Chapter 28: Under a crimson moon - The dark crows (2)

<04: 10: 12: 15>

'What a dump.' Eren thought, overlooking the state of the rundown building.

A school much like many in Japan by the name of Kaname Boys high; a compact square-layout, complete with several wings. Concrete structure held hostage by the uncontrolled rampant growth of flora and moss. Windows with cracked glass, filled with old stained copper frames. White walls once proud, overrun by tags and 'artwork' of crimson. Even the ground itself bare not bare its green mantle for the world to gaze. Draped over by garbage, concrete and plastic. Not a place anyone could be proud of.

"It used to be a lot better; people actually went here. A lifetime ago..."

"How long?" Eren asked.

"4 years or so. They came in. Offering avenues for employment; some guilds offer similar services. Helping people enter the gates, training under guild banners. However, it only really helps if the guild is prestigious. They came and I got stuck with the army." Jun lamented. A proud young man, despite his life being seemingly controlled by the world around, he wore a smile. A feat Eren wished to attain.

"How do we want to do this?" Eren broke the silence.

"Oh, U-um... I thought you were going to lead-"

"No. This is your job I am along for the ride."

"Well... Um we will sneak inside."


"And take out any bandits?"


"And Um, K-kill Mr. Hatori." Jun hesitated. Mr. Hatori was the bandit's foothold into the school. Their planted principal. After that Jun couldn't go into any detail. But the name alone gave Jun visible stress, to the point of sweating. Mr. Hatori was not a pleasant person, a twisted sadist, but without any accusations or care for these boys, nobody could stop him.

"Eren... I know you kill people. P-please don't kill any-"

"I don't kill kids Jun." A rule that Eren decided on a long time ago. Partially fuelled by his teaching studies; even without finishing his education. He knew that often kids are byproducts of environments, external influences shape them.


Jumping the gate and through the garbage filled yard, Eren and Jun were swift in approach. A blur, a job best suited for shadows. Past violated classrooms and bathrooms. Young men sit around, too busy to look past themselves. Cigarettes, BO, bad deodorant just to name a few. Vices that should have never been on school grounds. Foul language adorned the walls all throughout the school.

Higher and higher until they reach the top. 'Principal's office.'

"Are you ready?" Eren summoned his mask and gear, becoming the reaper before Jun's eyes.

"Yeah, I think so." Jun in turn wrapped a bandana around his lower half, and a hood to keep his identity secure. The Reaper and his ward, opened the door.

A well decorated room for a dilapidated school. Two leather couches, two large armchairs with a leather upholstery, cherry wood desk with clawed feet, even a large fridge within arm's reach of the desk. Mr. Hatori sat by his desk, writing away.

A bulky man, arms like trees under a white shirt; short buzzcut hair, clean cut look, just a bulky looking principal. Until he looked up, a squared face with a dirty stubble. Most disturbing through, his eyes. Always locked in almost a distant stare, looking past his would be assassins.

"Well, hello there." A calm tone exuded. It hid well the murderous intent beneath his expression. He sauntered over to the pair, not fazed by the sight of the reaper before him. "You must be the one that has Reiji all riled up. And a... small little sidekick." Hatori seemed particularly interested in the taller bandana man.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Ahhh, that scent. Jun Jiao." Eyes that once were lost in a daze, turned deadly, into an intense focus. Locking onto Jun Jiao.

"You've gone and found yourself a new teacher." Hatori licked his lips. Jun stiffened but said nothing, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Hatori would doubt his own senses. But the man's cold smile told him otherwise.

"Don't be so ashamed Jun. that Virile aroma... Every one of my boys has a scent-" As the monster seemed off-guard Eren attacked. Striking at his neck, straight for the kill. However, a shield had enveloped the principal.

"Nice, attack. But do you think I haven't prepared for you?" Hatori smirked. Grabbing Eren's neck before tossing him against the wall. An extreme display of strength, cratering the brick interior. Jun struck next with a flurry of punches, each blocked with ease.

"Looks like we have ourselves a party. Mr. Jun. please."

A swift punch to the sternum followed by an elbow to the back, dropped Jun to the ground. "My dear Jun, I taught you everything-" A whip cracked across the room, a shield blocked it all.

"Oh, ho, ho, was that meant to hit me? I suspect that you've only seen those fire wielders and warriors."

The ring began to vibrate. A challenge, finally an opponent to keep things exciting.

"Unfortunately, I won't be much off an opponent. I've seen what you can do." Mr. Hatori reached for his phone, ready to dial a number.

*Crack* * Snap*

The whip made no marks on the man.

