Chapter 8

The twins come to Mirai worried

Mirai look at them and and smile "you guys go and save the others!" He dodge Alfa's attack with a swing if his sword.

"Okay!" The both of them run towards the smikes

"You take everything from me!!" Alfa's pinkish eyes glowing dark

"What!? What did I took from you!"Mira yells back he confused as to why...Alfa said that...

"My home! My place!"Alfa said as he holding back tears,his voice full of hatred

"What are you talking about!? Alfa,we already old,we have to be mature!life is not about only you!". Alfa laugh at Mirai statement "life..?what life..?The life you take from your older sister..?"

"W-what..?"Mirai.. shaking and shock

"Oh please.. don't act like you are a real Human..even you... should know that you're yourself..not a human.."Alfa said with a lay eyes and a smirk.. he's waiting to anger Mirai..and it work..

Mirai look at him with anger...his green eyes showing hatred and rage ...the blood vain can be seen on his face..."what? Are you angry?"Alfa tease .. completely entertain by the situation..

"You...HAVE CROSS THE LINE!"Mirai yells with anger "[START BLADE..: NIGHTMARE MOON]" a red smoke appears around Mirai and his eyes glowing red..

Alfa chuckles "[SHADOW SWORD]" their powers match each other as they met each other with each attack,their attack are fast and even create a wound around it..

Back to Naruymi and Yumeiko.. they're planning an attack.."[STAR TWICE]" the double attack of the normal one.. they're lose at breath as they finish...

Mirai panting as he catching his Breath.."what? Already tired..?"Alfa scoff..[SHADOW CLONE]" an army of clone of Himself appears ready to attack but before they could.."[MOON SPLITTER]" heh...I have seen this attack before...I wouldn't lose of it again...

"You sure..?" Then... appears a clone of a familiar girl... Mirai's face are terrified..a mix of sadness,anger and regrets can be seen..his eyes soften.."Az..wa.." he said with a soft voice.."why? Not wanting to lose her again?" Alfa laugh softly...Mirai just silent as he froze in place..

The clone even sounds like her.."Mirai!" The clone runs towards him..but he cannot move...he can't...he doesn't want to.."sister.."he said..

"Mirai! [STAR SHIELD]" Naruymi protect Mirai from the attack.."why did you freeze so suddenly???" Naruymi look at Mirai confused..but Mirai just shock to see her "Naru..?" He said as his eyes still wide looking at her..

The clone come back "Mirai! Come to your big sister!" That statement make Naruymi shocked "sister!?" But Mirai.. pissed..."tch...[MOON BLADE..:FINAL RESIST]" the clone was cutted into two.."what- why!?" It yells as it's disappear.."she will never call herself a sister.. because she will always feel bad for me.." he said with a lazy eyes...even if the truth.. he's sad..

" killed your own sister... just like the reality.."Alfa said .. everything that made Mirai a pleasure to him.."You shut up!!" Mirai said "[FULL MOON SPIRIT]" Alfa got split in two and disappear.."more clones..."

"Come and catch me..Mirai.."