Davis doubt lingered as Ethan pushed to the same door Jessica has just exited HOD physiotherapy. The important guest Bella was expecting was actually Davis.
Ethan adjusted his suit properly glancing at himself briefly before he raised his hand to knock on the door. Bella's soft voice filtered through the slightly open door "Come in", she answered followed by the flipping sound of papers.
Ethan pushed in the door wide enough and gently pushed Davis into the room. Davis heart skipped a bit, the familiar faint lavender scent lingered in the air. Davis suspicion widened more.
"Good day Ms. Edward", Ethan greeted with a polite smile as he stretched his hand for a handshake.
"Good day Assistant Ethan", she smiled lightly, her dimples visible and her eyes as clear as water. Ethan felt his heart skip a beat and he quickly retracted his hand, Davis smiled lightly with a knowing look.