Chapter 26: Under a crimson moon - Blood on the horizon.

Red and blue lights flashed. Bystanders clamoured around a cordoned off area around 'Club Eden'. Police officers of varying roles scrambled and dashed from inside and out. Tape ran around the whole area.

Crowds stared with dumbfounded faces, only seeing the outside of the club. Inside however, a different story inside told a grim tale. Blood-soaked booths; splattered on the floor; painted across the walls, barely a surface left untouched by crimson viscera, nor a body left. Only the remains left in their wake were a collection of discarded weapons, belonging to their poor souls, as if no life was ever taken here.

The RCU arrived on the scene just as the last light left the horizon. The ward 4 local cops mingled amongst themselves without a care for the scene inside. Tired and frayed from many a sleepless night this week, they knew this was the work of the vigilante nicknamed 'The Reaper'.

Or just a general disdain to the victims of the crime.

"Who's in charge here?" Captain Shimada announced, drawing looks of ire from the officers.

"The big leagues finally show their pretty faces, aye?" A squat man shouted out to the arriving members of the RCU.

"I asked you a question, go and get someone who matters," Shimada shouted back, frown pulling his scarred face even lower.

"Yeah, yeah ya cueball, no need to get your feathers all ruffled." He shuffled away to the side, shrugging off the stern expression of the captain.

All the remaining, cops stood around; snickering to each other, eyeing the unit paying particular attention to the half Japanese detective and the younger Italian man. An amusing sight it was, seeing them in a foreign country an in-joke to their clique.

"All right, I'm in charge here, what ya want?" A fat cop emerged from the alleyway, white shirt barley keeping his protruding stomach contained in his straining button down. He adjusted his hat which covered his thinning hair before licking his teeth with his tongue, an unsightly sight of yellow and leftovers. Cholesterol personified, the overweight officer shuffled into the middle of the huddled officers, an amused smirk on his face as the department stiffened under his stare.

"Captain Shimada of the RCU." Outstretching his hand to which the officer pointedly ignored, grasping his belt.

"You can call me Takuma, and to what do we owe the pleasure of the fancy suits?" His eyes skimmed the detectives in turn, lingering on Mai and Akiko.

"Our...Your serial killer has left you a lovely crime scene inside this establishment," Takuma barely cast a look towards the entrance.

"We had to take the crimson bandit to hospital. You know a bit unwell." He smirked.

"However, we've got some witnesses as well," He finished, strolling away back toward the alley, lighting up a cigarette as he finished.


The team had seen many crime scenes before; but this, this was different. Blood coated the indigo floors; from one end of the room to the next. A scent of death a usual accompaniment for murder scenes but this place lacked it. As the officers, filled the room; silence took a hold. Unmoving, Captain Shimada began.

"Where are the bodies?" Luca spoke first. "The lack of smell, almost like these men weren't even killed-"

"We got here nothing was here, only the blood and the lone survivor waiting for us." A younger officer chimed in from the other side of the bar.

"My, my. They had to bring in new cops just for us." A woman spoke from the bar. Mei Jiao stood behind the bar washing glasses, still dressed in her revealing outfit. By the bar, sat Jun and the Akari on each side, back facing the team.

Her outfit drawing the eyes of the men of the RCU, even a subtle glance from their captain.

"Good evening miss...?"

"Mei Jiao, you can call me Mei."

"Okay Mei, I'm Captain Shimada. You- would you kindly put on something more appropriate before we continue." Shimada walked towards the trio with the RCU in tow. "Not much point now you've all been ogling my goods." She slinged a wet towel over her shoulder, gesturing with her hand.

"Besides your boys seemed more... preoccupied with something else." Akiko glared at the men of her unit, mainly her partner, Kenji, whose face turned beat red. Luca desperately tried to avoid her revealing attire, Takeshi seemed to enjoy it, as did Mai.

"Everyone who can't be professional please go explore the crime scene." Captain Shimada ordered. Kenji, Takeshi, and Luca walked off quickly as to not cause a scene. Mai even joining them still glimpsing at the sight.

"Now then." The captain let off an exhausted sigh. "Can you tell me what happened tonight?"

Jun spoke for the leash. "I was enjoying a drink with my sister; helping her set up for tonight. Then, six bandits barged in..." He gestured to the main floor.

