Long shadows stretched through the city; fading light a creeping whisper along the towering skyscrapers. Detective Akiko and Mori returned to their precinct; exhausted from their day of chasing false leads and working up dead ends.
With weary steps, the detectives entered their headquarters; void of life as people had left for today, crime has been on the downturn since the gates have been introduced to the world, or so it is reported.
Inside, a large lobby area with a high ceiling and a huge chandelier in the centre. The floor marbled dark blue with lighter shades of white swirling through. There are a few leather sofas around the room and an empty reception desk at the far end of the room. There are many portraits of previous chiefs and political officials, famous rankers, hunters, and heroes. Above the desk is a big picture of prime minister Kentaro Ito, he looked stiff and strict with short slicked back hair. The man had no soul in his eyes, black like deep caves.
Down several sets of hallways, through a maze of doors and staircases, they arrived in a small back room, away from the light of the world.
"You two. Meeting room now." A stern voice boomed through the empty hall; Captain Shimada's commanding voice echoed throughout the hallway.
"Yes sir." The tired detectives responded in unison, dragging their feet towards the RCU unit's office, (Ranker Crimes Unit). A tiny office built for a department created to monitor ranker related activities. Long since obsolete.
There is no ranker crime any more. At least that's what Prime minister Ito wants everyone to believe.
Through the door a small room illuminated by the setting sun and an office light dangling off the roof. Long rectangular window frames divided the small office into smaller squares. A larger meeting room nestled at the back wall of the office.
"Good evening you two." An older gentleman greeted the duo. Senior detective Takeshi Yamanaka, a veteran of the Tokyo police department and RCU. Thin greying hair, cut neatly and sharp eyes like a hawk. Years on the job have worn him down, evident by the sags and folds that formed on his face.
"How was your day in this great city of ours?" The older man stood up to greet the duo with handshakes and a sly smile.
"Not good." Akiko began. "There were no leads on the murder, we searched the and asked around but there was nothing. No one saw a thing or was just glad that his dead."
"And our new serial killer friend? Any leads on him?" Takeshi inquired, his sharp eyes scanning their faces. "Again, nothing. They're a ghost," Kenji answered, exasperated from the long day.
"Hey, meeting room now." Shimada's voice cut through the hallways. Two more officers trailed behind Shimada. Detective Mai Kaizaki, with her short bob cut hair, dyed a dark purple and yellow eyes, lit up by a dark eyeliner and mascara. Accompanied by her young partner; junior detective Luca Romano, sleek dark brown hair, styled to the side and dark blue eyes. An import from Italy.
"Evening everyone, I brought us all a lil treat." Mai reached into her bag, throwing everyone a canned coffee.
"Ahh thanks." Everyone thanked her in response.
"All right, detectives report!" Shimada boomed signalling the start of the meeting. Captain Shimada, with his deep commanding voice and trademark scowl, stood at the head of the table. A grumpy old man in a suit and tie, his presence demanded attention. The detectives straightened in their seats, listening with intent.
"I'm being hounded by the suits above, demanding to know our progress on the masked serial killer." Shimada sternly asked each member. Gaze sweeping across the room.
"We need results, and we need them now. This Reaper is making us all look incompetent. What do we have?"
"What is there to update sir? We know nothing about this guy." Mai remarked, finishing off her coffee.
"We don't know if it's a guy or a girl Mai." Luca chimed in.
"Please, that much rage and power. You think these arms are capable of that carnage." Mai retorts flexing her right arm.
"What we do know sir, is that whoever this reaper is, he is cunning like a fox. Sticking to the shadows, his singular purpose; exterminating the crimson bandits. My sources on the inside say that at least 300 or so bandits have been confirmed dead or missing." Kenji answered next.
"300? That's far too many for just crimson bandits."
"300 is not just for the bandit's sir. But other guilds that were caught doing business in bandit territory, another source has informed me that their guilds are to scared to dare step foot in bandit territory." Kenji replied to the captain's question.
"This brings me back captain, long nights, coffee fuelled runs to crime scenes, chasing elusive criminals..." Takeshi sighed pensively, reminiscing about the old days. Shimada eyed his aged veteran.
"And I seem to remember you fast asleep at your desk most of the time." The captain remarked dryly, although he too had nostalgia in his eyes.
"Anything else?"
"Some witnesses say that the reaper could summon soldiers from the shadows. Others say they are a one-man army who doesn't need soldiers." Luca added.
"So, you want me to tell the higher ups is that our serial killer is possible a man or a woman, very cunning, quite possibly is a necromancer class or quite possibly not?" Captain Shimada rubbed his temples in frustration.
"Captain, I understand that you're in a tough spot, and we're grasping at straws here, but there's someone else. We have a POI (Person of interest)." Akiko announced.