A siren blared through the school. Rumbling began in the distance. A horde fast approached.

"I have been waiting for this day."

Students flooded the hallway, blocking entry and exit. Scowls of malice for any intruder.

"Well boys, go on!" Hatori ordered his 'students'.

They surged forward, kicking and throwing wild punches at Jun and Eren. Left hooks right jabs, high kicks. Any strike, no matter how uncoordinated or haphazardly thrown, intended to strike with brutal force.

"OI! FUCKERS!" Wild flames surged, crashing with tremendous momentum through the narrow halls. Nearly taking out his school mates.

Rights and lefts again, Eren threw punches and kicks; not intending to kill, but keep them down. While his whip wrapped, tripping them over.


Bones break behind a punch to the skull mask.

"Aghhh!" A screaming boy ran back clutching his broken hand. *Smash* A jaw split after taking a kick to the face.


Another nose breaks after another blow from a left hook. Eren was although viscous, not lethal in his attacks. Jun however, struggled to hold himself back. Each strike smashing faces or too weak to even move the students.

"Outside." Eren leaped through the top window, rolling through the yard.


Jun joined him, the yard provided much more room for them. The pair only had to wait a few seconds before the rumbling down the stairs. They could nearly pinpoint through the walls where they would be.

"Are you able to hold yourself back?" Eren had to be sure.

"I'm sorry master, I keep trying-"

"The bodies will start to pile up if this isn't finished soon."

"Wait, Master. A challenge. Challenge Hatori; that will make them stop."

'A challenge?'

Before either could react, the horde reached the yard. With a dash a student blitzed Eren, at the speed of sound punching in the gut. A follow up, Eren threw him down. Twisting his ankle with a crack.

"Arghhhh!" Followed by a knee to the face.


The students surrounded Eren and Jun, all with burning auras around their form.

"A challenge!" The reaper ordered. The bloodlust dissipated for a moment.

"Oh, a challenge for me?" Hatori made his way through a sea of rage filled young men, eyes returning to its a thousand-yard stare.

"It's been years since someone had the guts to challenge me. Well, I suppose what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't set an example."

"Although, I see that my boys haven't died yet. If you defeat my top student then... you can fight me." The students fell into hushed whispers.

"Yuri..." With the mention of that name the crowd seemed to descend into silence, almost reverence.

A boy walked out from the main entrance, shorter in stature compared to his peers. Black hair that spiked up like a flame, with laser sharp eyes.

A plain high school shirt that barley fit over his shorter form, accompanied by two taller figures. Boys well over 6 foot, his right; a blonde with a duck tale and aviators, the left; short black hair, almost shaved. Even their frames towered over Yuri's shorter size.

"Here he is, my little champion." Hatori gestured with a pat on the back. Although it made Yuri flinch, it was a tender stroke of twisted affection.

"Yuri, do your master proud."

Yuri rushed Eren, throwing a jab which Eren dodged easily. Eren retaliated with a quick jab to the face followed by an uppercut to the gut. Yuri stumbled back clutching his stomach.

"Fuck!" Eren swung again aiming for the head. The punch is parried with a swift punch to the mask, the force stronger than any of the previous students. Eren steadied himself, taking a defensive stance.

"You'll have to try better than that, ya skull faced fucker."

Next, Yuri did something strange. Not taking up any guard or stance he ran towards Eren, slowly picking up momentum until his began to turn into an explosive dash. Yuri sent Eren back with an explosive punch.

"YEAHHHHHHH!" The audience roared as Eren went back. "Give up old man, leave me and my boys alone." Yuri declared, striking another blow.

A kick, A punch, a kick, faster and faster, harder, and harder. Each blow was powerful rather than a form driven martial art. Eren could have easily ended this fight with a strike from his whip. Even the ring wanted the boy's death.

'Now' Eren blocked a kick, parrying with a knee strike. Hyperextending Yuri's leg. "Arghh!" Another counter, Eren pulled back and threw an elbow. Crashing into Yuri's chest with a crack, ribs were broken, throwing him to the ground.

"Stop." The reaper ordered.

"Fuck You!" With a clap of his fists a beam, bright yellow fired upwards. Eren's own ribs felt as if they had been blasted with a shotgun. Eren staggered into the dirt, nearly crashing to the ground as well.

"Fuck Yeah! Fuck Em up Yuri!" Yelled the taller blonde. To his feet Yuri circled his prey like a shark.

"You wanna die, don't ya? I thought the reaper would be an epic battle, but I guess that's all bullshit." Yuri cocked his arms like a shotgun ready to unleash its blast.

"Finish him my 'dear little Yuri'."

