Chapter 30: Against a crimson tide - A blood wolf's moon

< 3D: 2H: 59M: 59S>

Following the moon:

Eren ghosted between buildings, shadows bending to his will. Tonight, he wasn't the hunted - he was the hunter.

Finally, he found more of them, Lycans. Lurking within the darkness, only a crimson glint from their eyes betrayed their stealth.

A quick descent upon the crimson pack; swiftly with one whip strike bisecting through three.

*Snap* Cutting off their gasps. Another group; fuel for his ring's craving.


More bodies, more meat, more blood. Further in, more succumbed to his shadowy visage. More would fall before him.







'Ah, is it ready now?' Just on cue, the screen flashed before him.


"How do I get 7?"



<13/18 Soldiers, 7/7 archers.>

A simple query and shadow soldiers transfigured into archers. Lacking any distinguishing features from their sword wielding brethren, save for a quiver and a long dark bow.

All examining their new gear, clearly excited by their transformation, showing off to their master. Although their master was more exacerbated by their childish exuberance.

Continuing in haste. Eren followed the path, he sensed it. However, if he knew then surely the wolves awaited with anticipation.

Finally, he arrived at a construction site; concrete rings, stacked high. Long since abandoned, covered in the markings of crimson tags. Scents of treated wood and paint still lingered in the air.

Red eyes betrayed their stealth, or was it a purposeful display. Toying with him before the finale.


Eren landed in the centre pit; unrefined gravel lined the ground; their construction never came to fruition. To his left was a high scaffolding; Lycans filling each steel bar with eyes ablaze, gazing down upon the spectre with ravenousness.

"Good evening, master Reaper. Someone has paid a great deal of credit for your head." Their alpha, hidden under a deep cowl. Red furred hands held tight to a buster sword.

"You have been busy, killing all through our ranks. Perhaps you will be worth every gold."


"Very well, your stoicism is admirable. Warriors!"


Joining the alpha's cry, they answered back. Red eyes drawing in from the shadows; encircling the reaper, teeth bared, licking lips in anticipation for another's meal. Weapons of swords, spears, maces and... guns?

"Fire!" Without hesitation the guns fired.


Bullets clanging against the scaffolding. Dried mud burst through the air as the pack kept up their suppressive fire.

The reaper used his new ward to block all bullets. Crushed against the barrier.

'This might actually be a challenge.' Eren thought behind the mask. Overwhelming numbers, numerous weaponries and possibly an assortment of spells. Against a lone reaper with a whip and a shield.

A fair fight indeed.


< Blood pack killed: 0/57 >

The wolves reloaded their weapons with cumbersome motions. Clearly a new addition to their arsenal, lacking familiarity. Fingers fumbling with the magazines, fiddling with the mechanisms.

"Don't bring guns to a sword fight." Archers emerged from the shadows before him taking aim at the gun tooting beasts.


The wolves ran in under the volley of arrows, gravel barley disturbed beneath their claws. 18 soldiers emerged, clashing with swords.


The ringing of steel against shadowed steel. Both armies battling with a vigour. Like a flurry of swords, swings and parries, bashes, and decapitations.

Reaper swung from above, dispatching 3 in one fell swoop. Dropping to the ground and a dash towards a second pack. Rending many in two, in the wake of his form.


Three wolves broke through the ranks of knights, charging straight for their master. A volley halted them, taking two in the heart. Their swords clattering to the ground; leaving a lone wolf howling to face Reaper. Caught by the throat, the reaper crushed its throat.


No, noise or struggle just limp against his metal grasp. Slumping to the floor in a pile.


The wolves regrouped, unable to break the line; reforming into packs.

"Smart..." Eren muttered under his mask. The alpha stood and watched with cold intrigue, unfazed by his pack slow decline. Like a true wolf of earth, testing the prey, stalking with curiosity and tact.


Suddenly, their leader gave a subtle growl. Instincts going into overdrive. 'Behind!'

