Lunch Break

Riley glanced up, tucking her pen behind her ear, she had to lick her lips too, they were getting a bit too dry. 

"Yeah, no kidding. The layout is huge, and we have to be precise. If we mess this part up, it throws everything else off."

He looked around. "How long do you think it'll take?"

She stood up, dusting her hands off on her jeans. 

"Most of the marking should be done by this evening. We'll double-check everything before we call it a day. Tomorrow, excavation starts."

Ethan exhaled slowly. "That's the real start of everything."

"Pretty much," Riley agreed. She studied him for a moment before tilting her head. "You planning on coming by to watch?"

"I don't know yet," he admitted. "Got some things to take care of."

She nodded. "Makes sense. You're already more involved than most people."

Ethan smirked slightly. "That a compliment?"

"Maybe," she said with a small grin. "But don't let it get to your head."