Epilogue: Chapter 20.5

A brisk morning breeze swept through the air; the sun hung lazily in the sky. Light streamed between towering buildings lining a desolate street.

Detective Kenji Mori drove through the abandoned industrial park, the morning breeze flowing through the car windows. Boarded up warehouses flanking either side, their rusty frames worn with time. The burnt husk of a building appeared on the horizon, its scorched metal standing against the dull background. "Wake up Akiko, were here." Mori's gruff voice echoed around the car.

Akiko was passed out in the passenger seat, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust her blurry vision.

"Ugh." She mumbled jostling her messy blonde hair. "Look at you. Your hair's a mess." The senior detective joked to his junior.

Kenji Mori; a seasoned office of the Tokyo Police Force. A stocky build, broad shoulders. In his early forties now, grey starting to grow through the temples. Eyes sharp, alert yet warm. A strong jawline covered in a trimmed beard, connecting to his short sideburns. Despite his appearance, his personality was quite the opposite. A gentle giant of a man.

Akiko Bennette or Aki; was a woman in her early thirties, descended from half-Japanese half-Scandinavian. Athletic in her physique and her stature. Her dirty-blonde hair was usually tied up, although now unkempt; the product of working 14 hours non-stop. Her face featured angular, bold eyebrows paired with hazel eyes.

The pair stepped out of the car, entering the crime scene. Men and women dressed in hazmat gear and police uniforms patrolled the perimeter, collecting evidence, bagging any traces of biological material, taking photos of the carnage. "What happened here?" Mori asked aloud as they walked through the burnt husk.

"Fire brigade got a call at around 2:30 AM. Looks like a one-sided gang war." A fellow policeman replied to Mori.

"Most burned beyond recognition. A few decapitated or missing parts though, bit strange. Half killed with efficiency; the other half looks like some rabid animal went at it." The cop continued.

"A criminal guild with a monster in its ranks - and not the usual kind. This is something else entirely." Mori spoke dryly to the cop.

"This doesn't look like a turf war; no known gang kills like this. Rumours of sex trafficking within the crimson bandits, this looks like twisted justice, an example for others." Akiko spoke with disdain

"A vigilante? It's been years since we've had one." Mori asked, questioning the validity of his partners claim.

"Someone had a vendetta. These guys aren't just murdered. They're punished." Akiko pointed out to Mori. The experienced investigator thought it over carefully.

Joining the crime scene; the pair scout out the gruesome scene. The air filled with lingering ashes; charcoaled bodies lay scattered everywhere; blackened flesh clinging to skeletal remains. Each one twisted and contorted, faces frozen in agony; mouths stretched unnaturally wide.

"A video set... It wasn't filming at the time, was it?" Aki questioned grimly, holding a melted camera tripod in her gloved hands.

"No." A cop shook his head negatively. "However, we did find previous recordings... currently being processed." The hazmat cop spoke with a hint of trepidation, his expression dark.

"Do I want to know?"

"No." A curt response returned to Akiko.

Whilst the cops processed the bodies and evidence; A white limo pulled into the industrial park. Pristine white, clean chrome. The driver stepped out, a young man that belonged in school rather than chauffeuring. An unlit cigarette dangled from his lips.

"Oi Detectives!" He shouted.

"Who are you?" Kenji questioned as he turned. "Someone wants a word with you." Holding the door for open. Out stood a distinguished gentleman.

Clearly in his 50's maybe 60's. Notably handsome even with his age. Wearing a pristine three-piece suit. White jacket with a crimson button-up, topped with a black tie. Greying hair gelled back; eyes hidden behind large aviators. Carrying an ornate cane in his right hand, his left in a black glove.

"Good morning detectives. My name is Reiji Kikuchi, CEO of the crimson bandits." A toothy smile adorned his face, displaying rows of perfect teeth. Both Akiko and Kenji looked dumbfounded at the presence of someone powerful arriving unannounced.

"What's a corporate guy like you doing here." Akiko stepped forward, meeting Kikuchi in stride.

"I am here to offer assistance on behalf of my guild. We want justice served for these... individuals." Gesturing to the carnage around him.

"Like hell you are. These men worked for you!" Akiko spat venomously, disgust etched across her face.

"Oi! Keep that halfie mouth of your-"

"Hiro, enough." Reiji calmed his subordinate with a wave of his hand. "That was insensitive of him detective, please accept my apologies." His gaze remained hidden behind the tinted sunglasses.

A calm demeanour emanated from him, ignoring all hostility; standing straight-backed and relaxed. His aura radiating authority.

"These men may have waved the flag of our noble Guild; however, they acted on their own terms, neither have we condoned nor endorse any actions they committed." The words sounded sincere; however, Akiko didn't buy into his theatrics.

"Did you just come here to distance yourself from these 'individuals'? Cause were busy trying to find whoever did this." Akiko's patience wearing thin.

"The bandits, have resources. Resources that could lead to answers you require." An innocent smile grew on the old man's face.

"... And what does it cost?" Mori stepped in front of his junior.

"Any developments, any information, and cooperation. Of course..." Kikuchi extended his arm for a handshake. Both parties knowing the ramifications of a deal like this.

"Mr. Kikuchi, we appreciate the offer but we have procedures in place." Mori handed him his business card, instead of returning a handshake.

"Of course, of course detective. Please consider it." Pocketing the card without much care.

"We'll be sure to contact you." Mori ended curtly. Akiko following his lead; "We hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for stopping by Mr. Kikuchi." Akiko flashed a fake smile at Kikuchi.

Reiji seemed amused by the half-Japanese's performance; offering them both a nod before retreating towards his vehicle. "Charming gentlemen." Kenji quipped. "Assholes like him belong behind bars." Akiko snapped in anger.

"We're supposed to remain objective and neutral, keep that temper of yours in check." Mori advised his younger colleague.

"Whatever. His hiding something." She scoffed. "Probably, but our job isn't to assume guilt it's to discover truth." Patting her lightly on the back.

Akiko walked off in a huff. Mori stared up into the morning sky.

"Today is going to be a long day." He mused to himself.

In the limo:

"Sir, that's another group that have sex trafficked under our noses..." Hiro reported, peering into the rear-view mirror. Reiji sat, rubbing his tired eyes under his glasses.

"This is not I wanted for our guild... Keep your ear to the ground find any clue of who is responsible and bring them to me..." Reiji sighed heavily.

"Understood sir." The car drove off into the rising sun.