'What have I done?' He stared down at the mangled corpse below, fear clawed at him. Deep breathes could only delay so much.
The mass that lay before him was unrecognisable; covered in matted crimson gore, barely human-shaped, bits of bone jutting outwards like spikes, torn flesh hanging loosely off limbs. Blood pooled beneath him forming a macabre pond, reflecting light eerily.
The ring sat dormant once more; having feasted on the life of Eric, bathing in his blood and filling itself to the brim. 'He deserved it.' Eren thought angrily. The fire, the rage festering once more. He spat on the remains. His disgust overflowing.
Slow vibrations came from the corpse below; buzzing gently. Eren bent down to inspect the noise, finding a smartphone hidden underneath a pool of coagulating blood. Using his already soaked clothes, cleaning the screen, revealing it in its black sleek finish. The phone displayed an incoming text message:
Yo where are ya?
The birthday boy will be here soon.
Yep, I'm coming.
Where was it again?
Where? Where we usually meet. Fuck you must be drunk.
Here, hurry up.
17-A West factory.
I'll be there soon.
A 20-mintue walk from there.
Eren moved with purpose, sprinting across the rooftops; the way paved with moonlit shadows. One of his few allies guiding him onward. A faint crimson light in the distance was the destination. The breeze carried the smell of tobacco and stale smoke into his lungs.
A skylight gave vantage to those below. Crimson bandits; 16, 17... 18. All spread amongst the warehouse filled with creates of various sizes.
Spread evenly among makeshift tables, swords and guns lay be their side. Each man relaxed, enjoying drinks, talking, and gambling among themselves.
What drew Eren's ire though; a dirty mattress, surrounded my tripod mounted camera lights.
'No.' He muttered to the ring, awakening once more. Grasping his left hand hard, forcing his will into obedience.
'Calm yourself...' Eren breathed deeply, pushing down all emotion.
Whilst Eren battled for self-control. A white van pulled in. Out came two men. One short and fat, not a hair on his rounded head, a lit cigarette dangling loosely from his lips; The other a tall lanky man, no older than Emi.
"Happy birthday boss!" They all erupted as the fat man entered, a chorus of cheers greeting him. He clapped at himself, enjoying the celebration. The lankier man walked to the back off the van. Yanking on a chain, two women spilled out; hands chained together, wearing bikinis. The young man tugged harder, barking orders at them.
One girl, blonde curls, fought against the chains; desperately kicking her captor. A solid punch to the gut silenced her. While the other girl, a short redhead, sobbed hysterically.
However, most disturbing off all; another girl fell out the back. She was far too young, matching the bikinis of the older women.
The ring vibrated harder, Eren was barely able to contain it in his hand. His knuckles turning white from pressure.
'Kill them all…'
The girls were dragged inside to the hoots and cheers of the bandits; lust filled eyes scanning every inch of their bodies. Tears flowing uncontrollably down the younger one's face.
'This, is the kind of people the world is full of.' He said to himself. The ring hummed in agreement, growing louder and louder. Eren couldn't hold it much longer.
The two older girls are tied nearby, whilst the youngest is thrown onto the 'bed.'
"Leave her alone!" The blonde fought hard against her binds.
"We will give you what you want just please, not her!" The redhead cried out desperately.
"Ladies, ladies don't worry... you'll get your turn." The fat man hushed them, strolling past to the bedside.
"Bring her here. I'm going to take my time with this one." He said it casually, like ordering another drink, his smile widening at the sight of the terrified girl. The bandits followed suit, drinking heartily in anticipation. Their lust-filled gaze locking on the scared child below.
Eren dropped from above; crashing hard onto the concrete floor. A predators eyes peered through white strands; focusing intently on the fat man in front of him.
"Oi! Who are you? Ya got guts interrupting my fun." Fat man belched out. His chubby fingers wrapped tightly around his belt.
"Fuck off would ya." Another bandit piped up behind Eren.
"Pre-game entertainment. Kill this asshole then we-" The bandit couldn't finish his sentence as his tongue dangled from what remained of his jaw. Eren had learnt his lesson, kill them before they could react, no more time wasting. This isn't training anymore.
The warehouse stood in stunned silence before erupting into action; weapons drawn and pointed toward Eren. Swords & guns, fire, and ice, All primed for a fight.
"B-bastard!" Screamed the bandit closest to him. He rushed Eren, swinging wildly with a katana. Whip piercing his sternum, swinging him in the air before launching him headfirst into the gunner behind him.
