around." Eren spoke flatly, waving over his shoulder.

"Wait! Eren!" Jun's voice cracked as he shouted, eyes wide with a mix of admiration and fear. Watching Eren tear through the bandits without hesitation had shown him what true power looked like. He had to become that strong.

'I won't survive if I stay like this,' Jun thought, on all fours head buried into the ground.


"Be my master!" His voice rose to a near-scream, echoing across the silent landscape.

"No." Eren responded bluntly, leaving the young man with his forehead against the dirt. The motorbike engine drowning out Jun's pleas.

"His strong, you can teach me to be stronger!" Jun yelled out. He won't let him go that easily.


Eren made his way through the house, B-lining it to the bathroom, craving a hot shower to wash away all the sand and sweat he brought home.

The cold water cascaded down his body, soothing his muscles. His thoughts going back to the events of today, realising that he took not just one life but several.

'They say you feel an immense guilt taking another life. Whether it be intended or in self-defence.' Eren sighed internally.

'I felt no remorse. I can't even remember their faces, names, they were just... faceless.'

Eren's heart felt cold. Not from guilt or remorse. Just a passionless beat.

'I didn't enjoy killing those men. It felt like... duty.' Eren stretching his muscles. 'Maybe I just spent too much time with the dead?'

"Eren!" Emi's voice pulled him from his thoughts, shouting something about dinner. Quickly finishing up, getting dressed into some comfortable lounge wear.

Eren walked down to see what Emi wanted, although he already knew. His own stomach grumbled with the answer.