Picking up the wolves' sword the reaper rolled forward, narrowly avoiding a surprise attack. Sparks flying off the cold concrete. Turning in desperation to face this new foe. A larger Lycan, like the alpha but not as huge. Smaller and lithe, wielding a twinblade that danced through the air with each cleave. 13 more joined the fight.


Another strike, Eren blocked. Both sword and twinblade grinding against each other's blades. Eren could feel its intensity, breath hot with hunger. Flanking to his right a robbed Lycan, hands out turning to fire.

Flames flew, licking and biting as it struck Eren. Thankfully he got his ward up just in time. Barriers only hold for so long, another joined, palm of the ground a fist of concrete pummelled through the ward, knocking Eren against the steel beams behind.

'Broken. Ribs...' Through haggard breathing, Eren did not know whether to curse or praise these mercenaries for giving him such a good fight.

The lithe Lycan charged in once more. Twin blade a blur as it danced through the air. No time to waste on words; instead, the lithe Lycan charged again and again. Sparks crashing with every failed blow. One two more attacks that the reaper dogged under. Fire, concrete, even lightning struck at the reaper. Every ward faltering with each blow.

His knights intervened, four carving their way through the fodder. Bashing the two mages off balance and finally clashing with the lithe wolf. Eren could breathe, reassess the situation.

The whip danced like a viper once more; cutting through the elemental spell casters, bashing into the heads, and splitting skulls. Quickly into a pack. Two, then another, three, and yet another.


A wolf mace struck one archer down. Steel bending beneath a blow,

*Clang* *BANG*

Crushing against the scaffolding. These beasts could make an impact against shadows. All the while, the twinblade would swish, dancing through the air. Eren was waiting, the right moment will come. 2 wolves repositioned on each side, using the mace wolf's death as a diversion.


In the half second between, Eren shot himself toward the twin blades. Just before the lithe wolfs blow landed, the blade was knocked out of her hand. Wielding its own blade against itself. A sword plunging through her gut, pinning it against the steel behind. Blood coating the once pristine blade.

With that the knights and archers got a second wind; seeing their master deal with such a foe. Carving through more of the wolves. This pack had lost their best and they knew it. Each becoming reckless with desperate blows, leaving holes in each other's offense. Wolves faltering with the growing corpses of their allies.


One knight all by itself, waved to the reaper.

"What?" Was it trying to get his attention?


A breaker sword split the foolish night in two, "Enough!"

The Alpha finally dropped to the pit; eyes ablaze like ruby coals. "You fight well master Reaper. With or without your knights I suspect a mighty foe to felled."

"Not a word spoken; truly an adversary to be feared. Withdraw your forces reaper and I the same, let us determine who has right to the other's head." Motioned at his surviving crew. Already his knights were breaking rank, returning to their shadows.

"Fight me, alone and if you best me then the others shall stand down." No response. Neither could backdown, Eren would like to regroup and regain his health.

'They would chase me down the second I got the chance.'

Accepting with a single nod. Reaper shifted his whip in anticipation. The Alpha's cloak removed; a fur black as night, red lines engraved. Scars layered upon scars, all healed poorly, the true prince of war before him. Blade shining like starlight, even under the moon's veil.


Both Lycan and Reaper sprinted towards one another. Battle once more ensued, as their weapons clashed. Sparks flew with each swing. Parry then thrusts. Parry and thrust.

1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Swords clashing in a continuous beat. Each blow resounded with a symphony of steel.

Using a salvaged sword in one hand to parry and block. Another; his whip, to lash out. Yet the alpha fought on. Keeping up with the onslaught of strike after strike. Cleaving the very shadow. Finally, a lick on the alpha's heel. Collapsing before his foe with a stinging whip gashing through fur.

'Finish this.' Eren went for the jugular until. *Pull*

"You need more tricks, master Reaper." One hand, gripped like a vice around the whip. Dragging him into the air, sending him with a solid thwack into the maze of beams.

'Breath...' Dazed from the Alpha's throw.


Steel wailed as they began to collapse, Eren barely missing the debris.

*Clank* *Clank*

The alpha used his sword as a walking stick, barely able to support himself. His heels cut down to the bone, red dripping to the cold concrete. Both heaving with heavy breath. A clash of red eyes with none. Again, they ran in, slower than before.