"Your fucked now." 7 Bandits approached him slowly, cornering him between crates and boxes. A fireball ready to launch, instead its cleaved clean off by the whip. Falling to the crates and igniting them in flames.
Flaming swords swung down at Eren, one from above and one from below. The Reaper avoids both blows, backflipping onto the crates behind launching over the top, decapitating the offenders in midair.
An ice spear flew towards his heart, aiming for an opening; rolling out of the hitting another fire bandit, his embers added to the growing inferno.
The whip tracked through the air cutting the bonds of the two women, allowing them to free the younger girl and escape. Meanwhile Eren danced between blades and flames; metal slashing through thin air, inches away from striking home, parrying off an attack. He spun on his heels, twisting, and turning through the sea of attacks. Blades shattered upon contact, shards flew everywhere, peppering the ground with fragments. A shard pierces deep into his cheek. But didn't slow him.
The dwindling numbers and the growing inferno scared the fat man. "Fuck, RUN!" He yelled over the roar over the flames. "NO!" Eren shouted after them.
"Don't let them escape." With a raise of his ringed hand the 6 knights from before rose from outside, cutting all those unfortunates enough to draw close.
The knights raised their swords, striking downward cleaving a couple heads. Some unfortunate souls are thrown directly into the fire, screaming filling the room as they burn alive. The remaining gangsters split up hoping they will be able to escape the
The inferno has now completely engulfed the warehouse, the fire claiming many; all except for the birthday boy.
The fat man crawled on his hands and knees, struggling to breathe, coughing constantly. His skin blistering from heat, sweat dripped from every pore.
"Please." Eren glared down at him, watching him suffer.
"I'm sorry. Please, have mercy." He pleaded, reaching his arm out to grab Eren. Eren held him tight, holding him directly over the open flame pit.
"NO! NO! NO PLEASE!" His screams were deafening, his voice strained by sheer terror. The flames lashed the man's back, crackling and popping over the fire. Skin charring rapidly.
"PLEASE!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!! FORGIVE ME!!!" He sobbed uncontrollably, tears streaking his cheeks.
Too late for mercy.
"No." Eren spoke flatly, tossing the man into the flames. Cries filled the warehouse, echoing hauntingly along its walls. Eventually fading away altogether. Nothing remained but a pile of ash.
Before Eren could leave the last remaining bandit; the young lanky man crawled along the ground, clutching his stomach. "Please... Don't..." He struggled to catch his breath. Gasping loudly.
"I-I, was forced to do this. I don't want to be a criminal." The young man whimpered pathetically, blood dripping from his mouth.
Eren's thoughts become his again, the boy; the same age as Emi. His words spoke true.
"Leave-" Eren's mercy was cut short as a fiery crate crushed the young man, enveloping him in fire.
"ARGHHHH!" His pleading eyes the last image of the kid.
Charred meat and melted plastic all the remained. Eren left the inferno, stench of death his new perfume. Shirt barley keeping hold, shoes melted into the pavement. He left without looking back. A cold gaze settled upon his face.
The knights stood guard of the girls; following an unspoken command from their master. The blonde lady stood before him. "Thank you." She bowed deeply, shaking. Eyes red, raw. Her hands still bear bruises from resisting.
"Are you okay?" Eren asked softly, kneeling next to them. Both girls shook their heads weakly.
"Do you know somewhere safe you can go?"
The redhead answered, her voice barely audible. "...Yes." A spark of hope returned.
"How about you?" Eren asked the little girl, she didn't answer simply staring at his armoured guardians behind him.
"We can get there. Thanks." The blonde replied shakily, standing tall. Taking charge.
"Get home safe." Eren stood by watching the blaze. As he walked a tug on his remaining shirt. The girl embraced him tightly. Whispering quietly. "Thank you..." Eren patted her head softly, stroking her hair gently.
"Stay safe now." He parted ways with the trio, making sure they drove off from the hellish landscape.
The blonde glanced back at him one last time as the car pulled away, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and fear. She had seen his mercy, but she had also witnessed his wrath. What kind of man had saved her? She didn't know, and she wasn't sure she wanted to.
*Clink* *Clink* *Clink*
The knights all kneeled once more before him, their reverence apparent.
He extended his right arm; calling them to attention. The white dots meet his eyes.
"Thank you, return home now." Six nods returned; melting back into the shadows they came. Disappearing as mysteriously as they appeared.
Distant sirens drew closer to the blaze; emergency services doing their job, but too late. Eren meet the shadows, vanishing within.