An Angry Redhead

Ethan laughed. "That's… actually not a bad idea."

At that moment, Megan came running back, her hands overflowing with tiny shells. "Guys! I got the best ones!"

She dumped her treasure onto the sand, and the three of them sorted through the collection, carefully pressing shells into the castle's walls. 

Some were arranged in spirals, others lined up like tiny soldiers guarding the fortress.

With every handful of sand they packed into place, the castle took better shape than before. 

Smoother walls. Taller towers. A sturdier moat. 

They had learned from their mistakes, and their second attempt was undeniably stronger.

But as Ethan stepped back to admire their work, a small voice in the back of his head reminded him of something very important —

They were still too close to the water.

Another wave, even slightly bigger than the last one, would wipe it all away again.