Chapter 32: Against a crimson tide - Wraith of a bastard scorned

<2D: 14H: 30M: 4S>

*Knock* *Knock*


Reiji sat alone in his darkness, his once expansive and elaborate room became nothing but a dull husk. Depression had overtaken him, resigned to wallow in a fate sealed.

"Sir..." Hiro asked. No response would be granted too Hiro.

Despair had stolen everything, too tired to move from his chair. Body slumped, skin lacking pallor. Patches of veins around the neck, with the growing scent of death.


"Sir... Kaito Heart is here." Without any kind of response, Hiro opened the door.

"Kaito Heart, sir. As requested," Reiji gave a slight glance, beckoning Kaito in with his finger.

"Good afternoon, sir, you wished to see me?" Mr. Heart quickly took a seat.

"I'm sorry Heart; I have to let you go..." A surprise for Mr. Heart yes, but not unexpected. For his previous co-workers had also been let, absorbed up in the survival against the Reaper. Some even finding jobs in the nearby guilds and corporations.

"I know, thank you for everything. Working with you has been wonderful."

Reiji was slightly taken back. "You're not angry?"

"Why would I be. You've given me 6 great years. My family had a roof over their heads and stomachs full. For now, maybe retire. My sons in the gate clearing business and maybe he can take over the care of the family?" Kaito chuckled.

"You have a son, Heart?" Mr. Hearts expression shifted in a slight sigh.

"Well... I don't think he would view himself as my son at the moment. I don't blame him either. "Saying each word with regret, remembering Eren's cold gaze from months gone.

"He is your son whether he admits it or not. Go see him, he will find it in his heart to forgive." Although Kaito never viewed the two as family, now Reiji's words touched deep. The love and dedication Reiji showed towards Hiro had, perhaps he may reach Eren. Reiji would gesture for Kaito to go.

'A son...' A small spark within the storm of depression. One more ember of warmth was lit; all that remained was for Reiji to fan into flames once more.


<2D: 8H 11M: 40S>

The light of the setting sun the only source of illumination. Reiji was now going through his papers; profiles of employees, expense reports, contracts, and many other items. Not sure what he was looking for, but the words from Kaito Heart ignited him.


"Reiji." Shinya stormed into his boss's room. Purpose driven or desperate steps, quickening in pace until arriving. "What can I do for you-"

"Cut the crap, we're running on borrowed time. Give me something, give me anything!" With each word the heat increased in his voice. At this point the stress began to take its toll on Shinya's composure. Shinya was used to conflict, more the politicking type. Imminent death was not an environment in which Shinya took pleasure.

"Nothing. Our time is done."


Shinya smacked down Reiji's papers, hovering above the boss. "Nothing? He is about to kill us all, yet you say nothing. We need to leave, now." Reiji did not look fazed, instead he took another deep breath.

"This was coming."

"We built this place together, on the foundation of your former master. We fought for it, taken up what was ours with blood, sweat and tears. Only to have a fucking demon tear it all down." Reiji remained impassive to Shinya's frustration. "How could you just give up?"

"We built this guild on honour; on loyalty. That was why we have prospered. Until recently; evidence of selling people, peddling flesh, and breaking that loyalty. For our penance we pay with our lives."

Shinya stared bewildered at Reiji, he was seething, in despair, furious and deep down he knew, Reiji was right.

"Fuck this... You can fight him, alone. I'm not staying." Storming off, without daring to look back. That anger permeated down his face. Brows furrowed down, teeth gnashing. Bets of sweat flying past.

'I'm not going to die. Not today and not by him.'

"Goodbye, Shinya." Reiji returned to his papers.


<2D: 7H: 55M: 04S>

The Heart Household:

"I'm home!" Mr. Heart announced. Throwing off his coat with a certain satisfaction; like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. A nice sense of clarity from months of darkness.

No one gave him a word of welcome or reply. Emi was in her room and Eren was preparing dinner; a sneering side stare was his only response.

'He still hasn't forgiven me huh.' Mr. Heart looked on, as his son peeled his potatoes at blinding speed. Kitchen counter, shelves, sink, and pans scrubbed with an attention to detail.