Those words gave pause to Yuri. Which was all Eren needed.

The bone whip flung forward, colling around Yuri's neck. Pulling him down with great force onto the dirt pitch. A small gasp and choke broke through Yuri's lips. The crowd feel back into silence as the 'top dog' was tamed.

Eren mounted On Yuri's back, holding firm with a knee. "One chance, do you want Hatori dead?" Yuri twisted his head to look up. A broken look across his face, both stunned and relieved at the prospect.


"Play dead." With a feigned tug Yuri dropped limp to the ground. Acting as if he'd been choked out.

Eren rose, no cheers, no roars, just a deafening silence.

"You are quite talented. I would have loved to have you on my roster." Mr. Hatori was impressed. Strutting with pride into the arena.

"..." The reaper was silent.

"Oh well, time to show you-"

"GAAAAAAAAARGH!" Yuri grabbed at his principal's knee, twisting it as far as he could. Falling to the ground with a stunned expression.

"Y-Yuri! You little bitch!" Yuri stood above his tormentor. Punching with light fists. Hattori's shield was holding but clearly the force of the impact could still be felt.

Over and over until


A fist smashed through to Hattori's face. Nose bent inwards; cheek bloodied. Yuri broke the ward.

Punch after punch decimated Hattori's face. Red became redder, until black and blue took over. Cries went unheard.

"ARHHHHHG." Yuri screamed, each punch was a message of rage, pain, sadness. No more would this man torment anyone again. The world blurred as rage consumed him, drowning out the muffled cries of his former tormentor. And then, as if from a far-off place, he felt a hand—gentle but firm—grip his wrist.


"LET GO!" Yuri wrestled with the reaper. Turning to him, his eyes beginning to water. A story told without utterance, a deep pain that hopefully would be mended somewhat by an abuser's downfall. The reaper beckoned to his two followers. Both nodded, helping Yuri. Still enraged, yet sadness further taking him. Anguished, sobs of many years' worth, bawling down his cheeks.

The crowd dispersed, unsure whether to stay at school or flee.

Only Hattori lay, breath barley escaping his mangled mouth. It would almost be a mercy to kill him, yet the ring was asking for him.

It began its ritual of reaching out its tendrils to consume the dying man.

The tendrils devoured his remains leaving nothing but the blood of his beatings.


"Thank you, Master." Jun bowed deeply.

"These boys... what they suffered. Did you?"

"No, he would only beat me. Others..." No sentence unfinished.

"Good work today."

Eren took his leave, barely able to stand from the pain in his chest. Like a force was crushing his ribcage. At least he had done good today.

Possibly the first real good he has done since becoming a Reaper. In another lifetime Eren would have loved to help these boys. As a reaper it just doesn't cut it, only power and violence will.


Eren pushed on his door, exhaustion at his heels. Multiple ribs clearly broken. But, will heal quickly thanks to his reaper physiology.

The TV was blaring through the door, "Your kidding..." To his right was Emi and Lucifer watching Battle idol. Emi sitting hugging a pillow, hard. Lucifer on his knees just beneath the screen. Eyes aglow with wonderment and amazement at the young idols.

To the left however, a mess of pots and pans, opened packages and half cooked food. A concoction that neither member could make even slightly edible.

"Ooh Eren, your back." Lucifer said without taking his eyes off the screen. Eren's eyes twitched in frustration.

"M-make sure you pay close attention..." Emi's eyes as well held the same sparkle as lucifers.

"You said you would prepare dinner..."

"Oh dinner. Yes dinner. I got a little bit sidetracked... Oh my Isn't this thrilling? Look at the choreography, the costumes. It's flawless~"

Eren sighed, rubbing his temples. "Right. Guess I'm cooking then."

The kitchen was getting worse the longer he looked at it, dreading the idea of even making a start on this.

'Lucifer can't cook either...' It was strange, a creature of aethereal grace, long living, capable of miracles and one of his many flaws; the inability to cook.

At least the fridge was full- full of useless ingredients. Briming with multiple seafood from 5 different countries. No fruits, Vegetables barley consisting of half an onion and quartered cauliflower.

'And the last time I give him money.' Eren grumbled lightly banging his head against the fridge.

Despite it all; he looked at the pair, Emi was enjoying her show with company, a truly rare moment. A genuine smile peaked from beneath her frown.

'Perhaps that's two for today.'


Hi guys and gals.


I'm over the moon that my chapters are starting to pick up some readers along the way.


I would love it if you guys left a review or even a comment that is just a thumbs up. I would really love to hear what people like or don't like, what they want to see more of or less of.


Once again thanks for reading
