12 Years ago, Vladivostok, Russia:
"Hey there Katya. Looking hot as always." Two boys approached the blonde from behind.
"What do you want?" Her response flippant and dismissive. Both boys, well-groomed hair with tall and lanky frames; had eyes on Katya. Only 17, she was the star attraction for all boys to focus their attention upon.
"We are going too-"
"No thank you." Shutting them down. Waving a hand in a dismissive, shooing motion.
However, one of the boys had an audacity to grasp a hand on Katya's shoulder. "Hold up."
"We just want to talk." Those words rang from the shorter boy's mouth. Their intentions were not kind. Katya always knew of predators that lingered in schools. Holding tight onto the boy's hand.
"You have some nerve." Rolling her voice. Hand grasping tight, and harder until a yelp came from the boy. A large step forwards; the second boy attempted to save his friend; however, he fell backwards like a house of cards. Tripping over one another in panic.
"You bitch. You will-" Interrupted. The boys' eyes lock onto something behind Katya. Fright caving into his eyes, skin paler than normal. Mouth a gap.
Behind stood Danya; towering over all three. No longer the fat child but now a boulder of muscle. Katya was no small girl, breaching 6ft herself. But here younger brother made her tiny in comparison. Standing 6ft 7 inches with only 14 years of age. Eyes like daggers; penetrating through the boys.
"Shit." Both boys scrambled away on hands and knees, shivering in their coats. Danya couldn't care less, despite his scary, monstrous demeanour, he still lacked courage.
"Thank you. Little brother."
"M-Mom is waiting." Ever shy and meek, no matter how much Danya grew.
At last, no longer was he a fat and easy target; instead, it became the other way around. Whenever Danya attempted to confront a bully. All the past children with big mouths, scampered and ran away; not wishing to repeat Boris's mistake. A gift and a curse.
"Hey, you there!" An older man approached. Fur overcoat, fedora hiding thin black hair and glasses. Tinted of course to hide his eyes.
"What do you want?" Katya harsh as the winter shoot. Any who approached her in such fashion meant only trouble.
"Your brother is quite the boy. Strong like a bear, big too."
"Come along Danya, mother awaits." Holding tight, she led her brother away. Picking up the pace. Yet this did not deter the persistent man, walking at pace with them, following just behind.
"My name is Leonid Ivanov. A business opportunity." Hand offered in good will. Both siblings halted with one another. Eyeing suspiciously and he eyes the pair back just the same. Danya gripped tight of his sister's arm, cautious and always wary.
"Danya is too young to work. Find someone else." Katya flatly refused.
"Don't worry about that dear girl. The pay is good, and all you must do is stand around and look tough. Let that muscle to do its work, keeping all the unlikable types at bay." Leonid's face with all smiles, one that anyone could find deceptive.
"Here, take my card." Digging into his inner pockets. Producing a rectangular, red card. Black text imprinted on the face. Tapping it forwards to take it.
"I look forward to hearing from you, my boy." Spinning on his heels. Marching down the snow-covered path.
Concern on Katya's face, as Danya looked over the card.
"Come along now. Mother is cooking your favourite meal tonight. We shouldn't keep her waiting." Words that drew his attention away from the card. Anything for his mother's cooking.
At the table Danya patiently waited for his mother's specialty: Beef Stroganoff. Her mushroom sauce, was the greatest treasure; it made people drool, it made Danya warm. Never was Danya picky, especially with his mother's cooking. He savoured every bite like it would be his last. Every meal prepared, love and care with it.
Farther stumbled into the kitchen, his dark hair that was previously neatly groomed, now tousled, and untamed. Anger riddled face smothered with beer.
"They fired me. Bastards." An angry father at his lowest, a bitter soul drunk.
"Sergey!" Valeriya dashed from the pot.
"We will get through this Sergey." Arms wrapped around her bitter drunk. "There are always other options."
"...Always other options eh." Taking a seat next to Danya and Katya. Slamming his bottle down hard, alcohol sloshing side to side, within its bottle.
'The card. I can help my family'
"I can help." Sergey, looked towards his youngest son. Almost disregarding his words.
"Here..." Offering the card to his parents. Sergey took one, long and slow, deliberate glare. Hands snapping up the card.
"Boy! You would dare associate with these low lives. Don't you dare bring shame to our house!" Rising to his feet, flipping the table in his drunken stupor. The beef stroganoff flopped to the ground with a soft thud.
Without a moment's hesitation, Danya stood up. Towering over his farther; falling backwards in drunken clumsiness. Alarm filled eyes replaced drunken fury. Feet scampering backwards, just like a bully fleeing with its tail between its legs.
"S-Sorry..." Danya retreated upstairs. Head hanging low with shoulders sagging. Slamming his door closed; Danya felt tears well. Sobs escaped as he held at his stomach.
There was only ever one real way to cry for him. Digging his face into pillows that blocked out all sights and sounds.
"Am I worthless?" Fear swelled in the darkness; voices whispered of insults.
*Knock* *Knock*
"Danya. Can I come in?" Valeriya's voice cooed through the door. Slowly twisting the handle and closing. On the bed she sat, hand cradling her son's head. Rubbing and caressing his soft face, in motherly comfort.
"I love you, Danya. Always. No matter what. Remember that. Remember."
