Vanessa's hands tightened around the wheel as she gunned the accelerator, her car roaring as it shot forward.
Ahead of her, Rafaelle Moretti did the same, his sleek black car weaving aggressively across the track, determined to hold his ground.
They had both fought their way through the competition, taking down rivals one by one, and now — only one racer stood between them and first place.
But neither was willing to let the other take the lead.
The dust kicked up behind their tires as they raced side by side, their cars barely inches apart.
Vanessa stole a quick glance at Rafaelle through her side mirror.
His expression was intense, his focus razor-sharp.
Unlike the dirty racers she had faced before, Rafaelle wasn't trying to cheat his way to victory.
He was playing fair.
But that didn't mean he wasn't playing hard.