"Demanding we open early, we couldn't say no. So, we went out back to start moving out the drink barrels then the-" The sister chimed in.

"Screaming started, and before we knew it... the reaper had come and gone."

"Lights were off and blood everywhere, we immediately called the cops; as we all know they are quite fast to arrive for our... establishment." Mei followed through, giving a side eye to the cops at the main door.

Jun and Mei were in sync in this lie, like two parts of a whole. Their demeanours contrasted one another, however; with Akari, she was less... calm. An unease clung to the air. Her leg bounced in tandem with her fingers. Restless, agitated as if she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Shimada gave the nod to Aki.

"Hello, are you all, right?" Akiko reached out to her hand gently and spoke softly. Only for a moment she saw through her eyes. Eren Heart appeared like a phantom before disappearing completely. Akari yanked her hand away.

Eren had informed Jun of a certain detectives' abilities. Who in turn concocted a plan with his sister to avoid her prying eyes.

'He was here.'

"Mr. Jiao. was there anyone else in the premises during this attack?" Jun tilted his head, pondering the question.

"My master."

"Who is he and where is he?" Shimada demanded. Jun kept silent, drinking his beer.

"Mr. Jiao; must I remined you that withholding information is obstruction of justice." Jun didn't care, he was ready to go to jail for a man he seldom knew.

"Oh, don't mind my brother. He thinks of his master like a second farther and holds the same loyalty as one too." Mei answered in his stead, giving a dagger to her brother.

"Eren Heart." Jun mumbled.

Aki and Shimada gave each other knowing looks. "And was he here during the attack?" Shimada pressed.

"He left well before." He returned to his beer, ignoring further questions.


"Well, by the fates, we have been brought back together." A voice from the main door spoke with cunning glee.

Reiji entered with a wide grin across his salesman spread, "Good evening my friends." Hiro followed close behind, while Shinya moved to the main bar; not wanting to talk to the people below his rank.

"Excuse me this is a crime scene, you can't-" Captain Shimada protested.

"Don't worry about that. Your friend Takuma sends his regards." A smug grin joined his cunning glee.


"Quite a mess you have here." Reiji continued observing the room.

"You must be Captain Shimada, Kenji Mori, Luca Romano, Takeshi Yamanaka and Mai Kaizaki; and of course, the ever-lovely Akiko Bennett." He smiled wide, stretching his hand only to Aki. She was reluctant but extended her own to Reiji's. Flashes of the abuses from earlier flew in her mind, making her snatch her hand away in disgust.

He smirked at her discomfort. He knew what he was doing. "What do you want Mr. Kikuchi." She fired back.

"Let's not be so formal detective, just Reiji. We are just here to ensure proper justice is brought to these fine men who were so savagely butchered in my club-"

"My club." Mei interrupted. Reiji turning to see the trio behind the bar.

"Ah, of course mistress my mistake. Your establishment that our guild kindly supports and maintains for you and your... brother." Reiji gave Jun a dangerous look, and with a raised brow and curled lip in response to Mei.

Jun however, was in a staring contest with the bandit's young ward Hiro. If daggers could be thrown with looks alone both would have slain the other.

Reiji continued. "You know growing up I wanted to be a cop." Reiji reminisced with a false nostalgia as he sauntered between the blood trails.

"Reiji, you don't seem to grasp what 'stay outside' means. Either comply with that or you will be charged with obstructing an official investigation!" Akiko kept her glare on him as she passed to the bar.

"Cops had too many rules. Not enough money either, but I found my passion and-"

"Oi, do we need to place you under arrest." Kenji stepped forward, as Hiro and Shinya in turn stepped forward, cutting him off from their leader. Reiji smirked at Kenji from behind his barrier.

"Rules? I bet you struggle to abide by them." He added fuel to the fire of then tension filled room.

"Oh, you are such a tease Mr. Kikuchi." Mei flirted. Dancing through the growing tension with an elegant step. Experienced in breaking up many heated events in the clubbing scene.

"Come now the boys and girls in blue are just doing their job as you are as well. After all we're all here to bring justice to your butchered men as you so kindly pointed out." Mei glided over to Reiji, one hand brushing across his chest as she passed the smiling face of Reiji.