Buster sword, swung overhead. With as much momentum as possible the alpha cut clean through the beams; cleaving from right to left. Ducking under the strike, the reaper retaliated with a vicious kick, colliding with the alpha's injured leg.


Another strike, another roll. Despite a wounded leg the alpha kept pace. Buster sword would clash against shadow whip, concrete indents caked the arena. A labyrinth of sorts that decreased with each strike. Parts of the scaffolding groaned, creaked under the strain of the battle.


Using the shadows, Eren maneuvered around the arena, always on the alpha's blindside. Aims of bringing the structure down upon the alpha.

"You learn quick Reaper. Trying to bring down all of this, on both of us."


"But not quick enough." The alphas shoulder charged Eren; knocking him into a concrete pillar, proceeding to then cut more scaffolding and supports.





Finally, the remaining structure fell.

Crushing concrete fell and dust billowed through the air. Alpha evacuated, watching the dust cloud settle. Eyes scanning with intense fury. Only himself remained, Reaper; nowhere to be found.

"It has been an honour, master Reaper." Offering a short bow, the alpha would return to his pack, having slain the notorious Reaper. However, his pack members were filled with dread.

"You missed." The reaper whispered into his ear, he had climbed onto the armour, going unnoticed by the sensory overloaded wolf. Within an instant the whip curled around the alphas neck.

"Good fight, master Reaper." Offering a resigned sigh.


Like paper the Lycans throat split, just above his crimson red armour.


The wolves stood in shock, looking at each other. The remaining 33 unsure what to do now. Leaderless, an exorbitant contract broken. Soon all eyes focused on their alpha. Loyal eyes moving between the Reaper and Alpha. One by one gripping weapons once more. About to do something stupid.

"Don't." The alpha had asked for their them to stand down; to leave, to which the reaper would agree. Unless, they stayed and risked a worse fate. Hesitantly, they primed themselves, feet shuffling forward. Weapons at the ready.

'Loyal till the end.'

With a flick of the wrist the shadows swooped in. Arrows flew and blades slashed. Without a leader, with dwindling numbers; it only took 3 seconds to finish off the remaining. They fought for their leader and their pay. Now with neither, only death remained.

Like clockwork; the knights went to work, gathering all the bodies and piling them for easy devouring. Whilst Eren stood over the Alpha attempting to claim him. A worthy addition to his growing army.


'What? Bonded... maybe Baelor will know.'

Looking back the soldiers were nearly done; a role for them once done.


"Be careful." Eren was thoroughly annoyed with his knights; carrying the corpse of a giant wolf man was no easy feat with regular humans. Yet somehow these shadows struggled. Wobbling back and forth, from left to right.

Too many meant they would trip over each other; too few would be some crushed under the weight. Thankfully; before a calamity; they finally arrived at Baelor's base. Dragging the wolf down to the main hall, loud *Thumps* and *Clangs* reverberated.

"Eren... Welcome back. What have you brought me?" Baelor came in with his usual eloquence, however stilted with confusion.

"Him." Referring to the Lycan, still dressed in that crimson armour. Inside the chamber of candles and elvish finery, a Lycan contrasted heavily.

"A fruitful night I take. What is the purpose of bringing him here?" Inspecting the fallen.

"I couldn't claim him, it's bound to something. Could you break that bond?"

"A bond... If it is what I suspect, I'm afraid this goes beyond even my magic." Baelor announced. Sullen words escaped through, that he wished he did not need to utter.


"Most likely the bond your ring spoke off is a contract with a god. If such a being has bestowed power to this Lycan then no magic within this realm could even attempt."

'Shame. Such a powerful corpse should not be left unused.'

"This beast, I recognize it. It had a hand in taking the guild from us-" The door to the chamber opened with a sudden burst.

The bearded homeless man who had so often led him into Baelor's camp approached with quickened steps.

"Your ward has been taken." Words quick, but no ounce of fear.


"Yes, the crimson bandits took him. I don't know where."