Akiko tapped her phone, projecting it to the screen mounted at the back of the room. A younger image of Eren Heart displayed, a mug shot.
"Sir, meet Eren Heart. This was the only image we could find. Just imagine him with unkept white hair, and the grumpy eyes of the captain's mug." Akiko held back a smile as Shimada's brows furrowed.
"And why has this man caught your interest detective?"
"He saw through Aki's psychometry, captain." Kenji interjected.
"I offered him my card; to get a glimpse into his recent memories and he shut me down."
"It wasn't just the psychometry," Akiko added. "There is something off about him. He is connected to the Crimson Bandits somehow; I can feel it. But we need more to go on."
The table look at each other with intrigue, "Is he in the system?" Luca asked.
"A C-rank warrior, level 14, nothing that screams suspicious..." Mai went through her phone.
"He has a record!" Luca interrupted.
Co-detectives turning to their junior partner with inquisitive brows.
"Oh, well not a criminal record per se but, he is in the system."
"...Luca, what is it?" The captain sighed.
"14 years ago, he was arrested for assaulting his manager at a fast-food restaurant." Luca tapped his phone sending the photos to the main screen.
A fat balding man appeared on the screen, the type you would see in certain types of films. His right side covered in welts and bruises, a slight slant in the eye.
Takeshi whistled. "He did a number on him, why wasn't he formally charged?"
"The man dropped the charges, said that he fell down the stairs." Luca continued.
"However, there were several complaints about him touching the female staff. He is also currently serving time for possession of kiddie porn, to which he claims it was planted."
"Good looking, a bad boy and a man of mystery." Mai leaned closer to the screen, rubbing her chin.
"Aki why do you get all the luck?" Mai teased causing Akiko to redden, bringing herself back into the room with a cough.
"A keen sense of justice and willing to put it into action, he would have made a fine policeman." Takeshi chimed in giving an approving nod to the mugshot.
"A man that takes justice into his own hands is not worth having on the force. No matter how noble his intentions may seem." Akiko interjected with a bite, her eyes aflame with disdain towards the mugshot.
The RCU detective always hated vigilantes and it was one of her reasons for joining the RCU; quitting her ranker job to pursue this career.
"Aki's right. I doubt that this reaper is taking out criminals from a moral high ground. If anything, this man is a criminal with an inflated ego and a superiority complex." Luca stated towards the group.
"Perhaps, but it must be said that the ward was in a desperate need for a cleaning. The bandits are responsible for a lot of misery in ward 4. Nothing wrong with a few vigilantes making em fear the shadows." Takeshi offered.
"And one man can decide who lives and who dies? Unaccountable to anyone but themselves? That's anarchy." Akiko shot back heatedly.
Takeshi gave a smug smile and shrugged his shoulders, amused by his junior's conviction.
"Oh, to be young and naive." Takeshi snickered. Akiko was furious, mouth about to foam but the captain quickly stopped the rising tension in the room.
"Detectives!" A pause. "You can argue ethical and moral dilemmas when your off duty but for now stick to what we know. Right now, 'Under the law.'" Eyeing Takeshi directly. "The reaper is a serial killer with little regard for life or the law, no matter who he targets." Captain Shimada asserted.
"Thank you, Akiko, I can bring to the higher ups we have POI." He paused looking at each member in the eye.
"You and Kenji will continue your investigation into the reaper case."
"Mai, I want you to compile all the evidence on the deaths of the crimson bandits, anything that links back to the reaper."
"Luca, I'm reassigning you to assist Aki and Mori. I want you to keep tabs on this 'Eren Heart', until we can conclusively tie him to the killings."
"Finally, Takeshi."
"Yes sir." Replying dryly.
"Stay out of trouble you old bag. And help your juniors, don't piss them off even more Takeshi."
"Good work today detectives, go home and get some rest. We will start again tomorrow. Dismissed." Captain Shimada got up and left the room, disappearing down the halls back to his office.
Takeshi yawned, rising from his chair. "It's been a long day, time to head home and rest up for tomorrow." Mai pushed off from the table, throwing her can into the trash.
Aki and Kenji, left back through the warren of offices, chatting in hushed tones. "Why didn't you back me up back there?" Aki whispered to Kenji.
"You're a big girl you can fight your own battles." Kenji gently held her shoulder. "Plus, Takeshi is an old dog, all bark." He replied calmly as they stepped into the brisk, chilly night. Their breath misting in the air. The hum of the bustling city slowly fell silent as night nearly fell upon them.
"WAIT!" A voice called out. Turning, Aki and Kenji saw Captain Shimada emerge from the headquarters. Accompanied by the department. "He's struck again."
"Again... The sun's still up-"
"I know, we have a live one too. The locals are holding him at the moment, let's go before the bandits can clean up." Captain Shimada ordered the department.