"I-I do." Trying to stifle away those tears. Wiping away with his pillow.
"Here, it's not your favourite. But, it's your second favourite." Pierogi; stuffed dumplings, held tight on a plate. Each golden brown, small flakes breaking apart.
"Have courage Danya, always courage."
Three days passed and Sergey had yet to find another job, lazing about. Tossing about with numerous vodka bottles. Wallowing in his self-pity.
Danya decided to do it. Look after his family. Sneaking out that night, from his upstairs window, and heading into the concrete jungle of the city. Tall shadowed buildings and spindling twists.
A bar that matched the cards logo. 'Red lion bar.' Nothing stood out except the sign. Stone facade and barred windows, not too dissimilar to those surrounding it. With little hesitation he knocked.
"Ehhh, what do we have here?" A man answered, through a peephole.
"You're a big bastard ain't ya." The man wasn't wrong.
"I have this." Slipping through the bars.
"Leonid? Leonid! There is a kid at the front door, saying you offered him work." Danya nervously fidgeted with his hands. Waiting as Leonid shuffled forwards.
"Ah, my boy. Glad to see you took up my offer. Here, come inside."
The bar was nothing special, just an ordinary affair with a countertop and tables. However, images of women in the most scandalous of lingerie covered the walls. Posing in promiscuous, eye candy for the bar men.
No place for a boy just starting puberty.
"Here take a seat." At the furthest table, Leonid pointed to the sofa, cushioned, well worn, dirty white. Danya sat down and another man sat opposite of him; on the stool, feet on the seat.
"So, the boss got a kid in the door. The boss was right. You're built like a fucking bull." Patting a hand on Leonid's shoulders.
"Danya, was it? Correct?" Earning a nod.
"So, boy. The job is simple. Look tough. There are people that walk in and think they own the place. Leonid tells me that your eyes are just as lethal as any knife." This made him smile.
"4 nights a week, 35000 rubles. You up for the work?" This made Danya's eyes brighten. That was a lot of money. More than enough to keep his family afloat.
A handshake between both cemented the deal. "My name is Yefim. Welcome aboard."
Months flew by in a blink of an eye; nights of standing, making sure eyes said all they need to. Looking dangerous, putting people on guard, a more in control bodyguard then he initially was. Danya saw many people that frequented the bar. Tired faces and even familiar faces of friends. One person was the local doctor: Evgeniy, always arriving exhausted and left too drunk to stand.
Women sometimes would touch him. Feeling up his muscles, calling him by many names, wanting to sleep with him. Whispers of raunchy stories that perked Danya's ears to their wicked adventures. Still though, for a boy barley a man. Many thoughts had his heart and mind racing. As did the whispers. Too shy and fearful to ever speak to these women.
However, whilst he earned a living, late nights meant less time for school. Often, he was told off for sleeping in class. Even his mother grew concerned as she would sometimes not see Danya until long past the sunrise. Still, money appeared in their accounts. Turning a blind eye, torn between using the money or keeping her son safe. Sometimes hard decisions must be made.
All good things must come to an end, for darker elements began to lurk. Men would come in, make deals with Yefim and Leonid. There were whispers that this was a gang's bar, however which gang was unclear, as multiple visited; exchanging cash and suspicious bags.
Danya looked away; the money he is making kept away the whispers.
One day, a group that regularly frequented the bar brought with them a girl.
Danya circled around; wanting to see the girls face better. His eyes. Widen at the realization. It was Olesia Ivanov a friend of Katya. She had dropped out of school around a year ago. Everyone heard rumours of what had happened to her. But to see her now all but confirmed it.
Their eyes matched and she spoke to him through eyes. Disquiet and despair. More of her body was revealed. Bruised black and blue with other large discoloration and yellow on her chest. Heavy heart racing.
Danya felt a fire brew from within. Like when he fought those bullies it didn't subside. It built up.
Then that girl went away with Yefim. When she returned tears flooded her red eyes. Pain from red cheeks.
Danya stopped them from departing. Pulling one of the men's coats. All were clearly uneasy at Danya's stand.
"Kid?" Leonid said calmly, trying to calm a raging bull.
"Danya. Stand aside."
"No." The booming voice. Danya never spoke loudly.
*Bang* *Crash* *Thud*
What followed was a haze; loud sounds, crashing furniture, gunshots. Nothing brought Danya from his trance.
When he finally regained his senses, there was blood all over. Bodies strewn about, toppled furniture and riddled bullet holes. Yefim lay dead with a hole inside his head. Leonid Clutched at a wounded shoulder. Three more men, riddled with holes through their abdomens, soaking the ground red.
Olesia also lay dead. A singular hole on her side, a fatal accident.
"Danya." Leonid gasped for air. "Y-You need to go before..."
Armed police crashed in. Surrounding the giant before them. "Drop to your knees and hands where we can see them." At this Danya, kneeled slowly, as he was told. Hands rising by his head.
Handcuffs enclosed around his wrist. He couldn't remember anything he did. Tears dripped on the crimson stained floor.
"I didn't mean it."
Cops looked upon him with anger. "Didn't mean to? Boy, you slaughtered a room. You're never gonna see the light of day again."
It was over. Tears fell. In those moments he wished he had his mother with him.