"My dear of course, please I apologize for my intrusion. Detectives, please forgive my rudeness, I will leave you to it." Reiji smiled towards the unit before returning to the entrance.

"Hold on Mr. Kikuchi. Before you go, we've had to close club Eden... Could you perhaps pay for our missed income. Please." Mei requested with a sweet smile and clasped hands in her begging. A master at work to match the slick talker, Reiji.

"How can I saw no to such a beautiful woman? Shinya will be in touch for your compensation." Shinya was annoyed by his leaders' orders, but he nodded all the same.

"Thank you, Mr. Kikuchi." Mei hugged tightly with a gleeful smile on her face.

Reiji returned it however, after a moment his face dropped, skin turned a pale pallor, his hands shook slightly letting go of the women. Holding his cane tight behind his back as they left.

"Bye, Bye." With that the crimson bandit leader departed club Eden with a grim expression etched onto his face.

And the RCU returned to their business of checking out the scene, in hopes of finding anything linking the victims to the reaper or his identity.


"Reiji... what's wrong?" Shinya questioned.

He kept silent, leg tapping erratically. Leaning heavily on his right hand holding his head.

"Shinya... the payoff money. Do you, have it?" He was not entirely there. Eyes peering through a haze, glazing over with each blink, far removed from his own mind.

"Yes. But why?" Shinya frowned at Reiji's apparent mental distress.

"Go and get it. We're going to deal with him tonight."

<7 Hours later>

Night's embrace fully enveloped the ward; long dark shadows clawed over every building; Not a moonlit guide could save those lost souls who traversed it now.

Reiji had paced up and down the street many times, in fact, any who may have viewed him in that state could have likened him to a rabid dog, chasing its own tail.

Hiro lay in the car taking a nap, whilst Shinya was busy on his phone. Both men had become accustomed to long nights working for their boss, with Shinya far more acclimated than Hiro. Even the occasional sporadic behaviour wasn't incredibly out of character.

Back and forth, up, and down, twisting, twirling; Reiji had been spooked by something yet his factotum was none the wiser.

He stopped... Looking up into the alleyway across from his limousine. Azure eyes glowering the dark. A shiver ran down his spine; breath steaming the air.

"He's here..." Hiro leapt awake from his dream.

"Shinya, the case." Both men removed themselves from the vehicle, joining their leader's side as he stood transfixed; watching those eyes. It's what waited within the dark, past the veil of night.

"You... have caused our guild great trouble as of late." Reiji declared to the figure. The reaper fully arose from the shadows, form of shadow and pitch, mask of bone glowered at the trio as they held their collective breath.

"I have an offer for you... a great deal of money" Reiji pointed to his right-hand man; the ever-cold eyes of Shinya glared at the reaper. He walked forwards opening a suitcase with a several rows of golden coins to the reaper.

The gates currency, useful for buying gear, skills, perks, and advancement within the dungeons.


"This is your starting bonus... come work for us and the real money rolls in." Reiji offered the case. "You will make more than that in one week with us."


"Alright... We'll double it!"

'Double it!?' Shinya thought looking at his leader. They could barely offer what Reiji put forward initially but to double it? The amount was beyond any worth they could've scrounged together.

"So, what do you say?" Reiji waited.


The Reaper unfurled his bone whip, jagged hook landing with a thud. Eyeing up his targets.

"No... no! No!" Reiji roared, eyes turning a crimson fire.

"You dare refute us!" With a flick of his wrist a wave of crimson fire sprayed towards the dark. It screeched with an ear-ringing pitch and collapsed to the ground.

The reaper was gone. They gazed at the ground below. Embers dying out as the concrete sizzled.



Aiming high above his head a crimson flame illuminating the street below. No shadow fled its form on the surrounding walls or roads.

Next another wave at the alleyways entrance; it's light swallowed up by the dark. It held a cavernous density; even the most determined light to venture within its form to only be rendered defunct.

"Boss?!" Hiro grabbed his shoulders; shaking him. Reiji's eyes returned to normal, back to his human form.

"Boss what's wrong?" Reiji shook his head, recovering from his episode.

"Back at the club. What did Mei say to you." Shinya observed closely his leader's unstable demeanour.

"...Five days... She said the reaper has given us five days until he burns us all."