Chapter 6-The Legacy of R.A.B!

Chapter 6

Earlier in the day, Narcissa Malfoy sat in her garden sipping her morning tea, when suddenly her husband walked in holding a letter in his hands.

"Good morning," she greeted him, and he murmured the same as he kissed her on the cheeks, still engrossed in the letter, and despite not having looked at it she had an idea gjust what was written on it.

"What has you interested so early in the morning?" she asked, and he seemed a bit surprised as he passed her the letter.

"I just received a letter from Draco, asking me to drop the case against that Hippogriff, which injured him," and a horrid thing it was, their son getting injured in a lesson at school.

And all because of the incompetency of Dumbledore's new hire. However, despite Lucius's attempts at getting the incompetent man fired, Dumbledore still held quite a sway amongst the governors and had blocked the idea.

"He believes that it would only be a waste of my time and money," Lucius added, sounding impressed by Draco's thoughtfulness. He had little interest in the beast itself and was only going after it because of Draco's initial outburst.

She picked up the letter and read it even though she knew most of what was written there already.

"That is mature of him," she added, and it was.

"It is, and I am surprised that our son is capable of such reflection," Lucius added as he sipped his tea.

"It would just have been a waste of gold and time, not that it all matters when compared to our son's life," but one did not become so rich by wasting money, and this was a useless endeavor.

"Then perhaps you should listen to him, and let the matter go," she asked, and Lucius nodded as he put down his cup.

"Yes, I just might. Cornelius has enough on his plates already with Black running around freely," and that was troubling indeed, and for a second, Narcissa stilled as she saw her cousin's picture in the Prophet.

The once dashing scion of House Black was now a mangled mess, with maddening eyes and a sickened face.

Yet even now, she refused to believe that Sirius had betrayed his friends, that he had joined the Dark Lord. No. It could not be, yet she knew what to voice out and what not to.

"He has been spotted," suddenly Lucius added, making her frown.

"Who?" she asked.

"Black?" he answered.

"Near Hogsmeade," and there was a sense of alarm in his tone as he said those words.

"That is troubling," especially since Hogwarts allowed its students to visit the village on weekends from third year and up. Both Draco and Cassius were very excited about it.

"Perhaps you could have the Minister station some Aurors there for the weekends," she added sagely. He had already paid the man money. Why see it go to waste?

He seemed to think about it for a second before he nodded.

"Yes, I have already fed the man. Why not make him do some actual work? I will bring it up today. I have a meeting with him at noon," he added, and Narcissa nodded as she engrossed herself in her tea once more, a subtle smile on her face.

And as Lucius later departed for his meeting, she called out.

"Trinky," and the house elf appeared in a pop, as she ordered.

"Bring me some parchment and a quill," she ordered, and they appeared in an instant as she penned down a short and sweet reply to the letter she had received from their other son.

"Good luck, Cassius."



It was a bright new morning, and Dumbledore sat in his office contemplating the various unsolved mysteries of the universe. And there were many.

The school year had begun, again in a rather disruptive and unsatisfactory manner for the third year in a row for harry Potter, which was becoming somewhat of a tradition for the boy who had a knack for landing himself into trouble.

First year it had been Voldemort himself, and in the second year it was the Dark Lord again. Thankfully, however, the boy did not need to confront him at that time, with the threat of the Chamber ending on its own, leaving him with many unanswered and puzzling questions.

Just how had the chamber opened up again? Who was it? And why had they stopped?

He had tried searching for answers yet had uncovered none. But they would come to him in time.

In the third year, it was one Sirius Black, a student of his own, a man he had trusted thoroughly—and wrongly. And his mistake had cost the Potters their life.

It was only because of this remorse that he allowed the Dementors to guard the entrances and exits of the school, for that creature had no place being near students.

None at all.

And suddenly, he felt the gargoyle guarding his office door swing, alerting him to an incoming guest when suddenly the door to his office burst open as one of their newest hires walked in.

Remus Lupin had been another one of his students, another one of James's friends. He was another one who had spent years wallowing in despair and grief, and he had hoped to lessen it when he had hired the man.

Yet, for some reason, his face seemed full of it again.

"We have a problem," he spoke shakily as he put down a letter on his table, and Dumbledore was a bit alarmed.

'Had it already gotten out?' he thought. The man's secret. But it had not even been a full month yet.

Fearing the worst, he picked up the letter and found himself staring at a letter. One that was typed rather than written, and the contents of while scary, were not nearly as alarming as he had hoped.

"I found it outside my office door this morning," Remus added as he began to pace worriedly, his face pale both from worry and the suffering he was afflicted with.

"Someone here knows. A student," he said, and Dumbledore re-read the letter, his own alarm and fear lessening with time as he smiled.

"Yes. I suspect so," he answered, as he felt his lips turn up in a smile at the genius of the ploy here.

To choose a typewriter so that they could not track their writing. Whoever this was was being rather cautious. Though they did not mean any harm, for the letter contained no threats.

Well, that was not entirely true.

"I don't see the problem here," he added as he tried to calm down his newest hire.

"The letter is simply a reminder that you take the wolfsbane potion on time, and nothing more," and that was it.

"Can't you see? Somone here knows about me. About what I am!' Remus lamented, and it was sad to see them belittle himself. He had always been like that. Thinking himself as lesser because of his affliction.

"It was a mistake taking this job. A grave mistake!" he spoke, still pacing, letting his mind wander as Dumbledore shook his head. He was like that, always had been.

His friends, James, Sirius, and Peter had helped him grow out of this habbit. Alas, it had returned in their absence.

"It was not," he spoke a bit forcefully, and Remus finally halted his pacing as he looked into his eyes.

