Deadly Echoes

The moonlight shimmers through the sheer ivory drapes casting a soft glow over the Bower's bedroom. Joe, the Berryville captain, is sawing logs, while his wife is curled up beside him mumbles softly in her sleep. The ringing cell startles both of them awake.

"I'll get him," Rachel says, tossing the covers back. She had their third child, Noah a little over a month ago and has somewhat adjusted to being woken throughout the night.

"It's not the baby, it's my cell," he chuckles, reaching for the noisy device." 

She glances at the clock to find it's a quarter till four. "I might as well get the bottle ready." She sighs. Tossing her housecoat around herself, she shuffles out of the room.

"Captain Bower... I'll be there in five, Jerr." Tossing his phone on the bed, he reaches for his clothes. He's tugging his t-shirt over his head when Rachel steps through the door. Little Noah is fussing in her arms.

"What's going on?"

"The assistant DA was found dead in the parking garage."

"Let me grab Becca so I can go with."

"But you're." Rachel turns on her heels, her head tilts to the side. Her brows furrow, and her eyes narrow. It's the same look she gets right before she tells him to sleep on the couch. "Hurry," he says.


The two arrive to find the scene tapped off, forensics and the ME are already there. They walk over to their detective and ask, "What can you tell us, Jerr?"

"Hey, sergeant, glad to have you back." 

Joe glances at his wife, in a stern voice he says, "She's here unofficially, since she still has a week of maternity leave left." They had a heated discussion about her return in the car and Joe finally agreed to let come back on light duty until her leave was up.

Feeling the tension hanging heavily in the air, and recalling how persistent Rachel can be, the detective nods and says, "Gotcha." Then winks at Rachel who smiles. "So the assistant DA Kendra Fox was shot around eight Pm right outside her car. Did you check the security footage?"

"The cameras started malfunctioning around seven which seems a little suspicious to me. The techs said they'd look into it."

"No one caught the glitch?"

"The guards leave at six."

Joe glances at the various buildings and asks, "How about the street cams?"

"They show her going inside, but lose sight of her within the first few feet." 

Hanging up the phone, Rachel turns and says, "I just spoke to my dad, he said Kendra was working on a high profile case, and that he'll send us the details as soon as he can."

Keven clears his throat as he steps up to the group. "I asked a few of the homeless if they saw anything, and they claimed they didn't see anyone enter or leave the garage besides her." 

"Keep asking, and check security footage from the other buildings to see if they caught anything."

Sharon walks over, shaking her head. "The victim took one to the chest. The gun used was a 38. She holds up a small plastic sack and continues. "I found the spent bullet inside the car. I also found a mace gun beside her. It looks like it might've rolled from her hands when she fell. By the looks of it, the canaster was never used." She glances at the victim one last time, shakes her head and says, " I'll let you know If I find out more." 

"Thank you, Sharon."

 "She's the eighth DA to get shot this month." Kirk says. He hands Joe a tablet, points to highlighted areas on the map then adds, "It looks like they're working their way across the US."

"Maybe we'll find something that will put an end to their escapade."


Stepping into his office, Joe exhaustedly drops into his brown leather high back chair. It and the sofa were the only pieces that've been changed through the years. The dark oak bookcases, claw foot furniture, and the majority of the wall art has remained the same and he hopes it will stay that way as a reminder of Berryville's humble beginnings, and all the sacrifices that were made that got them to where they are today.

He scans the stack of reports piled in front of him. Just the thought of them makes his head ache. I've put them off as long as I can, he sighs eyeing the pile again. The only thing he dislikes about his new title is the endless hours of paperwork that goes with it.

He's reaching for his first file when a letter glides to the floor. I don't remember putting anything there. He scoops it up and finds his name scribbled across the center. I don't see any postal code on it so it'd have to have been hand delivered." He runs his fingers through his thinning hair and adds," But by whom?" Curious, he opens it and reads

Dear Captain,

My partner and I are responsible for the brutal kidnapping and killings in the 90's. We were particularly active in the years of 94 and 95. 

 I'm not here to make excuses for my actions. I just merely wanted to explain why we did what we did. The victims we chose didn't deserve their precious babies, abusing them the way papa did us. 

Knowing the broken system as well as I do, I knew that like us no one would help them. That they would be forced to endure a life of pain and misery if we didn't step in. 

So you see, Captain, by eliminating the abusive parent, we ensured the children would finally have the life they deserved. Many of which I'm proud to announce went on to live happy healthy productive lives. 

I'm writing to you today because this letter and the ones succeeding it are the conclusion to my chapter, my final act so to speak. You see, captain, I don't have much longer to live so I'd like to do one more thing before I take my final breath.

My last game will be clues as to who and where my victim's are along with hints regarding my true identity. So by playing along, you my fine sir will be able to close a case that's been haunting you for years. 

Talk to you soon 


Phantom Kidnapper

With the letter in hand, Joe heads to his detective's desks.

"What's up boss, Jerry asks, glancing up from his desk.

Joe shakes the piece of paper in his hand and asks, "Do any of you know anything about this?"

 "The desk sergeant brought it to me, said he found it amongst the morning mail."

"He didn't see who delivered it?"

"He said the letters were already on the desk when he came in and that he asked the night sergeant, but he said he doesn't know anything about it. Claims that it must've been delivered between shifts." Eyeing the paper Jerry scratches his head and asks, "What is it, boss?"

 "It's a letter from the Phantom Kidnapper, the one who murdered a handful of people between '94 and '95. He claims he's dying and wants to confess to everything he and his partner has done. Says I'll be getting clues as to where all the bodies can be found and to their true identity." 

"He had a partner?" Jerry asks.

"According to this letter he did." 

Jerry pushes away from his desk. "I'll ask around, see if anyone saw someone drop it off."

Joe glances at the letter again. "I'll take it to forensics to see if they can find anything."