"What's for dinner?"

"Katsu with potatoes and carrots." Words with cold detachment, unable to say anymore then was needed. Mr. Heart had his head facing the wall; brows furrowed with thought, an unseen nervous gulp.

"They let me go. I am no longer employed with the crimson bandits." Surely that would make Eren happy? Good news yes but Eren only added more salt into the pan, the bubbling of hot oil the only sound.

"This means I could-"

"Find another job. I am not going to support you; gate clearing won't support us all. Get back to me when you've found another." Again, with such detachment and dismissal. It seemed like yesterday that Eren had returned, yet he squandered his relationships and they still have not returned.

"I'll tell you when dinner is done."

Kaito Heart retreated to his room with a wobbly head. Deep sighs as he walked down the corridor.

'How can I reconcile with him?' A picture of the family by the bedside. A happier time; A wife that loved him, a daughter that idolized him and a son that was looking forward to learning from his father.

'Who is that man?' Trying to recall his feelings as to who the man was in the picture.

For the night he would lay on his bed, thinking about the family. Perhaps Eren was right, find another job then prove to him he was useful. A worthwhile human being after years of failure and cowardice. Just needed to work. What could go wrong with that. At least the end of the crimson bandits would make all this stress go away.


<2D: 0H: 44M: 02S>

Midnight, outside of the crimson bandit base:

Shinya paced with his phone. Furious; eyes turning towards his former guild. Lights remained on like every night, the work never stopped.

"Where, are they?" Furious tone under his breath. Turning back to his phone, checking to see that his defecting guildmates hadn't let him down. Looking up a black van approached slowly, until arriving next to Shinya. Windows winding down to reveal the passenger and driver.

"We have them." The door slid open, inside were 5 girls held at gunpoint by the weasel that had once survived the Reaper.

"Good, they will be the foundations of our new beginnings." Girls shuffled in fright, uncertain and terrified to where they would be going.

'Honor, loyalty. There is none in crime, only profit.'

Shinya joined the girls and traitors within the van. Leaving the lights behind; forever in his rear view.

"When all this is done, we will start anew." Tapping at his phone.

All the while the cold stare of a Siberian native watched on. Panic watched on the edge of the road.


"Are you sure?" Reiji asked.


"Honestly, Shinya. I thought you were better than that." Rubbing his temples. His right-hand man, his business partner, his friend. Shinya was the rot that infected the foundations.

"What will you do?"

Reiji paused and looked the Russian ranker in the eyes. "Do you believe in karma?" A nod.

"My sins have already damned me. However, what sins have young girls committed?" They looked to each other. Resolve made in their eyes.

"Maybe have a little bit good for the next life."

Pulling out his phone, he made the call

*Buzz* *Buzz*


Hello, this is Detective Mori; how may I help?

Detective Mori... this Reiji Kikuchi.

Oh, what do you want?

Sorry to call you on such short notice. I have an important bit of information for you.

What is it.

My friend has turned against me, he has kidnapped girls. Five of them, he will take them into a gate and they will never be seen again.



And you want to turn him in.

He is committing these atrocities outside of our guild. I believe that your partner had some words for me about being a monster; I have limits. This is my only goal, to rescue these girls and nothing more. So, I say again Detective Mori, will you help me stop Shinya?

All right then Mr. Kikuchi. Where is he and when is he going?

I'm sorry I don't know, but I can help you track him.

What do you propose, Mr. Kikuchi

Meet me at the crimson bandit's base; let us see these young girls free.


Next Reiji shuffled through his draws; a phone, covered in dust, battered from use pulled into the light.

Within a couple taps the screen lit up. Reiji paused over the call button.

Heart beating quickly, his entire being shaking as he tried to still himself. This was his last task before departing this world, perhaps atoning for what he didn't do and for what he did.


You still have this number... What do you want.

Master- Um… Baelor. I know you have ties to the Reaper.

What of it?

Shinya has betrayed me, kidnapping girls. I know what you stand for and I know what he stands for. Please, make it right.


It will be done.


With that, his heart returned to normal. With only 48 hours left to live he will at least die on his own terms. Tomorrow, after the business with Shinya he will face his death with honour.