"The students are fond of you. After last year's debacle, they are finally on track in their learning of the Defence Against the Dark Arts," and it was true. He had seen the students be excited about his classes.

A sign of a great teacher.

"They are excited, and they are fond of your lessons," he added and saw a flicker of a smile on that face.

"And whomever this stranger maybe, they seem to agree with me and have only reminded you to take the potion on time," he added as he motioned for the man to sit down.

"Something which, as your employer, even I would ask," he added, and Remus sighed.

"But what if they tell anyone else, try to blackmail me?" the man asked, and while that was a possibility. He did not think it likely.

"It's not likely," he said.

"Not impossible," and Dumbledore smiled at those words.

"As the muggles are quite fond of saying. Nothing is impossible," he added as he folded the letter and put it in his drawer.

"Well, now that you have calmed down, I must ask. Have you taken the potion, Remus?" and the man nodded, his tension easing up a bit.

"I have. It tastes awful."

"Potions usually do," he answered, and they were lucky that they had a Potions Master capable enough of brewing it. The Wolfsbane potion was not easy to brew, and asking Severus to brew it and covering Remus's lessons during his absence was a big ask.

But thankfully, Severus was anything but dedicated.

"I hope you have told Severus about your absences," he added and Remus nodded.

"I have. I have also given him my lesson plan. Though I doubt he would stick to it," and he would have to deal with that.

Petty colleagues and office politics were important lessons for an adult.

"So, are you enjoying teaching?" he asked. He saw Remus smile genuinely as he answered.

"I am. It's exciting, though I never knew how hectic it could be, especially when it comes to dealing with troublemakers like those Twins," and Dumbledore chuckled.

"The Weasley twins can be quite a handful. Only Minerva can deal with them, though you and your friends were quite a handful yourself," the Marauders they called themselves, and their Seven Years were one of the most memorable in this school, filled with pranks and other alterations.

"Yes, that we were," he answered as tea appeared with a single wave of his hand.

"I don't think you have had breakfast yet," and as the man shook his head, he waved his hand again. Some cake and biscuits appeared, and Dumbledore smiled.

"Help yourself," knowing that the man was unlikely to find the time later with the classes starting.

"So, any bright minds that may have caught your eye?" he asked, and Remus nodded as he ate a slice of cake.

"A few, the Twins, of course. Devils to deal with but brilliant, and there is that kid in Hufflepuff..." and he listed up quite a few students until it came to Third Year—to Harry's year.

"There is that one muggle-born girl," he added, rather engrossed in the talk.

"Hermione Granger, she reminds me so much of Lily, and then there is that boy from Ravenclaw," and at that, his lips thinned, and he did not even need to wonder who or why.

"Cassius Malfoy," he added, and Remus nodded.

"While his written work is too succinct, his wand work. Its brilliant," and he was not the first person to say that. Minerva and Flitwick had said the same thing about the boy, who bore the name Malfoy yet had neither the hair nor the behavior of one.

"But his face. Whenever I look at it, it is as if I am looking at..."

"Regulus Black," he added, though the Blacks all looked rather familiar. And Remus nodded. And the boy did have the Black hair and eyes, supposedly having taken after his mother's side of the family.

"Yes, Sirius's brother," he added, and that was another tragedy. A young boy, a talented young boy, lost to Voldemort's ambitions.

The boy was talented, especially in Transfiguration, his work in the subject impressing Minerva much. Though, Dumbledore found himself impressed by another thing.

The strength of his character is that despite having lived his entire life with the Malfoys, Cassius Malfoy has inherited none of his father's views. He did not look down on muggle-borns or even muggles for that matter, something which gave him much hope for the next generation.

"And what of Harry?" he asked and saw Remus's lips thin as the man looked down in embarrassment.

"He is fine, but he is a bit distracted, especially with the dementors. But he has talent," and no son of James and Lily Potter would want for talent. The two were some of Hogwart's brightest students.

"I heard that he fainted in train," and Remus nodded.

"Yes, because of the dementor. I gave him some chocolate, and Poppy had a look as well. He is fine, but those horrid things. They affect him more than the rest," and it was a shame that they were forced to rely on them.

"I know, but they are necessary," and Remus nodded.

"Have you talked to him yet," he asked, for that was the intended question. One that Remus Lupin had ignored, and his brown eyes shifted as he shook his head.

"Not yet," he answered.

"You should," Dumbledore answered. Until today, Harry had only ever known his parents through snippets. Remus was the only person who knew of them as people, as students.

One of the reasons he was so keen on hiring the man, despite the risks, was that he hoped Harry would learn more about his parents and perhaps gain some motivation and courage from them, especially with the threat of the Dark Lord still hanging over them all.

"I just..." and the man's hesitation was obvious, yet he sighed.

"I will. I also have to talk to him about the Boggart," and he frowned.

"What of it?" and the man shook his head dismissively.

"Nothing, it was during the lesson, and I intervened before he could face it, fearing that it might turn into You-Know-Who," and that was wise of him. Though, for some reason, he doubted that.

"That was wise of you, but you should talk to him. Both about this and his parents, it will do him good," he added, and Remus nodded before he glanced at the clock.

"Blimey! I have a lesson in ten minutes," and then he rose up and gave him a smile.

"Thank you," he said, and there was no need for that.

"Good luck for the class, Professor Remus," with that, the man paced out of his office as Dumbledore turned around and faced the grounds, which were being prepared for the First Quidditch Game of the season.

And as he thought of the dementors and all the students gathered there, he raised a brow, getting wary of it all.

"Perhaps I should attend the game myself. It has been quite some time since I have enjoyed a good Quidditch Game," and if his guess was correct, this was a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

And those were always filled with fireworks.


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