"Do you care to let me see your legs?" she asked softly. Jessica had been meaning to ask this but the right time and opportunity never came.
Davis had long shut himself up that it became very difficult to approach him and the issue of his legs as been a sacred topic. Though they lived together, it's more like she forced herself into his cold solitary world.
But this time seems to be the best time. May be he will be willing to talk, may be he will be willing to let her see. And only then will she able to forge a way forward.
Her gaze rested on his face brimming with concern and heartache. While silently encouraging him to give himself a chance.
Davis looked at her face taking note of the various expressions —no judgment in her gaze, only concern, sincerity and heartache.
She understood how deeply he struggled with his vulnerability, how much he hated being exposed, how much of a shadow his condition had left on him.